Forums - CvS2 Chun Li Everything Show all 321 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- CvS2 Chun Li Everything ( Posted by J.Talbain Lord on 10:20:2001 05:06 AM: CvS2 Chun Li Everything Alrighy everybody....lets start a thread of kick ass Chun Li stuff. I haven't seen anything good for you in CvS2 yet, so what's the deal. What Groove is she good in and who should be on her team? BB combos anyone?? Tnanks for replying, All! Posted by DemiDeviMatt on 10:20:2001 06:10 AM: u should use her in a groove...she sucks in this game compared to her 3s days...*sigh*...i dunt know anything else about her... Posted by Night on 10:20:2001 06:52 AM: I use her best in C-groove. Her s. fierce is still pretty good like it was in 3s, although she cannot do her b+fierce manually. Her close s. fierce is her b+fierce in 3s, and it's still pretty good since it's cancellable, fast and hits mid. c. rh is decent, but not as good as 3s. c. fwd does not cancel, so it's only a poke but c. strong is cancellable and also hits low, so use that more often. Only fierce kikoken combos, so best thing to do is either c. strong, s. strong, or close fierce into kikoken for bread and butter. s. strong is a 2-hit bitch slap which is much like Terry's close fierce and you have pretty much all eternity to cancel it into either fierce kikoken or her kick super. The only problem with s. strong is that it hits high, so you should only use it when you got a guaranteed hit. When you know you have a guaranteed hit, it's best to use s. strong since it does the same dmg as fierce, and then cancel into super. Otherwise, use either c. strong or s. fierce and cancel into kikoken for pressure. SBK I don't use too much... it does hit mid though which is a cool thing. Can't seem to combo it like it can be in 3s, even the short version which sucks. No real good use for it really, which sucks. Although it CAN be comboed if you do close stand fierce and cancel, which is not easy in a real match since it's just like doing Guile's stand flash kick combos. Lightning kick isn't too useful either, but it seems okay at best to keep the opponent away I guess. I'd still rather just use s. fierce/kikoken. My usual bread and butter into a super is s. strong (2-hit bitch slap), kick super lvl 2, cancel into kick super lvl 1, jump cancel last hit into 2-hit fierce juggle just like 3s. Very easy to do. Any level of her kick super can end in the jump cancel fierce juggle, so use it when the opportunity presents itself. Jump straight up rh is probably her best anti-air I guess... Posted by J.Talbain Lord on 10:20:2001 06:59 AM: Thanx All your info on Chunny Chunner's has been great, keep posting. This is the Thunder Thighs fan thread!! Anyway, I like using the s.fierce bitch slap into the lvl2 kick super and end it with a lvl one fireball super. Her spinning kick is sort of awkward by leaving you really open. I only do it for anti-air. Is there any other good uses for it? Later! Posted by HajimeOwari on 10:20:2001 04:21 PM: Spinning Bird Kick is useful for larger opponents. Ones that are forced to block it, despite the fact that they're guarding low. Then you can follow it up with a quick poke or a throw. C-Groove Chun Li deals so much damage with her ability to cancel to kick supers. O.o A ratio 1 Chun Li is really all that is required. She deals as much damage as some ratio 2s do with all her regulars. S.Strong is one of her best pokes. It's fast, does good damage, is at the perfect height for hitting any opponent, and can be comboed out of. Abuse the S.Strong more than any other normal. S.Forward is a good AA if your opponent isn't right on top of you. If your opponent is coming in at you from a 45 degree angle this is the kick to use. And Chun Li is so fast that you can back up as they jump in and throw out a S.Forward. Holding foward while hitting S.Forward will cause Chun Li to move forward and do a slightly delayed version of this kick. This attack is NOT a good ground poke. S.Fierce is a good AA if your opponent plans to jump towards you with no intention of connecting with you. It's one of her longest range pokes, only second to her C.Roundhouse. S.Fierce (the close version) also works well as an AA if your opponent is directly above you. S.Roundhouse is a godly regular. If you anticipate ANY low attack/poke from your opponent, toss out one of these. Just like in SF3:3S, she'll jump slightly off the ground and kick out both legs. Holding in a direction will cause her to slightly move in that direction. S.Roundhouse up close combos into everything and is her most damage regular that can be comboed out of. S.Strong(in-close) is second in damage. DF+Roundhouse is fast and is great for continuing to confuse your opponent and keep him blocking. I often cross up with a J.Short/Forward, poke a bit (sometimes), DF+Roundhouse, and then repeat. Since the short crosses up is so fast and only stuns for a little while, I throw out a S.Jab right when I land. If they both hit, then I'll follow up with S./C.Short into a Fierce Fireball. This combos and does reasonable damage and it keeps you in range for more poking. The fireball won't leave you open for attack, but you often don't have enough time to beat out your opponent's retaliation. It's best to block at this point and either start working your way in on the ground again or go for another cross up (unless you have a level 3 super you want to throw out after this). Chun Li's roll is fairly short, so it's safe for trying to work your way closer to your opponent. Although don't abuse it, It's still not invincible. It's especially great for rolling then throwing. Chun Li's most damaging combo is J.Forward (Since both the Fierce and Roundhouse are 2 hitting attacks, the damage isn't as great for a single hit), S.Roundhouse (the close one), Level 2 kick Super (at 14 hits on the como meter) XX Level 1 Kick Super, SJ Cancel Roundhouse. One disappointing thing about Chun Li is her level 3 kick super. It only goes about 1/2 screen distance at most. I was fighting a Sagat tonight and he was a little under a 3/4 screen distance away. He threw a fireball so I executed the level 3 kick super. To my surprise I grazed him with the first hit and didn't come anywhere close to him after that. I guess if the range was was further than that it could be unbalancing, but it still sucks. =p Hm...I got more, but I need some sleep. I'll be back. =) Hope this helps. Posted by Kikosho on 10:20:2001 05:58 PM: Nice strats HajimeOwari. I didnt know that the standing roundhouse could snuff out alot of pokes. Posted by Night on 10:20:2001 06:44 PM: S. strong is a very good normal I agree, but the fact that it hits high is something you need to watch out for. It seems to hit mid on some characters (like Kyo ) but on most others it hits high, so most opponents can just crouch and hit her out of it for free. Although if they do block it high, then she's safe, but most of the time, opponents tend to block low when you're both on the ground. It's like the 1,1,2... it's best when you got it guaranteed and need free damage fast. Posted by HajimeOwari on 10:21:2001 02:09 AM: Night: Actually I'm referring to her Strong that is NOT the double slap. It hits mid on every single character, does good damage, has godly priority, and is damn fast. This is the Strong that should be abused, not the in-close one. Well, you can't really compare the in-close Strong to a 1,1,2 (you must be a Tekken player), because a 1,1,2 leaves you wide open if it's blocked or ducked. The in-close Strong on the other hand does not leave Chun Li open afterwards, assuming it's blocked. Of course, this means that you don't bother even trying an in-close Strong on small characters like Athena, Nakoruru, etc. unless you have a guaranteed hit. The nice thing about the in-close Strong is that it gives you PLENTY of time for a fireball, kick super, whatever you want. You don't have to worry about trying to chain it into a combo. You just chain it. Kikosho: Just don't abuse the S.Roundhouse too much. Opponent's pick up what it can do pretty fast. The great thing is that it makes them afraid of attacking low. It's mainly good for mid-range poking since the block stun is pretty high. If you whiff with the S.Roundhouse you're left wide open. =P By the way, against C-Groove, P-Groove, and K-Groove characters, Chun Li's air throw becomes really handy. This is because many C,P, and K-Groove players will jump in every so often expecting to block/parry/just defend a mid-air counter-attack and then capitalize on you being wide open. If you expect something like this, just jump up and throw. Chun Li's throw has the same priority that Mai's does (which is pretty damn good) and if you screw up your timing you've got a double Fierce instead. Which is good aginst any groove but K, since just defend will pop-up your opponent, kinda like the first SF3 mid-air parry. And don't forget, C.Roundhouse is Chun Li's longest range attack. It's range is very deceiving. You'll just have to play with it to find out just how long her leg reaches. It's great for a wake-up game when your opponent thinks that they're completely out of your reach and you nick them with C.Roundhouse. By the way, has anyone confirmed in C.Roundhouse is a solid AA? I still have to play with this, because lately I've been depending on the her S.Forward. I find that the more I play Chun Li, the more I realize that my entire goal should be to break the opponent's guard. Especially characters that can zone well (Yamazaki, Sagat, etc.). In fact, whenever I play a Yamazaki, I focus the entire round on getting in close through a roll or cross-up and poking the hell out of him. If you can get your opponent in the corner, even better. Then you can throw a S.Jab (except against short characters), C.Short, S. Strong. Walk forward a bit and S. Strong again. If you think your opponent's going to jump or block, S. Strong a third time or S.Roundhouse if you anticipate the sweep. Just keep pressing them until you break that guard. Hope that helps. Let me know if you have specific questions. Posted by FatalFuryD on 10:21:2001 03:47 AM: Does Chun have any good wake up besides spinning bird kick? Posted by Shin Kyo on 10:21:2001 04:44 AM: quote: Originally posted by HajimeOwari Night: I find that the more I play Chun Li, the more I realize that my entire goal should be to break the opponent's guard. Especially characters that can zone well (Yamazaki, Sagat, etc.). In fact, whenever I play a Yamazaki, I focus the entire round on getting in close through a roll or cross-up and poking the hell out of him. I agree...but this is the reason why I don't like CvS2 Chun Li...without an overhead attack...your poking game become quite limited...and with the ability to roll...Chun Li's dominance in terms of her high priority normals that was once in 3S is significantly weakened... and I really hoped Capcom would give her a overhead...then she would be MUCH as far as groove for her...I really think P groove is ideal...since she has no good reliable anti-air...therefore, parrying would overcome her apparent weaknesses while utilizing her high damaging normals to the fullest...BUT..and a big but is that she CANNOT deal out good damage without a super...and we all know how freaking slow P groove meter fills up and how pathetic the damage it does...this is why I tends to revert back to N or C simply because I feel she needs her super to be effective...K groove is OK but Just Defend doesn't give you frame advantage...meaning she can't "block" or counter like in P groove... maybe I am too used to 3S Chun Li , her CvS2 version just doesn't cut it.....haha Posted by noswad on 10:21:2001 04:53 AM: SBK as anti-air??! Damn, I can't get the sbk to hit pretty much anything.. no invincibility, nuthin. Looks pretty tho. I wouldn't recomend using th sbk offensively much (if at all). I don't see her having much for wake-up besides super/CC. Posted by HajimeOwari on 10:21:2001 08:04 AM: quote: Originally posted by Shin Kyo I agree...but this is the reason why I don't like CvS2 Chun Li...without an overhead attack...your poking game become quite limited...and with the ability to roll...Chun Li's dominance in terms of her high priority normals that was once in 3S is significantly weakened... Yes, an overhead would make her poking game so dominating! This is why I abuse her S.Strong. It hits everybody and if an opponent rolls through it, she recovers in more than enough time to throw. In fact, my entire poking game revolves around Jab, Short, and Strong. Tossing out random Fierces and Roundhouses only gets Chun Li killed. It's all about going for the guaranteed hit. quote: maybe I am too used to 3S Chun Li , her CvS2 version just doesn't cut it.....haha I feel ya. 3S Chun Li owned. But they had to tone her down, just like they toned down a lot of SNK characters. =P Balance is always the issue. So far I haven't seen any particular character that's overly powerful, unlike the Nakoruru beatdown in CvS. On a side note, if you have your opponent in the corner and you hit them with a DF+Roundhouse you can follow up with a Kikoshou. You have to hit the front part of your opponent so they fall towards the corner. If you hit them deep in the back they'll sort of bounce off of Chun Li's head and the super will miss (unless it's a level 3). Being in the corner is probably the most effective way to deal good damage with the Kikoushou. It does crap damage anywhere else, even from a sweep, unless you use it as a wake up. And, of course, only the level 2 and level 3 versions have the intial frames of invulnerability that a good wake up move requires. See! Chun Li does have a good wake up......super. ^_~ Muhaha...and I connected Chun Li's Standing in-close Roundhouse with her SBK today! Completely by mistake of course...but damn, it looked bad ass. So has anyone found any dominating AAs for Chun Li? Because Forward is a good AA, but it doesn't stop everything. Posted by VManOfMana on 10:21:2001 04:21 PM: All I can say is greatgreatgreatgreatGREAT discussion. Finally there is a good thread where to share information about CvS2 Chun Li ^_^. Although I have been using Chun Li as my primary character ever since the SF2 era, I always missed to learn about stuff that look so basic.. anyway, maybe I can share some opinions. * I have been trying Owari's S. Roundhouse tactics and they do work, but also as he said, it is not an abusable poke. However, it can beat attacks of priority monsters like Sagat and Blanka if used correctly. Also, I think it makes good guard damage. * S. Strong is a great poke. Its speed allows it to counter attacks against players who like to whiff moves in purpose to confuse you. Now combo that into Houyoku Sen, ouch. * Spinning bird kick is not a wake up at all. I would say that her best wake ups are Kikoshou and Hoyoku Sen, I would go for Houyoku Sen in C groove because it can be cancelled. Parry in P groove is also a good option to counter. Low parry into close S. Fierce works great against players who like to pressure with crouching jabs. I would say that SBK is more of a move to escape from the corner when being jumped in or to combo from S. Fierce/S. Roundhouse. Someone in another thread posted a combo being Crossup Short > C. Jab > S. Fierce > SBK. Has anyone been able to do that? If it is possible to put an attack between the crossup and the fierce the 2 seconds for the SBK are assured. * I also have the P vs. C/N dilemma that Shin Kyo has. I am mostly a P groove player since I can counter anti air moves (I am a very air player), but her lack of supers can hurt badly, since you cannot do stuff like C. Roundhouse into Kikoshou for anti air. * I will try Owari's guard break poking tactics. I feel that where my game lacks the most is pressure. * Crouching forward is a great AA, but it really depends on the character you are playing against. Also going into the dominating AA question, so far I think there is not a single dominating AA, but what I do think is that Chun Li has so many good AAs that one of them is able to dominate the opponent, or at least do very good. I think her best AAs are C. Roundhouse, C. Strong and J. Fierce x 2. S. Fierce if opponent is going to land at a distance. This is where C groove's power comes in, since she can super from these AA moves (C. Roundhouse > Kikoshou, C. Strong > Houyoku Sen, and it is possible to follow J. Fierce x 2 with C. Strong when landing), adding to the P vs. C dilemma. This is what I know so far (could change, I need to experiment more). Sagat: C. Roundhouse good, C. Strong dominating? Blanka: C. Roundhouse good, C. Strong bad. Shotos: C. Roundhouse good. I will try to add to the table if when I get to play. Keep this great thread alive! ^_^ Posted by Kikosho on 10:21:2001 05:07 PM: Wow you guys worked some magic in my ChunLi. I'm so used to cvs ChunLi. Anyways, keep it coming. Posted by Mummy-B on 10:21:2001 05:22 PM: You guys should try P Groove Chun Li out for size. The only reason why I started messing around with her is because my friend Cylus insisted that she didn't suck compared to her 3S incarnation, which I said that she did (he did note that she was really toned down). So after watching him play her and comment on what she can and can't do from 3S, I started screwing around with her one day lately for the fun of it. Like Hibiki, P Groove answers Chun Li's lack of a wake up move outside of a Kikosho and Hou'Ou Sen. Additionally, it solves her lack of anti-air option with Parry. I mean, jump up fk is good, but it's much harder to do with consistency than with a Parry. Also, Parry coupled with her stand or crouching strong or crouching foward garuntees you a punishment like every time. And it was noted before how strong is cancellable into supers or fierce Kikoken, which sets up a nice semi-B&B as punishment. Since I didn't know 3S Chun Li well to being with, I was basing my play simply on what I learned from Cylus and I don't really do a Super outside of Level 3 anyhow. And Chun Li can abuse the shit out of short jump, let me tell you something. Holy annoying. You thought Iori was bad oh my god no way, just practice short jumping lk and poking. And in my honest opinion, I think Chun Li's roll kinda sucks now, it may be just me, so I'm happier NOT rolling and dashing in. I like how when I go to dash in sometimes, I automatically Parry a retaliatory attack too. I'm no avid Chun Li user, but just give this stuff a shot. Just my two cents. Posted by VManOfMana on 10:21:2001 06:51 PM: Hey, Mummy. How is Cylus doing? Still the same egotistical jerk? Just kidding ^_^;; Yes, I would sat that the solution on C vs. P has a lot to do in the way you want to play her. P groove is great if you like countering and playing like Third Strike (which still kind of works even though she has been toned down) as well as making jump in setups and use her low jump. I don't use parry much as an anti air since I think C. Roundhouse and C. Strong are great at that, but rather as jumpin setups. However, C groove allows for more punishing moves. I think that for me, P groove is better if I jump a lot and act more offensive, but C groove is better if I play more defensive and stay in the ground. Posted by J.Talbain Lord on 10:22:2001 03:58 AM: Thanks to all who contribute to this....tribute to Chun Li. Keep the wonderful info coming, it's sure to improve many a 2-D fighter!!! Posted by HajimeOwari on 10:22:2001 04:29 AM:'s all a matter of play style. Both Grooves are justifiably good for Chun Li. Let's break it down. Here's what each groove can offer that the other doesn't. P-Groove: + Parrying makes up for lack of wake up moves. + Parrying can replace her questionable AAs, which leads to free B&B combos. + Parrying gives Chun Li the ability to jump in on characters with high priority AAs. + Short jump can keep the guard break/pressure game going. C-Groove: + Rolling can be used to close distances and beat out some projectile zoning games. + Air Blocking allows Chun Li to penetrate jumping AAs and some decent priority AAs (Guile's blade kick, Kim's charge d,u+k) + Quick rising super meter gives Chun Li Level 2-3 super wake up options and the option to buffer any level super into an attack. + Offensive damage bonus in C-Groove to Chun Li's already damaging regulars. + The ability to cancel a super into a super. After breaking it down, it looks like C-Groove players will focus their game mostly around supers and a solid ground game (as VManOfMana mentioned), while P-Groove players will be focusing their game around regulars and the opportunities parrying can present to them. IMHO, Chun Li should be played aggressively, and waiting for a parry opportunity is not the way I would go. At least for me, worrying about parrying would just complicate the way I play Chun Li. Instead of going for attacks that would hopefully outprioritize my opponent, I'd be worrying about parrying and throwing a counter attack. This all being opinion, I mean no offense by it, but I think P-Groove applies more to defensive characters like Yamazaki, Hibiki, etc. Character's that can zone well and have meaty combos. Chun Li doesn't have too many meaty combos that don't involve a super or being right on top of your opponent and she is definnitely not a zoning character. I'm not ignorant of the fact that P-Groove characters can be played aggressively, I just don't think P-Groove fits Chun Li as well as C-Groove does. But, regardless of all I've said, I'm going to test it out. It's one thing to dissect it on "paper" and another to try it with some live competition. I'll be sure to post my fidings. Anyways, thanks everyone for keeping this thread going and J.Talbain Lord for kicking it off. Posted by VManOfMana on 10:22:2001 05:16 AM: There is also one thing that is important to consider on C-Groove: * Standing strong can be comboed into Houyoku Sen. This can be a deadly weapon if used correctly. One of the main reasons why I use P-Groove instead of C-Groove is because my execution has been histrically poor. For me, it is a lot easier to make a parry instead of a double quarter circle, a Shoryuken motion and combo timing (I cannot do Nak's B&B yet!). However, for someone with good execution I think C-Groove can be lethal. S. Strong is a great poke and can work well countering the priority beasts like Sagat, Blanka or Vega (Japan). I think S. Strong con make the difference, depending on your style. Posted by ShinkuuR on 10:22:2001 06:34 PM: Since I play with her alot I guess I'll post some stuff I use... I play her on P-Groove because that helps out with alot of anti-air attacks, it also helps keep her on the offense than any other Groove IMO(also saves meter from using the Kikosho for the lvl 3 Hoyokusen). The s. strong, c.forward, s.fierce and sweep are good poking and zoning tools. Also she can abuse short jumps like hell because of her double j.fierce. As we know if you attack during a short jump you have a slight(but noticeable) pause unless you cancel into a special or super, but the j.fierce seems to get rid of the problem very well, and you don't even have to wait till the top of the short jump! My B&B is c.jab, c.strong, Hoyokusen, j.fierce, but you can also combo c.jab, s.fierce at close range. Also if you parry a jumpin, you can do a s.roundhouse and then cancel into a superjump and connect with a j.fierce. That's just my two cents. Posted by Kikosho on 10:22:2001 10:21 PM: I cant play p groove that well cause i cant time my parries right for anything. I usually play her c groove and i have a good win rate, and the mp is a great anti air in my eyes. How did you guys get good at parrying? I am more of an Alpha player. Posted by Seany DX26 on 10:23:2001 04:27 AM: Hell Yeah, a Chun-Li thread... This is great! A thread completely dedicated to Chun-Li!! I've never really picked her in the Alpha series. I put her right behind Ken and Ryu for third. I loved her in 3rd Strike. Now, I can't believe she's an Alpha-3rd Strike hybrid!!! That's great! I can't wait till I get CvS2. You can expect me be to posting here alot come Nov. 4! Chun-Li is destined to become my No.1 charcter in this game! Posted by VManOfMana on 10:23:2001 05:34 AM: Kikosho: it relly depends on your backgound. When I started to play 'old-school' fighters again was with Third Strike instead of Alpha 3. I picked up on Alpha 3 a little before B5, but Third Strike stayed as my primary game before CvS2 came out. In other words, learning to parry was a necesity to me. The fact that 3S parries are easier to do than in CvS2 still limits me on the parry department, but I think that with proper practice I should be able to parry multiple hits again. I think that people with a more Alpha-like background will tend to C-Groove, while 3S players will tend to P-Groove. Posted by HajimeOwari on 10:23:2001 06:55 AM: quote: Originally posted by ShinkuuR Also if you parry a jumpin, you can do a s.roundhouse and then cancel into a superjump and connect with a j.fierce. That's just my two cents. Okay, I just want to be sure I'm interpreting this correctly, even though I'll be testing this as soon as I get home. She can AA with a S.Roundhouse and then Super Jump Cancel into a double J.Fierce?!?................. If this is true...P-Groove Chun Li owns, hands down. =P I mean, she completely, COMPLETELY owns. Not only do you get free combo set-ups against a parried deep jump-in, but you get an insanely damaging AA combo against opponents who jump in with a super-priority short/jab like Benimaru. By the way, Mummy-B, P-Groove Chun Li is pretty bad ass. I take back what I said about her. I think a lot of it has to do with how parry timing is so different from SF3. I had a lot of problems parrying when CvS2 first came out, but now it's all coming back. The nice thing is, if I need to switch Grooves/play styles in a tourney I can take her with me. Posted by noswad on 10:23:2001 06:56 AM: "I think that people with a more Alpha-like background will tend to C-Groove, while 3S players will tend to P-Groove." Look! It's Captain Obvious! Sorry Vman, couldn't resist. Posted by ShinkuuR on 10:23:2001 03:19 PM: [QUOTE]Originally posted by HajimeOwari [B] Okay, I just want to be sure I'm interpreting this correctly, even though I'll be testing this as soon as I get home. She can AA with a S.Roundhouse and then Super Jump Cancel into a double J.Fierce?!?................. If this is true...P-Groove Chun Li owns, hands down. =P I mean, she completely, COMPLETELY owns. Not only do you get free combo set-ups against a parried deep jump-in, but you get an insanely damaging AA combo against opponents who jump in with a super-priority short/jab like Benimaru. Yes my friend it's true. If you parry a jump in and connect with the S.Roundhouse, you can cancel into a super jump and connect with a J.Fierce. In Third Strike you can also cancel the S.Roundhouse into the superjump, but you can't connect with the J.Fierce. ......I also found out alot of ways you can hit people with the Hoyokusen...but it's still in testing... Posted by HajimeOwari on 10:23:2001 06:29 PM: quote: Originally posted by ShinkuuR Yes my friend it's true. If you parry a jump in and connect with the S.Roundhouse, you can cancel into a super jump and connect with a J.Fierce. In Third Strike you can also cancel the S.Roundhouse into the superjump, but you can't connect with the J.Fierce. ......I also found out alot of ways you can hit people with the Hoyokusen...but it's still in testing... [/B] I guess I never put 2 and 2 together. I know I've super jump canceled after S.Roundhouse before by mistake. Well, it works great. Many thanks. Hoyokusen connects from practically everything but a C.Forward, S.Fierce (not in-close), and C./S.Roundhouse (not in-close). Level 1 Hoyokusen will not conect from a jab or short of any kind. Level 2 and up connects with anything. By the way, guys, Spinning Bird Kick is great for punishing nearby mistakes (i.e. missed Dragon Punch, etc.) if you don't have a super handy. It does more damage than any combo that can be throw together and can be started pretty far away. Posted by ShinkuuR on 10:23:2001 06:48 PM: quote: Originally posted by HajimeOwari I guess I never put 2 and 2 together. I know I've super jump canceled after S.Roundhouse before by mistake. Well, it works great. Many thanks. Hoyokusen connects from practically everything but a C.Forward, S.Fierce (not in-close), and C./S.Roundhouse (not in-close). Level 1 Hoyokusen will not conect from a jab or short of any kind. Level 2 and up connects with anything. Hehehe.... I don't mean COMBOING into the Hoyokusen, I just mean hitting people with it as a counter... My roommate doesn't want me to post it up...not yet anyway(he doesn't play with her but it really affects his characters...), so I'll IM you the details. Posted by blt on 10:23:2001 08:01 PM: cvs2 chun is, imo, one of hte worst versions of chun yet. normals: her sweep has mad recovery stand rh has incredible amounts of startup stand strong(slaps) can be crouched her stand strong is her really useful normal from a distance, and it gets owned by good pokes from other characters low fierce is good if you are close palm fierce is also very good far fierce is average, just like in 3s, use it sparingly her crossup short is like cvs1, pretty decent d/f+rh overhead flip combos into puffball super. this is also a good move to do while running the close stand rh knee, like 3s, is the fastest move in close, plus you can sjc it and touch them with headstomp (just like in 3s). specials: sbk is completely useless lightning leg sucks like usual fireball is good supers: the puffball is pretty bad. it does horrible damage and has little to no priority at any level. the only thing i found useful is that you can do low rh->puffball as a combo. (and some special groove stuff, see s groove) the kick super is has priority now (unlike 3s) even at level 1. however it is unsafe. the best followup is to superjump then do jumping rh(2hit) it will pop them up in the air and you will land way before them. making it a good setup for more damage. groove: c groove chun is good.. decent roll, chagre up a level 3 kick super quickly, etc. a groove chun is um ok i guess, she has a cc that does around 50% damage anywhere on the screen. p groove ... um why ? parry sucks and you dont get any supers, therefore you get no damage. chuns short jump is pretty useful, it gives her a good jump for once. if you land a short jump attack, immediately super as you touch the ground and it will combo easily. (don't try to do jumpin attack, ground attack, super.. just jumpin attack, super). s groove chun has good dodge attacks(a fast version of s.rh that knocks down) and a good repeatable super (try tacking on level 1 puffball to any normal, it's safe and adds a bit of extra damage to any connected hit). also when you land a kick super in the red , finish wiht the jump rh and you can set up even more supers. n groove chun. n must be the best groove for her. you get all movement techniques. s and k also have run and short jump(along with p), which are very good to you get them all plus rolling. running up and doing a low strong link into super is too good. link it like 3s: low strong,do the double fb, if it hits, press kick.. late 2n1 on reaction basically. run into palm fierce is powerful, along with run into overhead flip (if they attack to stop your run, you just hopped it and hit them, combo puffball after). and of course, standard run->wiff jab->throw/palm games. k groove chun gets you standard features but she doesnt have the kind of dominance of level 3's and normals to let her really take advantage of being raged, imo. overall i think she is fast and offensive but doesnt have enough tactics to mix up to beat a smart opponent. Posted by Kikosho on 10:23:2001 09:58 PM: **Bump** Posted by J.Talbain Lord on 10:24:2001 08:47 PM: Thanx to All! All the info on Chun Li is soooo great. I had a question. Parrying is so difficult for me. I find it almost impossible in fact. It seems that you must be able to predict your opponants every move. If someone could predict that, why parry? Any tips? Posted by VManOfMana on 10:24:2001 09:01 PM: I usually parry in two situations: a). missile attack. Parry for free, meaning that you get bar for free. b). move is predicted. The parry is not done by reaction, but in a 'psychic' way. For me, parry's power relies on point b, for the simple fact that if you can predict your opponent's move, you get a free attack, meaning a jump-in, anti air, wake-up counter, etc. Also, I rely on parry a lot since it gives the the feel of security that I won't be overprioritized, especially on air attacks and air to ground (air to air is very safe for Chun Li anyway beause of her J. Forward). If both players jump, you can predict your opponent's attack and parry his attack and counter with yours. If you can predict a Shoryuken, you can jump, parry the SRK, land, and get a free attack. If you get knocked down and you can predict that your opponent is going to throw low attakcs as you stand up, do a low parry and you get a free counter. Stuff like that. Also parry works good for zoning, since even if your opponent gets close, you still can control the situation. Parry also works great on mind games. Going to the air-to-air attack example, if your opponent jumps and expects you to do an air parry, your opponent won't attack, and if it's C-Groove, the opponent will try to air block, however, if you can predict that you can get a free air grab. When I jump, what I usually do is to assume that the opponent will attack, so I press forward when both characters are close then immedeately after the attack button. If no parry happen (no attack), I get the air grab/attack. Same for jump-ins. You can also make your parry > counter setups. For example, whiff a move in purpose, expecting a counter move. That means a 'psychic' parry that leads to a counter. I do a lot against Blanka balls, and used to do a lot in Third Strike by whiffing an EX SBK and predicting a low attack in response. The hard thing comes when doing multiple parries, as I still cannot do them in CvS2. Posted by hyt on 10:24:2001 09:15 PM: I'm still trying to get a hand of psychic parries, beyond the easy shit like fireballs and jump ins. Doesn't help if you've come from a full day of work stressing over programs. It's not 3S, that I can tell you. Plus the counterability is not as high... blah blah blah... anyways, is the window to parry smaller than 3rd strike? Or is my timing shitty because I have less frames of animation to pay attention to? Posted by J.Talbain Lord on 10:24:2001 09:16 PM: Very helpful Very Helpful Thanx!! Posted by Mummy-B on 10:24:2001 09:37 PM: quote: Originally posted by hyt I'm still trying to get a hand of psychic parries, beyond the easy shit like fireballs and jump ins. Doesn't help if you've come from a full day of work stressing over programs. It's not 3S, that I can tell you. Plus the counterability is not as high... blah blah blah... anyways, is the window to parry smaller than 3rd strike? Or is my timing shitty because I have less frames of animation to pay attention to? No, you just suck at Parrying. Just kidding. Seriously, the window for Parry is much, much tighter than it was in CvS2. You literally have one or two frames before hit connection - that's when the Parry is supposed to occur. So basically, Parry when the move should be hitting you, initially. After that, you have 7 to 5 frames to retaliate, depending on whether or not you hold joystick or put it back to neutral position. blt: Why use P Groove? Why not? Parry sucks? I think you may want to reevaluate that statement - anything that allows you reverse an opponent's attack for free is not completely sucky. I mean really. Posted by Sie Kensou on 10:25:2001 05:28 PM: Is the Parry system of CvS2 same as ST3S??? just a quick question. Kensou Posted by hyt on 10:25:2001 05:37 PM: No... window of parry is tighter (read above), counter window is tighter even if you return the stick to neutral (less if you don't)... and no red parries... I'd also like to point out the most fatal property when it comes to parries (I don't know if anyone's thought of this already): Since you are stuck in guard against a multhit move, some moves that should be parryable at the gaps (e.g Hoyokusen) cannot be normally parried (although they are in 3S) Mummy-B: How much was the window for parrying in 3S? I am still looking for frame data *sigh*... need to buy CvS2 Jap guides Posted by HajimeOwari on 10:25:2001 05:38 PM: quote: Originally posted by hyt ... and no red parries... *sniffle* no red parries. Posted by Kikosho on 10:25:2001 10:04 PM: Great strats everyone. Lets keep this groove alive. Posted by Zero on 10:26:2001 12:51 AM: quote: Originally posted by HajimeOwari Chun Li's most damaging combo is J.Forward (Since both the Fierce and Roundhouse are 2 hitting attacks, the damage isn't as great for a single hit), S.Roundhouse (the close one), Level 2 kick Super (at 14 hits on the como meter) XX Level 1 Kick Super, SJ Cancel Roundhouse. First of all, how in the hell do you cancel a s.roundhouse into her level 2 kick super? Zero just cannot seem to pull it off. Secondly, if it is possible to cancel s.roundhouse into level 2 kick super, that combo you gave isn't her most damaging one. It would be: j.forward V s.roundhouse XX Level 2 kick Super XX level 1 kikosho. If you time the kikosho to cancel right after the level 2 kick super completes in it's entirty, it shound do a little less than a hundred more points of damage (assuming your opponent had full life to begin with). Posted by hyt on 10:26:2001 12:58 AM: In 3S there are some instances where the s.HK combos into the Hoyokusen. I still haven't figured out how to do that one yet but it's no BS for sure. Posted by VManOfMana on 10:26:2001 01:03 AM: Zero: the standing roundhouse needs to be close to the opponent, meaning that she needs to do the knee attack. Posted by Zero on 10:26:2001 01:06 AM: quote: Originally posted by VManOfMana Zero: the standing roundhouse needs to be close to the opponent, meaning that she needs to do the knee attack. Zero knows. He still cannot connect the damn thing. Posted by DEL on 10:26:2001 06:11 AM: In C-Groove (Level-3), Combo into Lvl2 Houyoku Sen XX Short SBK XX Lvl1 Kikosho. Wait for the last hit in the Houyoku Sen to knock them up in the air and cancel into SBK. This combo looks nice. Level-2 Cancel Lvl2 Houyoku Sen into a RH SBK when the opponent is still on the ground. Pretty good damage. Posted by HajimeOwari on 10:26:2001 06:48 AM: The level 2 Hoyokusen, canceled into the level 1 Hoyokusen, plus a SJ.Fierce/Roundhouse does more damage than the Kikoshou. I know a late Kikoshou does good damage, but the extra damage from the SJ.Fierce/Roundhouse pushes the Hoyokusen over the top. Posted by SlimX on 10:26:2001 10:23 AM: Actually, that's not true. According to the DC training mode: Lvl 2 Houyokusen, cancel last hit into LK SBK, juggle with lvl 1 Kikoushou does 7257 points of damage. Lvl 2 Houyokusen, cancel second to last hit into lvl 1 Houyokusen, super jump cancel last hit into jumping RH does 6990 points of damage. Note that these were tested with the super guage set to Max Start so the bar didn't refill and affect the damage. Personally, I actually find the LK SBK juggle combo to be easier to do anyway. There is an advantage to ending with a Houyokusen, though. Actually, it applies to any time you do a Houyokusen, including just a lvl 1. If you super jump cancel the last hit and hit them out of the air with down+MK, you're right on top of them in the air as they land on the ground. You can do nothing and throw. You can tick with a LP or LK into throw. You can use a MP or MK into a blocked combo for pressure, etc. Or, if you do the down+MK in the air a little later during the jump, you'll end up behind them on your way down. Because she's so close to them as she falls, it's hard to tell which side she'd going to land on. If you're aiming for the other side, you can cross up with LK, low LP, standing HP and if it hits, combo into Houyokusen again and you're still in control. You can also do the same sort of options as landing in front too, of course (throw, tick throw,etc.). One note is that if they touch the corner of the screen while in the air after the Houyokusen, you can still land a down+MK, but it will bounce you away. It's easy to see if that's going to happen during the super, though, so watch out for it. Posted by HajimeOwari on 10:26:2001 12:56 PM: Ahh...must've been my super cancel timing. I was killing the level 2 hoyokusen early in fear of them getting knocked too far away. I stand corrected. Nice post-Hoyokusen strat, btw. Posted by selfscience on 10:27:2001 07:06 AM: good shit on this thread. i got a couple questions, hopefully someone could help me out. if you connect with a sbk, what do you do right after it finishes? i know you can throw, but the opponant usually throw breaks you at that moment. is the recovery time after i hit with the sbk small enough for me to throw a crouching jab or another move right after without fear of getting thrown or hit first? im just curious, i dont use the move a lot, but nice to know every detail. thanks for anyone who helps. Posted by noswad on 10:28:2001 04:49 AM: I doubt you could combo after the SBK.. that would be too good. YOu could then maybe do an infinite (d.jab>s.fierce>SBK>repeat or something). I wouldn't use the SBK much at all.. maybe for chip or something. Posted by VManOfMana on 10:28:2001 07:51 AM: Well, after the SBK I would do the following, depending on the situation. 1. Hyakuretsu Kyaku for some extra chipping. 2. Walk-in jab into grab against turtles. 3. Predict an attack and counter with a super. Posted by Seany DX26 on 11:09:2001 02:28 AM: 1st... 'sup? I just got the american PS2 version of CvS2 earlier today and I thought I would put in my two cents... Yes, there is a C v P groove battle with Chun-Li. I tend to use P-groove more often because it seems to fit her better. Makes up for alot of wake ups. Pressuring is the only problem I see with this groove. In order for me to pressure, I tend to abuse the super jump...alot! If you can air parry good, super jumps can bypass all of those annoying zone attacks and get your opponent scared. Also, parryin' supers is the sh*t!!! I played some people today and most of them liked C-groove and N-groove. They loved supers, but were forced to slow down there super-happy fingers due to the accidental/intentional parries I was performing! Parrying supers is a skill to be mastered. Has anyone ever discovered any great chain/link combos with Chun? I haven't seen many combo movies of Chun performing link combos. Peace and thanks for the info. Keep this thread alive! Posted by HajimeOwari on 11:09:2001 04:37 AM: Re: 1st... quote: Originally posted by Seany DX26 Has anyone ever discovered any great chain/link combos with Chun? I haven't seen many combo movies of Chun performing link combos. Peace and thanks for the info. Keep this thread alive! Chun B&B combos: S/C.Jab, S.Short, Kikokken C.Jab, C.Strong, Hoyoukusen (any level) That's about it. =P There are no other linking combos. Everything else is Normal with a special/super buffered into it. Posted by Seany DX26 on 11:10:2001 09:41 PM: Calling all Chun-Li players... Calling all Chun-Li players!!! Persona and Weapon X, at Fighter's Cafe, just released a new combo movie yesterday on CvS2 and it's one of the few movies with Chun-Li combos. The movie has a mix of combos in A-groove and C-groove. The Chun-Li combo in this movie has become my favorite, instantly!!! It requires some skill, but its tight as hell!!! A great C-groove combo, indeed. Get it here. Download it, now! And remember to give thanks and comments to the people that made it. Peace. Posted by Seany DX26 on 11:11:2001 05:02 AM: CvS2_Vol2 Chun-Li Combo... Here's the combo from the movie. Try it! C-Groove - Jump-in roundhouse, low jabx2, low strong xx lvl2 Hoyokusen xx lightning kick, low jabx2, standing strong xx lvl1 Hoyokusen xx super jump roundhouse. 32 Hits; ~60% damage. Peace! ps - the music is hot too. Posted by VManOfMana on 11:11:2001 05:38 AM: I saw it. The combo looks intersting. The only part I was unable to understand how the Houyoku Sen was being cancelled so the jab can hit, but I guess you did that for me. Thanks. ^_^ Also, the information of this movie makes her potential for non-super jump-ins and crossup combos increase. Since the jab can be linked into strong, it is possible to make better non-super combo setups possible, especially the Spinning Bird Kick combo which adds builds up her super meter nicely. Gotta try this out. Posted by elffzero on 11:11:2001 01:39 PM: woohoo Chun-li users! check this out. her f+mk links into a standing or cr.jab! which means you can do combos like: f+mk,jp, xx qcfx2+mk xx qcfx2+lk, sj.fp,fp or replace with c.sp if you feel lucky. also a links to a close fp. meaning you can crossup lk,,fp xx superwhatever... but the f+mk link is way too cool for me to keep secret. cool thread btw Posted by Seany DX26 on 11:11:2001 02:22 PM: Jab timing... quote: Originally posted by VManOfMana I saw it. The combo looks intersting. The only part I was unable to understand how the Houyoku Sen was being cancelled so the jab can hit, but I guess you did that for me. Thanks. ^_^ Yes, the timing for the jab is a tough one. It has to be very precise and very well timed. It took me a good while before I got it. It's similar to the Sempuukyaku~standing jab combo Sakura has. Elffzero, that's one bad a** discovery! A very good starter for even more combos. Have ya tried it against any players? If so, what situation did you use it in? Peace! Posted by Kikosho on 11:11:2001 07:08 PM: Hey whats the Fighter's Cafe Url? Posted by Seany DX26 on 11:11:2001 07:18 PM: Another Chun-Li combo... Kikosho, Click the "here" in the "Get it here" quote in my "Calling all Chun-Li players" post. I just found another movie with a great C-groove Chun-Li combo. I got the movie from Q8 Fighters Home Page. It's a slight variation of Persona's combo... C-groove - Jump-in roundhouse, lightning kick (2 Hits), low jab, low strong xx lvl2 HoyokuSen xx lightning kick (2 Hits), low jab, low strong xx lvl1 Hoyokusen xx super jump double fierce. 32 Hits;~70% damage! Kick a**!! I haven't tried this one yet since I just got the movie, but it seems this does more damage that the previous one. These combos are great but still need to be worked into some stradegy. Any ideas? Posted by Zero on 11:11:2001 09:01 PM: quote: Originally posted by SlimX Actually, that's not true. According to the DC training mode: Lvl 2 Houyokusen, cancel last hit into LK SBK, juggle with lvl 1 Kikoushou does 7257 points of damage. Lvl 2 Houyokusen, cancel second to last hit into lvl 1 Houyokusen, super jump cancel last hit into jumping RH does 6990 points of damage. Note that these were tested with the super guage set to Max Start so the bar didn't refill and affect the damage. You're right. A few days after Zero posed that, he was informed of that combo by a collegue of his. quote: Personally, I actually find the LK SBK juggle combo to be easier to do anyway. There is an advantage to ending with a Houyokusen, though. Actually, it applies to any time you do a Houyokusen, including just a lvl 1. If you super jump cancel the last hit and hit them out of the air with down+MK, you're right on top of them in the air as they land on the ground. You can do nothing and throw. You can tick with a LP or LK into throw. You can use a MP or MK into a blocked combo for pressure, etc. Or, if you do the down+MK in the air a little later during the jump, you'll end up behind them on your way down. Because she's so close to them as she falls, it's hard to tell which side she'd going to land on. If you're aiming for the other side, you can cross up with LK, low LP, standing HP and if it hits, combo into Houyokusen again and you're still in control. You can also do the same sort of options as landing in front too, of course (throw, tick throw,etc.). One note is that if they touch the corner of the screen while in the air after the Houyokusen, you can still land a down+MK, but it will bounce you away. It's easy to see if that's going to happen during the super, though, so watch out for it. Interesting. The tip is appreciated. Posted by Seany DX26 on 11:11:2001 09:47 PM: Magical F+forward combo... quote: Originally posted by elffzero woohoo Chun-li users! check this out. her f+mk links into a standing or cr.jab! which means you can do combos like: Elffzero, Beginning to work some magic into that wonderful secret of yours. Check this... F+forward, low jab, low strong xx lvl3 Hoyokusen xx super jump double fierce. 22 Hits; 8166 pts of damage. I'm currently working on this... F+forward, low jab, low strong xx lvl2 Hoyokusen xx lighting kick(2 Hits), low jab, standing strong xx lvl1 Hoyokusen xx super jump roundhouse. Has anyone done it? If so, does it dizzy? I'm trying to work on dizzyin' combos similar to the last combo performed with Kyo on Fighter's Cafe CvS2 vol2 movie. Posted by VManOfMana on 11:11:2001 11:05 PM: This is theoretical, but I am thinking that it might be possible to use the Hyakuretsu Kyaku > jab linking to counter using combos. If I recall correctly, the CvS2 Huakuretsu Kyaku has the no startup property of Third Strike, meaning that it can be used to counter. What do you guys think? Posted by Seany DX26 on 11:11:2001 11:23 PM: Second that... I agree. That move has no startup. The only problem is that you gotta be pretty fast to whip it out (unless its the short version). Other than that, hell yeah. I've seen it stuff some of Hibiki's startups. Posted by elffzero on 11:12:2001 08:37 AM: well it started out as a poking strategy, but i find that if it connects you have enough time to react & bust out the super, with a little practice. most times for consistancy i leave out the c.sp. i miss that one about 50% of the time in actual matches, i use a instead. so basically if the jab hits i begin to buffer the super of the sk. otherwise i go for the strong into a HCF+jp & continue poking or whatever. Posted by Seany DX26 on 11:12:2001 11:56 PM: A-groove Chun-Li... I just discovered that Chun-Li can play as an excellent A-groove character. Her activation for a CC can act as a wake up, similar to the parry. If ya haven't already, read these threads... Gunter Translates Arcadia A-groove Article CVS2: A-groove damage, formula, combos, etc There is alot of priceless information on these threads. Even if you're not an A-groove player, you should read these(at least just to see what players are up to ) In these articles, you will come across how to make your own CCs. CCs that take the most damage tend to be ground CCs. Not every charcter can to this. Only a certain number of characters has the right combination of attacks to pull it off. Luckily, our boot smackin' Chun-Li is one of them. As pointed out earlier in this thread, the F+forward kick (the delayed version of the forward) is not a good poke, ground attack or anti-air. It can be ducked and you will be left wide open for punishiment. If you read the threads, CCs thrive on forward momentum attacks. HAHA!! Chun-Li can easily take off 50% damage with almost no effort in her CCs. Her CCs can be done anywhere on the screen and all take good damage. She happens to charge her meter incredibly fast (I'll get on ways to charge in one of my next posts). Here's some tips on making CCs I found out while playing all day... 1. Stay grounded. You don't want a juggling CC because of the damage loss and increased difficulty. Start juggling at the end of your CC. 2. Start your CCs with either fierce or roundhouse. Damage reduces the farther you go into your combo (almost down to pixel damage). So it's best to start with some of your strongest attacks. 3. Don't make CCs too complicated. That's one thing that bothered me all day. Just because you pulled off a crazy, mixed combo once does not mean you will always do it in real match. The last thing you need is to mess up. Here's a combo that I found pretty lethal... Anywhere - Activate CC, standing close roundhousex2, low fiercex2, F+forward kickx11, standing close strong(double slap) xx lvl1 Hoyokusen. 26 Hits; 7076 pts of damage. Easy ain't it? Now, if ya really wanna get into it... Mid-screen to corner - Activate CC, standing close roundhousex2, low fiercex2, F+forward kick,low jab, low strong, low fierce, F+forward, low jab, low strong, low roundhouse xx short spinning bird kick, standing jab, jumping double fierce, lvl1 Kikoshou. 21 Hits; 6672 pts of damage. I don't really recommend this during a real match with an arcade stick. Somtimes you just get spazes when your in the middle of it. Controller? Hell yeah! I'm still trying to implement some stradegy into this groove. I'm gonna do a little more research. Hope this helps. Peace. Posted by elffzero on 11:13:2001 10:04 AM: you're on the right track. try this though.. activate CC (c.fp x 3 f+mk) x 3 or 4, I forget. after the 3rd c.fp do a standing RH into hoyosuken. and the followup sj.fp x 2. Posted by Seany DX26 on 11:13:2001 01:19 PM: Thanks, alot easier... Thanks alot for that one. It's a lot easier for me to pull off on an arcade stick and it takes excellent damage. Have ya discovered any stradegy for this groove? I tend play it like a mesh between C and P-groove. Posted by Fakefist on 11:13:2001 02:23 PM: I didn't see this posted, so I'll drop them in. c. jab, s. fierce~SBK. the motion's tricky on this, at least for me...basically what you do is stack the linking fierce with SBK motion. you jab, then neutral fierce then (very quickly) up+kick. Does good damage (no numbers, sorry). Posted by Seany DX26 on 11:13:2001 02:51 PM: Your combo... Good one but, like you said, tricky. Have ya manage to pull it off of on any players? What situation would be best? I manage to get it off on a few players but not many. Posted by VManOfMana on 11:13:2001 04:56 PM: I would say that a more useful version of the Spinning Bird Kick combo is to do the following: Crossup jab > crouching jab > crouching strong > SBK. The difficult part is the jab > strong part, which has a tricky timing (at least to me). Posted by Buktooth88 on 11:13:2001 06:27 PM: Try running in and far strong into strong fireball over and over... works great! In the corner you can close fierce XX fierce fb, then go directly into far strong xx fireball, walk up a little bit and do another far strong xx fireball. Great for pressure and guard meter crushing. Posted by threesixtee on 11:13:2001 07:11 PM: my friend sherwin (aka stank_bref) has the most annyoing dirty whore chun li ever. from playing him let me see what I can remember: (in N groove): - run and do her df+hk flip thing, it crosses up and is confusing as hell. if you do it early, it WON'T cross up, and hit normally. mindgames baby. - jumping wk is damn near invincible. I don't remember ever beating out in air to air, and it beat the supposedly invincible AAs of rock (st hk) and hibiki (st hp). I might have traded with it with rock's jumping hk - but don't quote me on that. - st mp, mp (double slap) buffers into either super - cr hk buffers into kikosho super I hate chun li. Posted by Kikosho on 11:13:2001 09:56 PM: Interesting stuff folks, thanks for showing me that ChunLi still owns. My first impression was that she sucked, but now she owns thanks to the f+mk,to crouching lp, mp, super, airchain . Pisses everyone off . Thanks for the tips and keep them coming . Posted by elffzero on 11:14:2001 09:06 AM: Re: Thanks, alot easier... quote: Originally posted by Seany DX26 Thanks alot for that one. It's a lot easier for me to pull off on an arcade stick and it takes excellent damage. Have ya discovered any stradegy for this groove? I tend play it like a mesh between C and P-groove. actually i don't play A-groove at all. i've tried it, but it's obvious that it's just not my style. especially w/ chun li. she needs a good AA OC to be more dangerous in A-groove. this one is good for wake ups & the occasional "where in the Heck did that come from". theres not really any GC OC's or confusion OC's to be had either (but may i be proven wrong.) i admit i'm a C&N groove whore. but i'm looking for a good A-team, as well as S. and i've been working on K groove for awhile, but it's not there yet. that takes twitch skillz that i just don't have as of yet. Posted by Yam-Koo on 11:14:2001 03:22 PM: quote: Originally posted by noswad "I think that people with a more Alpha-like background will tend to C-Groove, while 3S players will tend to P-Groove." Look! It's Captain Obvious! Good work, Gunnery Sergeant Sarcasm! Edit: Oops I just realised there were two more pages to this thread. Gomen ne! Posted by Seany DX26 on 11:17:2001 05:16 PM: GCC Combo movie... If ya haven't already, download the new combo movie at which was on the home page of Shoryuken. They feature a brief Chun-Li C-groove combo which is very interesting as well as many other insane combos. The craziest combo movie yet! And has the music to go with it! The size is pretty big so if ya don't got cable/dsl it may take a while but worth downloading. We can learn alot from this. Peace. Posted by J.Talbain Lord on 11:18:2001 07:34 AM: Brilliant! Remember me....I started this thread, anyways, everyone has contributed with such valuable info. Chun Li is so awesome, thanx to those who pumped out the new combo vids, they have impoved my gameplay exponentially. Keep Posting, and...Darkstalkers rules!! (so does CvS2!) Posted by VManOfMana on 11:18:2001 10:44 PM: I saw the video. The C-groove combo that BAS does involves cancelling a lv. 2 Houyoku Sen into short Spinning Bird Kick into Lv. 1 Kikoshou. The combo is a modified version of the combo in Chen's video which is a lv. 2 Kikoshou into short Spinning Bird Kick into lv. 1 Kikoshou. The combo looks nice, but I am not sure if one SBK hit into lv. 1 Kikoshou makes more damage than a lv. 1 Houyoku Sen into double fierce in the air. BAS's combo includes the last hit of the lv. 2 Houyoku Sen, but does it make up for the damage difference between supers? Fireball supers always make less damage. Can anyone compare total combo damage points? What I am sure of is that this combo allows us to have an extra flashy combo in our repertoir. ^_^ Posted by Seany DX26 on 11:18:2001 10:54 PM: Second that... quote: Originally posted by VManOfMana What I am sure of is that this combo allows us to have an extra flashy combo in our repertoir. ^_^ Indeed... Posted by SlimX on 11:19:2001 04:38 AM: quote: Originally posted by SlimX According to the DC training mode: Lvl 2 Houyokusen, cancel last hit into LK SBK, juggle with lvl 1 Kikoushou does 7257 points of damage. Lvl 2 Houyokusen, cancel second to last hit into lvl 1 Houyokusen, super jump cancel last hit into jumping RH does 6990 points of damage. Note that these were tested with the super guage set to Max Start so the bar didn't refill and affect the damage. Let's pay attention, class. =) Posted by Seany DX26 on 11:19:2001 05:08 AM: Forget... quote: Originally posted by SlimX Let's pay attention, class. =) Oh yeah... Posted by Chun-Li's Pimp on 11:20:2001 04:08 AM: Ack, I'm late. Anyway, yea, Chunny owns now and for evermore. C and P grooves are certainly the most popular, but I (personally) need a run in my game, so I usually go N Chun. The running+roll adds alot to her pressure/poking game because it's much easier to cover distance and close the gap. Also, the recovery is a nice thing to have. My chun li is very offensive though, so yea, I need a way to keep on top of people. As someone mentioned, you can run and cross up with her flip kick move, which is always fun. Lately I've been playing alot of P groove Chun, and it works swell, other characters are having a little bit of trouble adjusting to P. Ratio 4 P chunny r0x0r btw. C groove is good too and that generally gives you her most damaging combos, but I just don't like the no recovery/run so I steer clear or that. air blocking and super cancels aren't THAT important to me...As for P I can make up for the lack of running with a more defensive and parry happy chunny, which works well. Thanks to whoever found that parry, meaty fk(as AA) xx sj fpx2...that's gold. I've noticed that if you're about 3/4 of the screen away or more, you can jab SBK and safely cover ground. I think most of you guys are under estimating the jab SBK...I mean it has pracically zero recovery time, so you're safe as long as you use it wisely. Some of the stuff I do is poke about 2-3 tiems with jab, then c. mpx2 xx SBK to get back close, then you can poke or throw or're pretty safe. Anyway, keep the thread alive. peace Posted by VManOfMana on 11:20:2001 03:51 PM: So it is possible to run into a crouching forward + roundhouse? That looks very interesting. If using simple walk-in into the move can confuse people I can imagine what running into it can do ^_^ Close roundhouse into jumping fierce is great. It makes good damage. However, it is not a P-groove exclusive. Parry makes a setup for it easier, but other grooves can also use it frequently. Under C-groove, the best uses I have for it are to counter whiffed DP moves and counter crossup attempts (walk/roll below the opponent). Short SBK for pressure looks like a good idea. Also, something that I have noticed to be great for mind games is cancelling standing strong into strong kikoken. It not only makes good guard damage but it also confuses opponents since it doesn't combo with the first hit. And in the corner, mixed with standing fierce guard damage can be monstruous. I am just thinking on a theory for an easy guard break. What about cornering your opponent, standing strong into strong kikoken, followed by forward + forward kick, repeat? Maybe Chun Li can recover fast enough after the forward, while being protected by the stun that the Kikoken makes. Posted by Sie Kensou on 11:20:2001 05:40 PM: HEllo Is Chun-li good in K-Groove??? I'm better of JD rather than parring. I'm not really good at parry, but i can JD well. I also use N-Groove. Anyways, what would be ok to use. Thanks. Kensou Posted by VManOfMana on 11:20:2001 06:17 PM: It depends on your style. I never use K-groove, so I cannot answer your question. I think the best way to see if a character 'works' on a groove is that you try it yourself. The character is the same, but the way it is used can greatly change from player to player. Pick K-Chun Li. If you like the combination, go for it. If not, then try something else. Posted by Kikosho on 11:20:2001 08:49 PM: Great to see this thread back. One question though, will someone ever make a FAQ for ChunLi. Everyone has one except her at gamefaqs (not really sure though). I would do it, but I'm better with her CvS1 version. Im sure people would appreciate it, I know i would. Posted by Seany DX26 on 11:20:2001 09:39 PM: Chun-Li FAQ?... If someone is willin' to start a CvS2 Chun-Li FAQ, I'll help. Posted by Chun-Li's Pimp on 11:21:2001 12:07 AM: I'm a l33t Chunny genereal. I'm still learning new stuff everytime I play with her in CVS2 so I don't think I really know enough, but I'll be glad to help someone make a FAQ also. to Kensou: quote: Is Chun-li good in K-Groove??? I'm better of JD rather than parring. I'm not really good at parry, but i can JD well. I also use N-Groove. Anyways, what would be ok to use. Thanks. I think everyone can benefit from K groove as long as you can JD well. K groove was my first and favorite groove...but Chunny doesn't seem to work as well with K as P because offensive JDing is kinda tough, and because the +35% damage doesn't help chunny's domninate poking game as much as say...landing a POWed combo with say Rock or Terry. So I'd say K is prolly not the best groove for her, but being a good JDer is always a plus. to Vmana: I haven't really found a 100% guard crush poke string yet, but a nice one to try that I use is: (jump in)c. lpx2, c. mp, dash in, c. mp xx jab SBK(shouldn't hit, but should get you close), meaty fp xx kikoken, then a sweep or s. fp. It does about 80% but the lag after the sweep or FP can sometimes cause you to lose momentum, unless you have a roll. Um a quick explaination, running has alot more lag than usual running, so the dash in c. mp part is really more of a f, f, df+mp type movment, then cancel in a a jab SBK. Also, against a shoto you might wanna consider blocking after that SBK cuz a shoryuken might be in order. Posted by Seany DX26 on 11:22:2001 05:17 AM: More Chun-Li A-groove CCs... It's great to see this thread is still kickin' a**. I love this thread. Well, I just got done doin' some practice and discovered some goodies for our beloved Chun-Li. Most of its A-groove but may be used with others. A-groove has become my permanent groove with Chun-Li. I believe it's because of my SFA2 background. I always liked Alpha 2 a little more than Alpha 3. I loved the otg customs it had. I am also using N and C-groove but A-groove is my primary groove. I managed to find some more combos for ya to check out. I even managed to find a reliable anti-air CC... That's right! I should kick my a** for not figurin' it out earlier! Here it is... Position: Anywhere Variables: k means as many as you can. - Activate CC, low roundhouse xx short SBK, standing close roundhousex2 xx super jumping strongxk, jumping strongxk, jumping strongxk, jumping strongxk, Kikosho. Usually between 5000-6300 pts. I get 6244 pts of damage; 22 Hits. This anti-air works! I pulled it off on many characters. I even tested it against some insane priority jump-ins (such as Mai's jump-in roundhouse) and it works like a beauty. Even if you get a crappy 5000 somethin', you are takin' off almost just as much if not more than a level 3 in C-groove (without any cancelling) which is pretty good. I haven't been able make any air-to-air CCs. It's almost impossible. I even tried throwing them and then tryin' to hit them while their on the ground(Mugen). (I haven't tried this yet but users say that you can perform otg combos only on Rolento and Dan so I should do that.) The only one I see that still works is the rapid foot stomp and its hard just to land 6 hits! This one is a variation of one of my earlier ones... Position: A little under full screen. Variables: k means as many as you can. - Activate CC, standing roundhousex4, crouching fiercex3, F+forward, low jab, low strong, low fierce, F+forward, low jab, low strong, low roundhouse xx short SBK, standing close roundhousex2 xx jumping strongxk, kikosho. 7560 pts of damage; 25 Hits. The first seven hits gives you 4032 alone, so could just stop there and hit'em with it again for a meaty 8000+ pts! Here is one for massive damage... Position: Anywhere. Variables: none. -Activate CC, standing roundhousex4, low fiercex3, F+forward, low fiercex3, F+forward, low fiercex3, F+forward, low fiercex3, F+forward, standing close strong(double slap) xx Hoyoukusen xx super jumping fiercex2. 8160 pts; 33 Hits. Hell Yeah!! This is my new B&B CC! I even managed to do it on G.Rugal(don't ask me how)!!! It ate his meter like pac-man does food. I even did it on my friend today. All you heard was "HOLY SH*T!". I looked at him like . This combo is so easy. Just takes a little practice. I still like the previous one better though. It has a little more flash and style to it. I use the third combo if I want to do some humongous damage or as an emergency guard damage combo. If I just happened to mess up my favorite one (the second one), I immediatly alternate to this one. It can do huge guard damage. The whole combo takes about 50% guard meter. After your done, just make'em block a fierce. 70% gone. Instant flashing bar! Which means serious run&chase! It works perfect with my new and improved Chun-Li pressure technique(heh heh). All of these combos were done on Nakoruru, perhaps the smallest character in the game! Just imagine what can be done to larger characters(die Raiden!). I think I got A-groove Chun-Li down pretty good. I'm gonna try to work on my A-groove Kyo and learn a little more N, P, and C-groove magic. Btw, has anyone seen that new XYZ combo movie on That guy did some crazy sh*t! He did standing jabx2, low jab, standing strong xx lvl1 Hoyoukusen! VManofMana, I visited your site. Pretty interesting invention. Oh yeah, if anyone is curious about my little Chun-Li technique, post on up. Latez. Posted by Chun-Li's Pimp on 11:22:2001 05:44 AM: Yup I think that's chun's best CC(your 3rd)...I think that was like the first one I made up...when I first started using A groove. Mine was actually s. fpx4, f+MK repeat that till almost out then bitch slap xx houyoukusen. You can use Agroove cuz (judging by your AV you got kyo in there too) both your team mates benefit alot from it. I usually go Chunny/Iori or Chunny/Mai/Maki, that's pretty N oriented. When I play chun on A groove I like King to go with her. Anyway, nice shit. No one uses Agroove at SHGL...I never see ANYONE using it. Mostly N/C then sometimes K. I think that's every where though. Ah well, I've been doing alot of P chunny, then with Yun too...but Yun or Chunny will never be able to compare to their 3S incarnations. Ah well, still the theme team. Keep finding stuff and share it and post that strat you were talking about. BTW that was some of the sickest linking shit ever. That had to be either a) impossible or b) auto controller. I kinda suck at combo linking, but I can link into poke pressure moves well. Ah well, now and forevermore the japanese own at combos. peace. Posted by Sie Kensou on 11:22:2001 08:41 AM: Well Thanks for the advice, thanks a lot kensou Posted by VManOfMana on 11:22:2001 04:40 PM: Seany: you mean bot-kun? Hehe, I did that thing too much time ago. I really need to put *something* in that web page. ^^;; Okay. Chun Li users, the new Mem combo video is a must-have for all of us. It includes a C-groove Chun Li combo that makes... 100% damage! This is what the video shows: combo starter (4 hits) > croucing strong > Lv. 2 Houyoku Sen > Hyakuretsu Kyaku (2 hits) > standing jab > crouching jab > standing strong > Lv. 1 Houyoku Sen > super jump roundhouse. This dizzies the oppponent. Part 2 follows: crossup short > standing jab > standing jab > standing jab > crouching jab > standing strong > Lv. 1 Houyoku Sen (yep, that's enough attacks to fill another super) > super jump heel kick > heel kick. Something of note: the initial crouching strong of the video is the fifth hit of the combo. Meaning that the combo starter is not shown. If other four hits need to be added at the beginning, my guess is that those hits are a jump-in plus three jabs, linked to the strong. Posted by Majestros on 11:22:2001 09:33 PM: quote: Originally posted by This is what the video shows: combo starter (4 hits) > croucing strong > Lv. 2 Houyoku Sen > Hyakuretsu Kyaku (2 hits) > standing jab > crouching jab > standing strong > Lv. 1 Houyoku Sen > super jump roundhouse. This dizzies the oppponent. Part 2 follows: crossup short > standing jab > standing jab > standing jab > crouching jab > standing strong > Lv. 1 Houyoku Sen (yep, that's enough attacks to fill another super) > super jump heel kick > heel kick. Something of note: the initial crouching strong of the video is the fifth hit of the combo. Meaning that the combo starter is not shown. If other four hits need to be added at the beginning, my guess is that those hits are a jump-in plus three jabs, linked to the strong. Nice thread. Very comprehensive. Not very much i didn't already know, but not very much i can add either. Keep it up Anyways, there's a couple of small things VManOfMana missed. There is a whiffed standing fierce after the opponent is dizzy that's necessary to build enough meter to do the other lvl1 super. Also, after the super jump heel kick, he does double fierce and the second hit connects. The timing on this is really really difficult tho, and i don't understand why it was edited out. I bet he had to do this combo over a couple of times because he missed that last hit. He cared enough to do it over till he got the last hit, yet it was cut from the video. Then again, the editing on this video and the whole BAS video was crappy altogether. Anyways, if you want to test out the jump fierce juggling, you can throw a jab fireball at a training mode dummy jumping straight up and down, timed so the dummy lands on it while you jump in with the double fierce. Same thing works for her jump double roundhouse. The advantage of using the stomp -> double fierce is that it does slightly more damage and slighty more dizzy and looks a lot cooler. Primarily the third one, so i don't recommend using it cuz it's too much work for not much turnout. Besides, if you're actually thinking about using this combo, you're gonna have your hands full with the lightning legs -> jab link.'s tragic had come up with almost every critical thing in this combo but hadn't gotten around to making another video. This video has something that makes absolutely no sense tho - that dizzying uppercut in the Ryo combo. That should not connect. It only seems to connect off a lvl2 cancel so i'm thinkin' it's a bug or a glitch. Something to try. In a groove with small jump, do small jump double fierce (second fierce hits late) and then do c.jab. It will combo if you do it right. Most characters can't combo any normals after small jump, and if they can, they have to do the jumpin attack hella late. So i'm still undecided whether Chun Li's double fierce actually messes with the small jump recovery, or if it just does a lot of hitstun. In any case, the fact that it is a double-fierce makes it tactically very valuable because you can push the first fierce early and have an attack out (be less vulnerable), then hit the second fierce late and combo off it. Pretty scarry all in all. Pretty easy to get both fierces to combo into a c.jab against some of the taller characters too. I use S-Chun personally. I think her mixups off her kick super are too buff, and if i connect two in a row, that's practically enough to dizzy. Also, i think her best ground-based anti-air is her sweep, and having free puffball supers is dope cuz you can buffer every sweep into a lvl1 puffball super for a lot of damage. Posted by Seany DX26 on 11:23:2001 12:59 AM: XYZ Chun-Li combo facts... I too have C-groove fever. Here's some facts about this combo... -VManOfMana is right. You do need to make some type of four hit combo before the low strong. This makes a big difference in whether or not the combo will stun. -Majestros is correct as well. You do need the close standing fierce to help build the meter to exactly level one. -Both the standing and low strong does the same amount of damage and stun. I say the reason why he chose the standing strong is because of the reach(linking this is givin' me a headache; crouching strong is easier). -The crouching jab does twice as much damage than the standing jab but does less stun. The standing jab does more stun so that explains why he uses more standing jabs than low ones. -Try to cancel the lvl2 Hoyoukusen at the very end(before the final kick). More damage. -The foot stomp after the final lvl1 Hoyoukusen isn't neccesary like Majestros said. Its for show but if you can put it in you get approx. 700-950 extra pts in your combo. I'm tryin' to avoid this. It would be stupid for me to pull off the whole combo and mess up at the end! I'll try and include this once I get some stats without it first. -DO NOT PAUSE THE GAME WHILE YOUR DOING THIS COMBO!!! I did the whole first part, got Rolento dizzy and pushed start out of excitement! It cleared the stats!!! I am trying to do this combo as I type this so we can get some numbers. I'd say I can get it later on tonight or early tommorrow. If anyone has done it already(complete with stats), please post it so we can compare. Peace. Posted by Chun-Li's Pimp on 11:23:2001 01:14 AM: yea that combo is great. I just did it my first time today. Props to me if I pull this off in a real fight. I think the jabx3, c. jab, s. strong is the hardest link she has because when I have tried it the strong has just been baaaaarely out of curses. Anyway, I'll practice it some more. =) I believe the combo starter is a neutral jumping fpx2 that way you get both hits, then I did a s. lpx2 c. mp then started from there. To majestros: That short jump double fierece is kewl...=) thx. I never thought of that...I had been using her a short jump with her jumping strong ala 3S universal overhead. I linked off it once, but this fpx2 is alot better. Posted by Seany DX26 on 11:23:2001 01:21 AM: You did it?!... Did ya manage to get the foot stomp to double fierce at the end? That sh*ts hard. Posted by Chun-Li's Pimp on 11:23:2001 01:26 AM: You're right, it is hard. -_- does look really cool though. Try the fkx2 it's easier. Posted by ThE CRoW on 11:23:2001 03:35 AM: .. how do you guys play chun?? i just dont get her most her moves where taken away, she has like 3 moves or two only, but her super is kick ass, what are some good and damaging combos for her Posted by Seany DX26 on 11:23:2001 04:17 AM: I play her like... 70% offense, 30% defense. I only use enough defense to get back on the offensive. That's one of the ways I play her in A-groove. Check some of the previous pages. There's alot of good stuff on them. Posted by Seany DX26 on 11:23:2001 05:29 AM: XYZ combo starter... Alright! I did the combo but I'm still not sure about the starter. I'll post my stats as soon as I get a clear head on the beginning. Actually, the only thing that's stopping me from absolutly loving this one is the starter. Chun-Li's Pimp(), you did jump-in double fierce right? Was that on Rolento or another character? I can't seem to do it on Rolento. My starter was...Cross-up short, standing jabx2, low jab. It's four hits but it doesn't seem right. Plus it does not dizzy. At the end of the first part it turns out to be 53/60 pts stun. I used the jump-in strong instead of the cross-up to do the dizzy. But it still feels like he did somethin' different. Check this... -If he did a jump-in, then he would not be so deep in the corner. -Rolento was to far back for Chun-Li to hit'em wit' three standing jabs plus I don't think it would have done that much damage before the low strong. I decided to look at the video and study it some more. If you zoom in and look really close at the crappy transition, it looks like she is too far to be pullin' three jabs. Also, it looked like she's coming out of a kicking frame(look at her elbows and Rolento's hit animations.). She is also standing. So I believe he did either... a)Cross-up short, standing jabx2, low jab(I have serious doubts about this one. It dosen't match up with how much life he took at the end of the dizzying roundhouses. I did this one and it took just up to the guard meter. His went passed a good bit.). b)Cross-up short, standing jabx3. c)Cross-up short, lightning kick(2 Hits), low strong(which I actually managed to do.). I believe its c). It looks too much like she is recovering from something bigger than a simple jab and it does alot of stun damage. What do you guys think? Posted by Chun-Li's Pimp on 11:23:2001 06:39 AM: Yeah I did a jumpin fp...Actually I did the combo on Blanka though, who seems alot easier. Rolento is harder to get that last s. mp in the link out. -_- get into this shit huh? I didn't disect the beginning that heavily, I just assumed jump in, lp, lp, c. lk, c. mp(that was my link)...but now that I look you're right, she's too close for a triple jab (and not enough dizzy damage) so Maybe it was a fierce jump in. And if you can link a c. mp out of a lightning kick why wouldn't you put that into the video? that would be hard. I'll have to play around with that...Ah well, still a kewl combo. That pogo, FPX2 is tough. I can't find the right timing for it... Ah well, my chunny is about 70/30 too. I go defense against characters like Terry where they are all over you and they're hard to outprioritize...but for the most part, chun li is offensive. Posted by Seany DX26 on 11:23:2001 01:33 PM: Yeah, I do get... Yeah. I really do get into this stuff. It's a habit. I like to do the combo the same way I've seen or read it. If I get the combo exactly, I feel more secure about makin' new combos based off of it. I can tell ya'll one thing though. It's does well over 80 pts of stun/11000 pts of damage! I'm dying to know what he did at the beginning. Posted by batsu13 on 11:24:2001 03:52 AM: I LOVE YOU GUYS FOR DOING THIS THREAD!!!!! Anyways, I have been an N-Groove player since the beginning. My top team is Chunny(R2) and Sakura(R2) This video is like torturing me. I am very comfterable with N-Groove. But I am seeing that C-Groovve is fittin Chunny better, and A-Groove is fitting Sakura better. What to do what to do??? I know that you guys are gonna tell me, "Go with the one you feel more comterable with." But I must ask. "On paper" what groove would benefit my team the most? Any help will be appriciated. Posted by Chun-Li's Pimp on 11:24:2001 04:03 AM: On paper, I would think A groove is best for your team, since both characters have easy 50%+ combos they can do anywhere, and they can both build up meter pretty quickly AND neither one of them really rely on supers...and in Agroove you still get level ones which chunny can use sparingly or whenever you get the chance. A groove plays alot like N with with rolls and recoverings...(I think A has recoveries). That's just my 'logical' point of view, but I've been told that I have a weird sense of logic. To be honest, I play A groove less than I play S, but I've seen people stomp with A-sakura so try A and lemme know what happens. Hey Seany, can't you just ask the video makers? I STILL can't play C or A groove for crap...=( so I kinda gave up on trying it in a real match. Once I did it on the comp but I forgot to whiff that FP and I didn't have enough meter... Ah well...P chun is my new favorite... Posted by Seany DX26 on 11:24:2001 05:20 AM: Glad you can make it... Batsu13, glad you could make it. Like I said in one of my earlier posts, I choose A-groove for my primary team because of my never ending love for SFA2. Go with what you feel is right for that team. But in my opinion on your team, I'd have to say A-groove as well like Chun-Li's pimp said. If ya want me to go more in-depth as to why, post up. "Join us in our quest for absolute Chun-Li perfection!" As for the 100+% combo, I'm gonna put a halt on that. I am gonna try to analyze/eliminate everything he could've did for a starter. I do got a few numbers though... Cross-up(into corner)short, standing jabx2, low jab, low strong xx lvl2 Hoyoukusen xx lightning kick(2 Hits), standing jab, low jab, standing strong xx lvl1 Hoyoukusen xx super jumping roundhousex2. I got 31 Hits; 9373 pts of damage; 53/60 pts of stun damage for the first part. You still need seven more pts to stun. I can do the rest of the combo like its nothin'. I really should ask the creators what is the starter. I just feel that I will not get a response(like what happened when I ask some creators for the name of the songs on their combo vids. I had to start a thread in order to get the songs.). So I'm gonna try to do this myself. If anyone has already figured it out or read it, post so we can get some accurate numbers and make even more combos. I also want to put this combo on halt for another reason. The new tournament footage that was posted today. I feel Sagat will be a big threat for Chun-Li because of his zoning ability. (I have eternal hate for Sagat!!! He is good, I have to admit. I just hate him because of the hell he put me through back during my training stages in Alpha 2 !) We should develop some good strats against him. It would be great if all of us Chunny users can break up the charcters, seperate them amongst ourselves and develop strategies to beat them. What do you guys think of that? Btw, has anyone noticed that Chun-Li can do a nice little 3 Hit with far standing short? I never noticed it until today. I also haven't forget about your request for the Chun-Li pressure strat Chun-Li's Pimp(its so damn funny calling you that!). I'll post it as soon as I test it some more. EDIT: Forgot to put the lightning kick cancel after the lvl2 Hoyoukusen. Sorry... Posted by Chun-Li's Pimp on 11:24:2001 06:33 AM: Ok sounds good, whenever you figure out everything, just post and let us know. As for Sagat, I couldn't agree more. He's such a hoser...and I've hated him every since SF2. In CVS2 he's good too, like really really good and my chunli has a lot of problems, especially when I jump in because of his multi hitting DP...which sucks. His tiger knee is what gets him around the screen and it's also hard to counter. What I do against sagat is start off with a f+MK and go straight offense, then I try to throw out wake up FK SBK because he can't duck them or punish you. =) If he gets close, go defensive, because you'll almost always eat a tiger knee or DP...Um...come to think of it, I lose to sagat alot as chun I'll be eager to hear what everyone has to say too. Against Sagat though a roll is vital. I practically NEVER win against him if I"m on P groove, so C/N/A groove is a must. Posted by VManOfMana on 11:24:2001 07:36 AM: Sorry for the absence. I am visiting my brother at his department here at college so internet availablity is not 24/7. Anyways, the thread is going good. As many of you, I have also developed a hate for Sagat. Overhere I play a good Sagat player (relatively speaking for where I live), so I have had to get used to play him (his main team is Sagat/Blanka/Japanese Vega, so go figure). Basically what I do is to put my Morrigan against his Sagat, then put my Chun Li against his Blanka, since his Blanka gives a lot less trouble to my Chu Li. Okay, not very helpful, but using Darkness Illusion as anti-air is *fun*. Back to Chun Li vs. Sagat. My main strats: use standing strong to pressure into roll so I can grab him, AA with crouching strong and use the Roundhouse into jumping Fierce x 2 to punish. Standing strong: Chun Li's best poke against Sagat, IMO, is her standing strong, which is great for footsie games. What I do is to cancel into strong Kikoken for pressure. This prompts my opponent to do two different things: block the kikoken which allows me to follow with another strong > kikoken or roll the kikoken, which prompts for a grab, repeat. If the opponent is using whiffed pokes to keep you on distance, her strong is fast enough to hit on the limbs. Crouching strong: For some reason, crouching strong is a perfect AA attack for Sagat. Sometimes, after the strong > kikoken pressure, the opponent tries to jump the kikoken and land on me with a jumping roundhouse. Well, it happens that crouching strong owns Sagat's jumping roundhouse. And we all know what can be used to cancel such a move, isn't it? ^_^ Standing roundhouse > jumping fierce. I use this move as a universal whiffed shoryuken clone punisher, in case that no supers are available. The mechanic is simple. They whiff shoryuken clone, get close to them, do 3 hit combo. This move can also be used if you are able to walk below their jumps. Not much to say abou this one, besides that it hurts. If you are able to predict psychic DPs then it becomes extremely useful. This stuff is very basic. As you can see I rely a lot of poking since I am very old-school, so I haven't got the combo timing yet. I pressume that her links for this game can be used as better setups for combo-based punishment instead of the puny crouching strong > Houyoku Sen that I usually do. Posted by batsu13 on 11:24:2001 03:45 PM: Seany, I never noticed that three hit thing either. I found a starter for the combo that is easy for me. Jump-in fp, Standing lp, Crouching lp, Crouching mp, Hoyoukusen XX you know the rest. As for my team, I will sub Sakura for Morrigan. My main team is now Chun-Li (R2) Morrigan (R2) N-Groove. Why the change? Have you noticed Morrigan's run? It's an instant and devastating over-head attack. My number 2 team is Sakura (R2) Rolento (R2) A-Groove. After watching that video, you guys probably don't need any explanations as to why. Anyway, I drop in this thread everyonce in a while. Oh, and I wanna thank VManofMana for that vs. Sagat info. We all know that we will see a lot of Sagat when it comes to tournies. Posted by Seany DX26 on 11:24:2001 04:18 PM: Sagat Flaws... Alright. I'm gonna be on CvS2 all day today to find some general strats against the following characters... Sagat(a must), Blanka, and Vega(Japan). This may take a while because of the different combinations of grooves. My main focus will be on Sagat so later on I should be finding something. Ya'll posted some great strats on Sagat already. Damn... I gotta try some of that! Since ya'll actually played some Sagat players in this game, could you try to verify alot of these strats? I don't know of any CvS2 Sagat players in my area. It'll help narrow down what works on experienced Sagat users. I'm gonna play with Sagat and the others to learn of what flaws they have. And Batsu13, I'll try that jump-in. Did you do it on Rolento or another character? Posted by batsu13 on 11:24:2001 04:55 PM: Re: Sagat Flaws... quote: Originally posted by Seany DX26 And Batsu13, I'll try that jump-in. Did you do it on Rolento or another character? I did it on Kyo once. Therefore I am sure it connects on characters and larger. If you can do a cross-up, it makes it WAY easier. Posted by Seany DX26 on 11:24:2001 09:21 PM: Sagat strat 1... (Warning: This is a long post.) Okay. I got some hours of play in and discovered alot of stuff about Sagat(sh*t you won't believe). Batsu13 is right! Sagat is definetly the first "offical" top tier in this game. Here's some stuff I found while playing as him... -98% of his attacks can be cancelled!!! The only attacks that cannot be cancelled into a special or super is the 2nd hit of his standing roundhouse and his far standing forward. Capcom, what were ya'll thinking?! Damn a** rammers!!! -He has a ground Tiger Cannon. ??? WTF?!? -He still has the instant stun recovery from the past Alpha games! AAAAHHHHH! I HATE HIMMMM!!!! -It only takes 1-2 frames for him to perform the Tiger Uppercut!!! -His incredible range and zoning ability!!! GO TO HELL, SAGAT!!! Capcom must've been high when they put Sagat into this game! He got all the great sh*t. They should've paid more attention to Chun-Li and the shotos! All that stuff about Sagat dosen't even include what grooves can do for him. I find him to be most dangerous in N and P groove. Here's why... N-groove - He has mobility!! Can it get any worse?! His run is fast(about the same pace as Mai's!), he can roll(which is both short and quick) and he has short jump!! He can abuse short jump roundhouse to stuff attacks!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH! P-groove - WTF?!? I can't imagine how much potential this has for him! Combined with his zoning attacks, powerful supers and short stuns, he would be nearly unstoppable if in the right hands!!! Mothafuck...!! They made him even more dangerous than in the Alpha's!! Although he has alot going for him, Chun-Li also has some new strats that can be used against him... -Read VManOfMana's post!! Everthing he posted is to be treated like pure platinum!! I found myself doing alot of the strats he posted. -When it comes to air, Chun-Li owns!!! Hands down!! All of his attacks can be stuffed; air-to-air and anti-air. -Chun-Li's attacks, that were considered not useful against other characters, are now useful! The F+forward and Spinning Bird Kick can be used against him because of his height. When I played against myself as Sagat(I love the record feature), I blocked the SBK and could do nothing to retaliate! He has no move to hit Chun-li after the SBK besides a throw(which you can break). Like what Chun-Li's Pimp() said, use the F+forward to gain momentuem and go offensive. I've tried to do the linking combo off of this but that instant recovery of his tends to kick in! F*ck him!! Here's some general tips on playing against him... -Choose THE groove you feel absolutely comfortable with. I believe all the grooves will work on him besides K-groove(haven't really looked into it). I find run useless against him! He will throw that retarded Tiger shot or stick you with standing forward everytime! C, A and N-groove I find very useful because you can roll which, what Chun-Li's Pimp said, is vital. N-groove is good 'cause you can power up. C-groove is great provided you can cancel the Hoyoukusen well. A-groove I personally recommend because you can blow out all his sh*t with a killer CC! -Do not jump at him unless you're in A-groove with a full bar. If you really need to jump, abuse the super jump. That way you can get closer or maybe even cross him up. He also has a hard time uppercuting it. And use the foot stomp. It can either hit or trade hits with his Tiger Uppercut. *** Learn to block high! I read in another thread about this. If you block his attacks high, you have I higher chance of recovering faster and retaliate due to less frames. If you block low, you have more frames to go through to recover and you are also fatter. I'll find the thread if ya need it. -I had a hard time defending against my own A-groove pressure strat when I played as him. I will be sure to post it. -Get use to the kick throw. You end up closer and you have a little time to set-up. I'm gonna see if I can dig up some more dirt on this bastard. Sorry for it being so long. I just had to let out my frustration! Posted by Chun-Li's Pimp on 11:25:2001 02:05 AM: good ole seany with his details. Now that I have a better idea of what he can do, maybe I can get some better counters. I knew Sagat was like hella Top Tier since the first day I got stomped by him. I'd also like to post a warning for Yamazaki and possibly Haohmaru and Hibiki in terms of sagat Anyway, yea I forgot to mention that pogo trades with his DP move, which isn't too useful since he'll do more damage...but it's good for pressuring him or baiting him if you're C groove because you can air block, then nail him. YOu gotta play some mind games with that pogo to beat him, and change with her cross up knee flip to really play with him. A little more about that f+mk strat...if you do two in a row it should put you in a nice position to throw him...but if you get predictable, of course it'll lose effectiveness. About the blocking high thing, I read that, but against sagat it's not really useful because he has very little recovery time...reminds me of 3S Remy, which was hell against a competant Remy player. Geez. His only move that really has recovery time is a FP uppercut, and well, we all know how to counter that. To Vman: Even though it was all basic, it was all effective, so keep posting it up! IMO, Chunny has an easy time against Blanka from what I can tell...Since you can punish his ball(if you block high) with a s. fp or sweep...and air to air chun li just beats out everything he has. Watch for his ground pokes though because they can work like Sagat's to keep you at bay. I was thinking thought that if the s. mp works for Sagat, then it would also work for Blanka...but haven't gotten a chance to test it out yet. to Batsu: Rolento ownz. ^_^ He can do a number on sagat too if you play a quick poke n throw game. Normally you wanna throw out knives n such alot, but against sagat you want to use his KKK booster jump alot...that's what I do. Use his wall bounce and charge at him then stay out of reach of his DP then counter. Alot of people fall for that. Posted by VManOfMana on 11:25:2001 03:05 AM: Against Sagat in the air-to-air department: I think there are two moves that you need to be careful about. Jumping roundhouse: If he jumps on you, a roundhouse will be hard to counter unless you can react on time. Maybe I am just slow, so in most cases I just wait for the attack to come and use c. strong. Jumping fierce: Be very careful about this one. It can even stuff Chun Li's jumping short, especially if Sagat jumps backwards. On the tiger shots, something that I try to do is to predict them. If Sagat does a standing tiger shot and you can predict it, you have a safe jumping fierce into combo. It didn't work against John Choi in B5's ST tourney, though ^^;; Oh yeah, and if you use Nakoruru, predicting tiger shots (or any fireball) leads to a free super hit. ---- I am not someone who likes to gloat, but I guess I can share this with other Chun Li fans overhere. What do you think of this model? It took me a long while to find one based on Third Strike. Posted by Seany DX26 on 11:25:2001 03:27 AM: Good stuff... Good stuff. VManOfMana, do you think any of these Sagat strats would've worked against some high level play? I'm suprised that the anticipation for a fireball didn't work against John Choi. What did he do? And that Chun-Li figure; you won the bid? Are there others like that? She looks fine as hell! Very accurate. It portrays her nicely. Chun-Li's Pimp, I agree with you about Yamazaki, Haohmaru and Hibiki. They seem to be potential threats as well. And you're right about the high block strat. He recovers too damn fast for it to be of any use! Everyone, we must find a way to defeat him!! I watched that video several times and imagined how difficult it can be to get in on him. What do ya think Chunny players should do with Blanka? I see she can handle his ball quite nicely. (These are hot!) Posted by Mitsukai on 11:25:2001 03:42 AM: The Chunner would own even more if Capcom kept her Tenshou Kyaku (the multi-hitting AA), Sen'enshuu (overhead flip) and Sen Kakkei (palm attack)...And the least they could have done is make her projectile full screen at any level like in CvS...Oh well, alteast she has the butt animation for it Posted by VManOfMana on 11:25:2001 04:49 AM: Seany: I don't think El Paso has some great tournament material yet, but at least the strats worked very well to me with the best Sagat player in the area (last time we faced each other I beat him 3 times and he did not beat me, considering that he is used to 50+ win streak with his Sagat/Blanka teams, it's very good). It helped out a lot that I usually put my Morrigan against his Sagat, though. Choi creamed for the simple reason that he beat me at mind games. I try to predict tiger shots, but he predicted my predictions to tiger shots ^^;; in other words, he made me jump with whiffed crouching jabs, then I ate tiger uppercut, and since he was using O. Sagat, well... Yeah, I won the model auction. The funniest thing of all is that the last time I entered eBay was a long time ago and I just got in because I was bored. That is the first time I see that model. Usually they auction some ugly SFA ones, so I was all hyper when I saw this one. The seller has no other models like that on his/her auction list, but I can ask if he/she is going to auction more. When dealing with Blanka I do he following: - c. roundhouse or jumping fierce as anti air. - standing strong to counter Blanka balls. - always keep a distance between both of us because of the nightmarish priority of Blanka's crouching fierce. - occasional footsie standing strong > kikoken to pressure (I use that one a lot to make them roll so I can grab) - while they wake up, kikoken to make them roll so I can grab (general strategy to me). - if I corner them, do standing strong > kikoken a lot. - if he rolls to approach me, counter with standing or crouching strong. Be VERY careful with supers after the roll. - if he uses jab/strong blanka ball to get close me (blanka ball won't hit but will put opponent on your face), counter with c. roundhoue to hit Blanka at the end of the ball. That's what I can quickly think right now. Posted by Chun-Li's Pimp on 11:25:2001 04:58 AM: quote: The Chunner would own even more if Capcom kept her Tenshou Kyaku (the multi-hitting AA), Sen'enshuu (overhead flip) and Sen Kakkei (palm attack)...And the least they could have done is make her projectile full screen at any level like in CvS... Yea, but if Capcom did that it'd be like...Sagat who? Her biggest weakness that I can see is her lack of reliable anti air and no quick overhead. Her Palm thing wouldn't do much unless it did X-ism Chunny A3 damage/stun. Seany: Chunny doesn't seem to have a problem with blanka, except the ground poking and jumping into a lvl 3 electroball...but hey so does everyone. If they are keeping you at bay toss out a fp fireball and it knocks them out of it, but ONLY use her fireball if they are just poking at you, not touching you. Other then that, his ball and air to air confrontations are a piece of cake. Don't worry about Sagat, when I get to the arcade I'll dig up some dirt on him and ask everyone to play him. Valle's sagat is better than my chun though, regrettably... Oh, about Chun vs Tiger Shots, just s. fp and she goes under them and nails him, and if anyone does a low tiger shot just jump straight up and come down with a FK...her bestest air split kick Vman: Nice chunny actually. To me it looks more like super turbo, but it was still quite nice. About B5, UGH, I was up against Watson in my pool, and he tore my chunny up with Ryu. Granted I hadn't played in...6 years or so before I got there, but still...I at least wanted to get in the tourney. Man, in fact I had the worst luck in the world with pools. I was in the Japanese with A3, so I picked V-chunny once to play serious, then I said fuck it and went Z-Guy for fun. CVS1...ugh no comment. Posted by Seany DX26 on 11:27:2001 03:55 AM: Some news... 'sup? Just wanted to post some stuff I found today... -I just discovered a nifty P-groove tester with Chun-Li today! I got the chance to battle some comp and decided to use the overlooked 3-Hit short on some P-groovers. It works pretty good. You can test how their reactions are. And you recover in enough time to block any late counter they may through at you. -While I was playin' the CPU and getting pummeled by Sagat's Tiger Crushes , you can use standing forward to stuff it!! If you anticipate it(its too damn fast to react to it), stick out that thigh! It sucks that it sometimes trades with the second hit of the roundhouse version. -I believe we have found the right groove to kill Sagat...S-groove! I watched some matches earlier and noticed how helpful S-groove's dodge can be against him. Some players' Ken was dodgeing every retarded zoning attack he stuck out and countered almost every time! Also, I'm busy tryin' to find a Sagat killer to put on my elite A-groove team. Chun-Li's gonna have trouble defeating him so I'm looking for a good ratio one character that can back her up. I found Morrigan to be very useful, but I'm also lookin' at Athena and Hibiki. Got any suggestions? Posted by Chun-Li's Pimp on 11:27:2001 05:34 AM: Hey seany more good stuff. About S groove chunny, wow I don't think she gets anything from that, because she loses alot of momentum with no roll OR parry. I mean S groove is fantasic is you're a major league turtle, like Honda or something, but I can't see her working on S groove. Ken yea, but Chun, eh I don't know. be sure to let me know on the efectiveness of that. Ok, for a little of the stuff I found out vs Sagat. Sweeping is great, especially if he ever tries to hit low because it will either trade hits or out prioritize him. Once a sweep connects, get on top of him and do a lightning kick. Even his supers will trade hits with it. it keeps him down and forces him to block. if it hits, try to link a super off of I'm not THAT japanese...yet...but I've seen it done sooo...good luck. As I mentioned before, high tiger shots/cannons = Chun's FP = ducked and nailed sagat. Nuff said. Lastly, I discovered a nice little pressure link. F+MK, c. MK, dash back, C. FK. the dash back should be her little hop which puts her just in range to land a sweep, which isn't bad. If you link it right, he's in blockstun the whole time I beleive, I don't think he can retaliate. Of course I mess up and his overpriortized...everything hits me out sometimes, but it's still a nice likt guard/chip/pressure thing. Sorry if I suck at finding usful things that kill, lol but whateva. On a side note, does anyone here use Maki? I find she can play with sagat, especially if you run in and bait him into whiffing DPs and such. I do that alot. of course I'm still pissed it's Maki and not Guy, but I'll take what I can get. I think she has some potential, and she's fun to use too Posted by Seany DX26 on 11:27:2001 01:43 PM: Good strats pimp... Great stuff! I'll look into that S-groove some more. She does lose mobility which really sucks but the dodge is what keeps catching my eye. I'll practice sweeping as well. Yes! I discovered about the standing fierce earlier, I just forgot to post it. It's great that you posted it though. That can be a very useful Tiger Shot stuffer. And the lightning kick. I always believed that it would have a use! And its against Sagat(DIE YOU BASTARD!)! Great strat. Must try! Thanks. About Maki. I used her as one of my first characters but the more I played her, the more I think of Guy. I find her great against Sagat, similar to how Rolento can bait'em. Posted by jasonC on 11:27:2001 02:52 PM: For all you A-groove users, what do you think about activating CC after connecting the flipkick? It's pretty much a guaranteed combo cuz u don't have to activate if u don't connect with the flipkick, but damage isn't as high as a ground CC, cuz all u can really do is sbk into air juggles....just another option to explore. Posted by Chun-Li's Pimp on 11:28:2001 01:49 AM: tsk tsk @ me. Kinda embarassed to bring this up, but my S chunny met with Grim results...she kinda got like owned...badly. It was against a sagat, and I could dodge about 90% of his pokes and stuff, but I couldn't close the gap so I couldn't really get close. The one time that I DID get close, I dodged his wake up DP then countered into her 3 hit combo, but that's about all. It was practically impossible to close in on him and do damage though. Maybe someone will find something to work with though. Jason: that's like one of the first combos I tried (alpha style ^_^), and it's not really usful except in the corner, but you can do some good damage in the corner, and it allows you to pull off her best looking CC . Basically you activate it, then meaty fk cancel into neutral superjump up fk x2 then just keep doing that and end with an air throw for fun, or you can try to make them land on a kikosho, which still does piddley damage. after you get out about 10 fks, just end it... Posted by RickDawg on 11:28:2001 05:40 AM: i dont play chun to much anymore but these are my strats with her. firstly i play her in N mode. C.Roundhouse is one of the best anti airs in the game .. step back a little if needed and it snuffs almost all air moves and is nice damage crossup short, Crouch strong, stand fierce.. good poke game .. can follow with a Crouch roundhose every-now and then to get a free sweep when they try to fight back. when you have a few balls with n mode activate one, and DONT rely on the super just do your normal pokes, remember she will do 20% more damage with that activated, but if you see an opening super of course. when opponet is knocked down run at them (n mode) and either crouchfoward roundhouse (her flip kick crosses them up) or do crouch jab->walk up throw. or nothing at all and let them wiff a wake up move (chun li has an awesome on the ground game) jump straight up fierce is a great move to use when pressuring an opponet in the corner. walkfoward plus foward kick is a good pressure move as well. another throw trick you can do is jump fierce (early) it will miss but looks like it should hit , opponet usually gets confused (dont do it often) then land throw. or when doing the cross up short, replace it with a foward kick (it will not hit) but the jumping foward kick and short kick look identical so you confuse them again and throw.. well i have alot more strats with her but that should get you guys going on some good info. Posted by Majestros on 11:28:2001 08:58 PM: Hey i made a (mostly) Chun Li video. It sort of a mix between tactics and combos. It's up on if you wanna check it out. Check media section if you don't see anything on front page. I did pretty much everything on a DC pad but i think it came out pretty good. Tell me what you think Posted by Seany DX26 on 11:28:2001 09:33 PM: HELL YEAH!! HELL YEAH!!! Your ! I'm gonna go get it right now!!!! Posted by Seany DX26 on 11:28:2001 09:45 PM: HOLY SHIT!!!! HOLY SH*T!!!! The whole movie was tight(it even had the SF Animes in there)!! All the combos were great!!! All Chun-Li freaks gotta get this sh*t! He even went through the corner differences!! Great strats in this movie! Great work, Majestros! Posted by Majestros on 11:28:2001 09:58 PM: Thank you Glad you liked it I found some more corner differences with Rolento, dealing with his string super. If he's cornered w/ the opponent very close and does that super, in one corner opponent bounces into corner and in the other Rolento stays in corner. Trippy thing with that one, is that which corner Rolento stays on the same side depends on which player did it - so not only are there corner differences, but 1P/2P differences. But the vid was long enough and i thought the Chun example made more sense and got the point across. I also heard Vega has some corner differences too, dealing with his wall dive. Posted by Seany DX26 on 11:28:2001 10:44 PM: Moments... I just watched it again and added it to my CvS2 playlist! I gotta admit, that was some funny stuff you did on Ryu. And that Sagat-killer combo was great! I just did it on Raiden not too long ago! That some well thought of strats. Again, great work! I also liked the assualt you performed on Blanka and the nasty reversals on Kyo, omg! Links, cross-ups, all of it was there! Hey, do ya think next time you can slap a couple of our combos in there? Posted by Chun-Li's Pimp on 11:28:2001 10:53 PM: Wow if you did all that on a pad you're my new idol. I liked the S groove cross up shit. How often does that work in a real match though, I'm guessing alot...but might be wrong. Which groove do you play serious chunny in anyway? Ah well, that was too kewl. great job. My only complaint was the BGM...but that's more of a long personal story I'd rather not discuss. -__- Anyway, do for one Maki next! Posted by VManOfMana on 11:29:2001 04:32 AM: Not much to say. Competition for me has been low lately, and I won't have gaming day (we meet at someone's place who has MAS sticks) this week. So no facing a 'real' Sagat for a while. I think the big milestone for me is that I can now do the standing jab x 3, crouching jab, standing strong linking *sometimes*. So yipee. The Majestros video looks pretty neat. No, is more than that. That video almost contains top-secret material ^^;; The Terry and Rock counters are very useful, and Chun Li has an easy way to avoid *both* high and low fireballs for free. The crossup examples on Blanka are just great, especially since they are after a super, making her supers even more dangerous. Majestros, I bow to you ^_^ I have another use to her standing roundhouse besides avoiding fireballs: sweep stuffer, which works great against some turtles. Just walk on them, predict their sweep and stuff it with the roundhouse. She cannot be hit by ground-level attacks. Posted by Seany DX26 on 11:29:2001 04:45 AM: The MAS sticks... I'm about to get me a MAS stick in the next couple of weeks! Hey, do they ever break? I played with one before and they seem like they're heavy duty sticks(best I've seen) which is great. I was just curious on whether they break often so I would know if I gotta buy some extra parts with it. Posted by Chun-Li's Pimp on 11:29:2001 05:29 AM: Nah, massticks are some sturdy shit. I've had mine for over a year and it's been through some hard times(wild button mashing marvel, slamming it when I get thrown 7 times in a row by gay guile, throwing it at my little sister, the works, and it's not even a little broken) Mine's a hardboard joystick though, I dunno if that has anything to do with it. Cuz when I first got it I couldn't do anything, I had to just spin it in circles for like an hour. but whateva, still works. Only complaint I have is they're too heavy and have to be flat on the floor, like you can't play with one in your lap(or I can't anyway). AH well, it's a sound investment. After watching that video again, Majestros ownz! Posted by Majestros on 11:29:2001 12:22 PM: Thanx for your compliments guys! I really appreciate it I made a thread explaining everything i did in the video in case there's anything anyone wants to know. You can find it here: I only made a new thread generally don't like it when threads get too long because they tend to lose focus and it becomes very difficult to find information. But i made sure to clarify that i didn't really expect anyone to post on that thread (except maybe to bump it up every once in a while for everyone to see) so that this thread doesn't lose its visitors and contributors. Posted by Seany DX26 on 12:02:2001 06:07 AM: Chun-Li Pressure Stradegy Part 1... Sorry, for not posting lately. I finally tested my Chun-Li pressure strat on some more characters and CvS2 players! It works pretty well and I don't find any problem with the strat as long as you don't repeat it. Before I start, remember this strat stuff is hard to convert from mind tactics to paper, so bare with me. I believe everyone in this thread has good reactions and a steady mind game. Also, this post is gonna be long, so ya might wanna grab somethin' to eat before ya read.... Primary attacks to be used... Cross-up short - This is your primary weapon for using this tactic. It's weak but has alot of range for a cross-up. Low jab - Another crucial attack despite its weak damage. Standing strong - An essential in every strat. Standing roundhouse - Used in anticipation. Knee flip kick(DF+roundhouse) - Crucial mind game dominator! The strat... This tactic I find only useful during battle in the following situations... -You have more life than the opponent. -You have a full bar of super. -Your opponent is near guard crush. -Your opponent is a turtler. -You and your opponent are down to 5% of life(you gotta have some balls to pull this off in this condition!). To begin this strat, cross-up you opponent with a super jumping short kick(definetly if he is big[Sagat!]. You will land faster.). Next, perform a roll to get back on the side you were just on. Be sure to go into the defentsive crouch position. Depending on the size of the character, the roll will have more or less recovery toward the end(BalrogJPN, alot; Raiden, almost none). Proceed to poke using low jab(and maybe low short depending on the distance between you and your opponent). The purpose of this is to get them to do something stupid. If you manage to make contact, link another jab/strong cancelled into Hoyoukusen. If they block, you are being pushed back so look for them to do something... -If they jump, you have plenty of time to walk under them and perform standing close roundhouse xx super jump double fierce for punishment. -If they try to stick out a low roundhouse(or another low attack), use the forward moving standing roundhouse to whack it. -If they try to throw, stuff it with standing strong into Hoyoukusen or some other counter. -If they super, roll or take the block damage then punish. -If they proceed to block, either dash or roll and use the kick throw. After the kick throw, you can go ahead and fight out the rest of the round or mix-up some more... If the opponent hasn't begun to fight yet, you have several options. First, you can cross-up but DO NOT perform the same strat you just did. Players can catch on to it quickly. Do something like... -Cross-up short, roll, lightning kick or cross-up, do nothing and react to what they do. Second, you can cross them up, get on top of them and use the Knee flip kick to confuse them. You could also stick in a short spinning bird kick if you believe they're big enough. Thirdly, if you just ever-so-happen to have them in the corner, pressure them with low/standing strong into strong Kikoken to drain guard, tick life and force them to open up. It's all a matter of mix-ups. Attacks to avoid while you're performing the strat... -Try to avoid using low/standing fierce, low forward, low strong(unless for pressure), and low roundhouse(only use this if you see the opportunity, which is rare sense they're so tense). These push you away from the opponent which is not what Chun-Li wants. She needs to be close or in mid-range(somewhere along Sagat's shin/ankle during his standing forward). This little strat can also be groove and character dependent... Posted by Seany DX26 on 12:02:2001 06:10 AM: Chun-Li Pressure Stradegy Part 2... (Continued...)Which groove your in can slightly affect this tactic. I'll post stuff for C, N and A-groove first sense they seem to be the most popular... C-groove - Its best to do the tactic when you got a level 2 or 3. You get a little damage plus which can help. You also have supers, and counter attack at your disposal. They try to dish out, smack'em! N-groove - This groove adds to the strat!! Now that she has short jump, you can double the pressure by doing quick double fierces and foot stomps. You also have run, so when you are pushed to far away you can run back in their face again! You also have counter attack AND counter movement! A-groove - This has its plus when the meter is full. If they stick out somethin', blow through that sh*t!! If they're a skill player, then they will most likely not attack because they know what you can do. This means even more pressure and mix-ups! P-groove - If you just happen to be a parry god, you can dominate! You gotta have some ultra reflexes to be pullin' off low parries on turtlers(definetly in crouching position, damn!)! S-groove - The dodge can be of help. Dodge what they throw out. You also have Infinite supers(if in red)! K-groove - This one is a little tricky. If you got the right reflexes, you just defend everything they counter with. I believe when you just defend, you do not move back as much. But now that you've block, your opponent has come out of his defensive position. Characters to watch out for... Sagat - My eternal enemy! I devleoped this strat based around him because of insane zoning ability. Beware of his Tiger Crush and Uppercut. Try to avoid it by using the hit-pause method. When poking with low jab, hit then pause. Try to bait him into doing one of the two so you punish his ribs! Rock - He can be a pain. I use him, but playing against another rock player can get aggrevating. Its his Crack Counter. Again, be patient and use the hit-pause method to see if he reacts. Hibiki - If she has level 3 or in K-groove with a full meter, DO NOT PERFORM THE TACTIC! She'll catch with that cursed(but wicked) level 3 heart exploding slash super(I forget the name). There are others to watch for but I gotta get some sleep, man. I'll post the other characters if ya want. I hope this helps. This tactic is also debatable in some areas, so feel free to post about. After all, thats what Shoryuken's about right? Peace! Posted by Seany DX26 on 12:09:2001 04:13 AM: Ratio 1 killer... Hey, I found a great way to immediately kill away some ratio 1 characters! The roundhouse lightning kick can inflict some damamge to characters that have to be fought at close or in-their-face range. If ya can get it in about 3 times during battle, they would either have lost about 30%-40% of their life or they will be dizzy(those kicks inflict some crazy stun damage!). And since there's no startup(and if your quick enough), you could whip it out anywhere! Posted by VManOfMana on 12:09:2001 05:19 AM: Hey Seany. Thanks for giving life to this thread again :) You may want to try this one too for R1 characters (I think I mentioned it before, though). Anti air crouching roundhouse. On wake up, crouching strong into Lv 3. Houyoku Sen. Round over. --- This is not really related to strategy and tactics, but here it goes: Remember the Chun Li model auction I won? Well, some of you asked me if it was possible to get it somewhere else. Guess what? I found a store that not only sells the figure, but they can professionally assemble it for you. Check out The model is a perfect incarnation of Third Strike's Chun Li, except for the breast size (wish they were smaller). Posted by Chun-Li's Pimp on 12:09:2001 08:25 AM: I thought this thread died! Ah well, good to see it active a little bit(kinda). Um, same ole here, I haven't found anything new. I like A-chunny though, she's fun. Um, my new team actually is Chunny, Hibiki, Maki - A groove. For strategy stuff, yup, her Lightning Kick really ownz. It's prolly one of the best wake up moves in the game. even N Fagat can't do anything about it. Oh I call sagat fagat now. He's too gay. Him and Cammy with that 'impossible to counter DP move without being countered by it'. AH well, I get around it barely. Anyway, a little note on the lightning kick. it's just any kick x 5 times, so you can do it as a command move instead of a mash move. I think that's pretty common knowledge actually, but start the kicks as they are getting up, and make the first kick a short, so you don't have lag to recover from with a fk. so go like lk, fkx4 and you get a fk lightning kick on command. Ah well, keep this post alive, I still love chun li! Posted by Kikosho on 12:09:2001 05:50 PM: Majestros great work man. ChunLi now owns once again thanks to this thread and your video. Posted by Seany DX26 on 12:10:2001 01:12 AM: We're back... quote: Originally posted by VManOfMana Anti air crouching roundhouse. On wake up, crouching strong into Lv 3. Houyoku Sen. Round over. Damn! That does kill ratio 1's! Thanks! Yes, this thread is back in effect after a week of inactivity! We can't let this thread die yet(I can't imagine playing CvS2 Chunny without this thread and besides, I still haven't saved the posts into a text document yet)! We still got more characters to help Chun-Li to defeat! I managed to find some dirt on some more characters over the past week. I'll post'em later on. VManofMana, I went to that site! I love it! Thanks! I'm about to get the one you got(she looks soooooo fine) and the one wit Chun-Li doing her sidekick(thunder thighs baby!). I also plan on gettin' Akuma and some anime figures as well. Chun-Li's Pimp(lol), I like the name Fagat. It suits him perfectly. A couple of days ago, I came across a good Fagat player! I owned his a** with the strats we shared on this thread! And since my R1 Kyo can out prioritze his attacks and inflict alot of damage, Chun-Li always comes in there for the kill! I love her! And about the kickx5 command. I discovered that when I was doing my CCs. Well said. Also, I believe I discovered a minor glitch! When you do the first part of the anti-air CC (low roundhouse xx short SBK, standing close roundhousex2), sometimes during the two roundhouses she jumps! She jumps straight up in the air with her split kick! ??? Ah well. About ten minutes ago, I came up with another killer CC! Here it is... Position: Anywhere. Variables: none. -Activate CC, standing roundhousex4, low fiercex3 xx roundhouse SBK, low fiercex3 xx roundhouse SBK, standing close strong (2-Hit) xx lvl 1 Hoyoukusen xx super jumping double fierce. 35 Hits; 12 pts of stun; 8332 pts of damage!!! I couldn't believe my eyes! This does more damage than the other B&B CC! And its easier to pull it off on a stick! This is my new damage inducing CC(I gotta come up with some names for these combos)! I'm currently trying to make some more based off of this one. Don't let this thread die! Post up! We must continue our journey to absolute Chun-Li perfection! ( ) Peace! Posted by Seany DX26 on 12:12:2001 02:16 PM: CvS2 homework... I hope everyones done their homework! I just got done readin' the FAQ at 3 am this morning. The best FAQ I've ever seen! Now that we know about the system a little more, maybe we can make more combos(especially in A-groove). His breakdown of the CC can be used by novice users. The last CC I found seems to fit exactly into what jchensor was talking about... quote: How to make a good custom - Custom Combos 08: "Custom Combos follow a very distinct formula. Basically, you want to do about 7, 8, or 9 hard hits, and then go into a sequence that grants you MANY hits quickly, regardless of what they are. The reason for this is that Damage Scaling during Custom Combos follows a VERY distinctive pattern" by jchensor. So, the SBK and lightning kick does have their uses. It makes it a whole lot easier to create CCs. Combined with a jump-attack, CCs will be extremely powerful. Just jump in deep with fierce, activate and assinate! Also, did ya notice our Chunny has the average amount of Hit pts? As Ratio 2(which is what I always use ^_^) she got 14000 Hit pts! That's great! It dosen't stop there! Chun-Li got the the most invunerability frames in her roll! And its long! Given this, we could develp more strats concerning the roll. We could also feel better about rollin' through certain attacks that some other characters do not so feel comfortable with. Let's discuss this FAQ. Thanks again to jchensor for this killer FAQ!!! (By the way, has anyone got any numbers on that Mr. Mem 100% combo yet?) Posted by Chun-Li's Pimp on 12:12:2001 06:38 PM: Yes that was quite kewl. I read the Japanese A-groove combo guide for Chun Li and I just use that, it's simple and effective. I use Ratio 1 chun, and I use predomanately P and K grooves, so rolling strats wouldn't have too much benefit for me. Still would love to read about it though. Terry has a nice roll too, and he's one of my favorite characters. I think he had 0 frames where you could punish him Terry and Chunny are a good duo btw, it's been my newest team. Well actually I've jumped on the Hibiki and Rolento bandwagons. I like them both alot, but scrubiki has a bad rep, and I'm sure I don't help it with c. lkx3, c. lp xx qcf+p haha Ah well, chunny is my one true love. What did you wanna talk about the FAQ? I think we need to bring up more characters that chunny has difficulty fighting. =\ we got Fagat down, but who else do you guys have a problem facing? My theory is if you can beat Fagat, the rest of them should fall like dominoes. How about anti rock/terry tips? and then Iori is a problem too, so anything you guys got on them would help me out alot. Iori and Terry are respectively my two favorite SNK side characters. Where the hell is (orochi) Leona though? Man I remember KoF97 OROCHI LEONA! OMG WHAT A BEAST! It's like Shingouki who? Ah well, ANTI IORI PLEASE! Peace. Posted by Seany DX26 on 12:18:2001 08:20 PM: Iori... Sorry for not postin' lately(college is now a burden.). Hmmm...I use to be an Iori freak back in KOF. I'll see if I can dig up some dirt on him after I get my practice in today. Posted by Chun-Li's Pimp on 12:19:2001 03:40 AM: K kewl, thanks. I still am an Iori freak. He's long since been one of my favorite characters. I think back in kof 96 when...KOF 97 is the best though. ^_^ Anyway, I think N Iori can give chunny a run because his DP is anti air and will stop most air games, he can't outpoke her, but he can presure her and that damn sweep is too good. I think it's his mini hops and cross up short that make him a pain though, since he can land a B&B combo from either. N chunny can just kikosho that shit if you time it right, but I dunno, I just have problems in general against Iori and Kyo for that matter, but Iori to a much worse extent. Anyone have problems with Cammy? I am about 50/50 in my fights with her. So yea. Ah well, I predict this will pick up around Xmas cuz everyone will haev free time ^_^. peace and happy holidays Posted by Triality on 12:19:2001 05:22 AM: Troubles learning Chun-Li Can anyone give me some basic tips for learning Chun-Li? I'm so used to shoto-type characters that trying to do anything with Chun-Li seems difficult. Hell, I even get my ass kicked when playing against the computer as her.... My main problem is the lack of ability to pull off any sort of combo with her, nothing I do seems to connect fluidly either. And how do you cancel into a jump torward the enemy after you land a kick super, like you see in those combo vids so often? One more problem, Chun-Li's jumps have a very different feel to them than any other character I've played so far. For example, she seems to jump higher and have more airtime than normal, therefore she lands a little bit slower than I'm used to. The normal punches/kicks are different while in the air too, like the short kick compared to the headstomp, etc, as such I'd like some tips on her air moves. I usually use R3 Rugal/ R1 Chun-Li Posted by Seany DX26 on 12:19:2001 09:44 PM: Some tips... I gotta few basics for ya Triality... -Abuse standing strong. It does decent damage, has good range, can be cancelled into a special or super and its damn fast(about 2 frames to come out). -Other pokes and pressure tools are: low forward, low strong, standing fierce. -Chun-Li is more of an offensive character so be sure to attack and plan your strats accordingly. Also, be sure to read the first few pages of this thread. That's where the majority of learning Chun-Li is at. To cancel her kick super (Hoyoukusen), you must super jump in order to cancel the last kick. Ex. I perform a lvl1 Hoyoukusen, wait for the last kick to connect then input down to up-forward and press fierce twice for a jumping double fierce (you could also try another attack). And I agree with you with the jumping. Its different from others but that can also be an advantage. Back in SF3: Third Strike, her jump can through opponents WAY off if they're not used to it. After practicing with her, you'll get used to it. Chun-Li's Pimp(LOL!), sorry I didn't post earlier(watched to much anime.). Iori can be a demon in the right hands. So far I found low forward and standing fierce to be the best weapon since half of his speacials move him forward. And from what we seen in Majestros's video, his ground wave(I forget the name) is no problem. Just don't jump at him!! He'll smack ya wit that anti-air of his. I'm currently trying to find a weakness in his low attacks. As much as I like him, I love talking about ways to defeat Kyo! One thing is certain...Chun-Li cannot beat Kyo's offense; hands down!!! Its too good! Kyo is rushdown character so he's played 90% offense. I play a 50/50(sometimes 40 offense) Chunny when up against him. It seems Capcom intentianally stripped him of his ground wave and gave him superb combo/damaging abilty. Almost every move he has can cancel! Attacks you've gotta watch out for are: standing (close and far roundhouse), *low short, low strong, F+fierce attack (shouler attack), and his jumping D+fierce. *Beware of his short!! Many Kyo players (including myself) abuse it because the instant it connects, can result in instant damage! He can link low strong into his aragami chain. If it hits you just lost 20-30% right there(even the announcer starts talkin'!). His combos are so damaging, that it renders his supers useless. There is a whole lot more on Kyo and Iori, but I gotta play some of this Final Fantasy X(I just got it!!!!! It came out today!!!! I'm currently opening it!!!)!!! I may not post for a while because I might become instantly addicted to it. I doubt I'll be on it for long because I gotta upcomin' tourney in CvS2 in January. I'll try to keep up with the fighting scene. Posted by XvE on 12:23:2001 02:03 AM: nice vid Posted by KingRaoh on 12:23:2001 04:51 AM: chunners Chun-Li rules, she was my main in ST back in the day. i just picked her up on this game a week ago and she can be quite a terror if you can get your rythm right. i use her in N-groove because, chun-li's normals have excellent priority and do good damage. i start by building meter. using pressure tactics such as, jump in mk/sk (mostly, i don't jump in), 1 or 2 crouching jabs, c. strong/ standing strong, now it's either a kikoken buffered in the end, followed by a s. roundhouse/ s.fierce, or directly s. roundhouse, s. fierce. for anti-air, i anticipate the jump and do a quick j. fierce 2x, i don't do this the whole match (anticipating the jump takes up alot of bandwidth (in my mind) so it leaves me with few other options, kinda like anticipating a parry, pretty much that's all your doing is anticipating the parry) anyway, i do this until my opponent decides that the air is not a safe place, you wouldn't believe what an anti-air this is. now, institute poke routine of choice. when i have two "dots" of meter, i bust one. from there i can do a couple of things. i can attempt to get his guard crush meter down pretty low, then tick damage with my level three super (really pisses people off when they get a damaging super 'cause of a tick.) more often than not, i just continue my poking game and let my opponent live with the pressure of a level three (they play more cautiously, and you can poke more aggresively, unless they are honda and do a s. fierce (that move rules, honda standing fierce, stops blanka dead in his tracks, and comes out quicker than sagats fireballs, so you can stuff him from further than his arms length, try it you'll like it, honda rules for so many reasons) anyway, as usual the above is assuming i have my opponent playing "my" game and i am not trapped in some kinda nightmarish guile beat down. i really enjoy this string and thought that i would contribute something. most chun-lier's use the above tactic (i know) but i thought that i would post it for new chun'li users. a question, now i read a little bit earlier on page 2 or three about F+mk, what are it's properties and usess. i cannot find where i read about it again. Posted by Jonstar! on 12:23:2001 07:52 AM: A couple of things I want to know: 1) .. In Majestros vid, after the hokyusen super, he canceled into a SJ.D+MK, and then landed perfectly with the lk as a crossup. Does that only work on blanka or something? I seem to have trouble doing the lk as crossup, or maybe i'm doing the footstomp a bit late?.. 2) How should I fight a P groove player.. I love jumping in with chun, but when I play a P groove player, i lose that option since he keeps parrying my jump-ins. 3) I'm thinking about if chuns can beat shoto DP's when u jump in.. is that possible? When you lose the option of jumping in, should you jus stay on the ground and poke like crazy? 4) One more thing, How do you fight Yamazaki? When he has lv3, I find it REALLY hard to get close.. even without his Lv3, because his st.RH is simply long range and powerful. Posted by Jonstar! on 12:24:2001 05:30 PM: Dont let this thread die yet. bump Posted by Namor8 on 12:24:2001 05:49 PM: yeah, what are some good strats vs. yamakazaki. he gives me a tough fight when i am chun. so does kimberly, less i anti-air (j.quick fpx2)them when they are going for that pound on your head with his feet thing. maybe yamakazaki is just gonna be one of those tough fights since he's got great pokes. damn standing roundhouse, crouching roundhouse, jumping roundhouse, every roundhouse in my face. poor chunners. Posted by Seany DX26 on 12:24:2001 10:17 PM: I'm back... Alrighty, I'm back(somewhat)! I've been enjoyin' FFX a little too much. I've also been tryin' to build the ultimate Mugen game and gettin' parts for my car so there's alot goin' on in my agenda. Then I also got a CvS2 tourney next month!!! Time to get back to trainin'! KingRaoh - I find your strat very effective if you've got them playing your game. I have a similar scenario in A-groove (I posted it on Dec. 2nd). Try to avoid using standing far fierce and roundhouse(unless you mean close standing roundhouse) for anti-air. You could use standing far fierce if their near full screen distance or if their just leaving off the ground for a jump(which I find very effective!). But ya gotta have ULTRA fast reflexes to be relyin' on that. If your that fast, by all means use P-groove. You'll be a monster! Also, how do you use Chun-Li in your team? Do you use her as your battery, point character or backup/fill-in? I find your strat even more effective if she's your point; meaning your main character(Ratio 2). This is because you don't have to worry about filling your meter when she's point and you can go all out; possibly obtaining 4 stocks during battle. And about the F+forward. I find its uses lie in certain conditions. When fighting against large characters (such as Fagat;I HATE HIM!!!), you could use F+forward to go on the offensive since its really hard for them to avoid. Chun-Li's Pimp(LOL!) found this very useful against Fagat since it can sometimes stuff his high Tiger Shot. Also, it is very useful in A-groove. In my Nov. 12th post, I talked about how big of a role this plays in her CCs. Check it out. Another great thing about the F+forward kick is that it can combo!!! Elffzero discovered this (his Nov. 11th post)! I came up with a combo that does 8166 pts of damage with it!!! Jonstar! - I can help... 1 - In Majestros's vid, he did cancel the lvl1 Hoyoukusen into the foot stomp. Part of its due to what level your using. Lvl3 smacks'em the highest; lvl1 smacks'em the lowest. To follow with the foot stomp after a lvl1 takes a bit of timing. Depending on how early or late you did it, it will put her behind or in front of the opponent. If ya do it late, she crosses. Do it early and she stays in front(Character size is a small issue. Do it on some medium sized characters.). In either case, she lands a moment after her opponent so you can attack on the way down. This tactic is EXTREMELY effective! I use it after I land a CC. Majestros started a thread explaining everything he did in his video. It's CvS2 Chun Li Video Analysis. I have a Word Pad document of everything he posted there, so I could send it to ya if ya want. 2 - When playing a P-groove player, DO NOT POKE AT THEM!!! That's what P-groovers want since its easy to see comin'. Use small combos to take advantage of a hit. It all depends on how good they are at parrying/just defending. Use Chun-Li's standing 3-hit short often to test how much of a P/K-groover they really are. If they parry it (or the first hit), their good...very good. So use Chunny's kick throw for set-ups and take the offensive. Play smart. When P or K-groove is present in battle, it all comes down to the mind game. P-groovers have an EXTREMELY effective stradegy. Some of them will play somewhat defense. They stand there with supreme confidence, no guard or anything and parry everything you throw at them. Their objective is to parry the three(or four) key elements in psychologic battle: A) the jump-in, B) the fireball, C) the pokes/combos. Once they've obtained their goal, most of the time the offensive player is left with nearly no options. So their stuck; trying to come up wit' something to win. This is a VERY CRITICAL moment. Once the P-groover sees it, they become a demon. They take the offensive and attack, countering EVERYTHING the player throws out. The player is busy trying to come up with a way to win, while getting hammered by the P-groover. Before they know it, they've pretty much lost. Think somewhat beyond what you see in front of you during battle. To jump in on them, abuse high jump. If you plan to jump-in a lot, always cross-up. It's hard to parry(but easy to just defend), so abuse that to keep them on their toes. If it comes to air-to-air, most definetly use the double fierce. Most P/K-groovers want to parry/just defend when they jump so the second fierce almost always connects. Ya might have trouble with K-groovers in the air-to-air department. When they JD, they pop up in the air a little. So when you land, their comin' right down on top of you. Be prepared to defend against a cross-up. 3 - Chun-Li's jumping short can stuff Ryu's Shoryuken. Ryu's Shoryuken lost more invincibilty frames in CvS2, so its practically worthless( poor .). Ken, Akuma and Dan will most likely trade hits or cleanly counter you. In this case, poke with standing strong. It has serious Shoryuken/Koryuuken countering potential. 4 - As for Yamazaki, I'm working on him and Iori as I type this! So I should have some dirt on them later tonight. Posted by Seany DX26 on 12:24:2001 10:28 PM: I'll get some dirt... quote: Originally posted by Namor8 yeah, what are some good strats vs. yamakazaki. he gives me a tough fight when i am chun. so does kimberly, less i anti-air (j.quick fpx2)them when they are going for that pound on your head with his feet thing. maybe yamakazaki is just gonna be one of those tough fights since he's got great pokes. damn standing roundhouse, crouching roundhouse, jumping roundhouse, every roundhouse in my face. poor chunners. Kimberly!!! Holy Sh*t!! LOL! Yeah, he can give Chunny trouble since he's up there with Kyo in the rushdown department. Suprisingly enough, human Kim players are easier than the CPU! LOL! My primary anti-air against him is her straight up jumping roundhouse. It will either trade or counter his air rapid foot attack(I forget the name.). I may have some Yamazaki strats later. Posted by KingRaoh on 12:24:2001 11:09 PM: yeah, if they do a jump in from standard distance i don't use standing fierce. with chun-li my game is very dependent on anticipation as soon as i see someone jump up i jump and immediately hit fierce smack them with a double fierce (this technique is not perfect, but very effective. i learned it in super turbo. any time (in ST) a person is off the ground he is being thrown by chun li, her throw is crazy good in that game). if they are jumping close i use standing fierce or standing roundhouse. in fact i use those pretty often when chun-li is being crowded, even when my opponent is on the ground with me, pretty effective actually. i cannot buffer the super jump after the standing roundhouse yet though. i use chun-li as my first character, she can really get a feel for my opponent. she let's me know what i can and cannot get away with (how well a person can parry, does he know the subtle nuances of the character and gameplay in general). she does good damage with normals so i don't have to take too many risks. chun-li is my scout. i play in N groove mostly. i build meter up to two dots and then bust one. this has inherent psychological advantages (threat of a level 3). what i really use it for is the extra damage 'cause chun's normals are so good. if i get the chance to punish a mistake i bust out the level three. chun-li is backed up by honda ratio 2 and ryu. i'm telling you honda's standing fierce is great when used properly, also honda is a monster with the extra damage of a busted n dot. matter o' fact his normals are on par as far as priority with chun-li. so he makes a good transition character (from chun-li to ryu). with chun-li you are mostly poking with occasional special moves, with honda you are doing an even amount of specials and poking, finally with ryu you are doing more specials to set up rather than poking. anyway i kinda like the way the team is structured. oh, yeah watch it when you tag that kikoken to the end of your poke string 'cause good player will roll through it and throw you or dragon, special, etc., i learned this the hard way. if they are not privy to this technique then fireball away. hope this helps. Posted by KingRaoh on 12:24:2001 11:14 PM: oh yeah, Seany, the instant you see kimberly jump for that stomp on your head move (you can tell he's gonna do it cause kimberly will set you up and get at the right distance to prevent retaliation after the move). jump and hit fierce as quick as you can. you shoud be doing the fierce punches on your way like a charm. when you do this you can keep on the offensive and keep poking away. yeah, 'puter kimberly is more tougher than human kimberly. late Posted by VManOfMana on 12:25:2001 12:57 AM: Hey, Seany. Thanks for helping out with the questions. I am pretty much on hybernation mode now that I got off school, heh. Just wanted to wish each of you a Merry Christmas. Hope all of you have a good time and keep improving your Chun Li skills. Tamerai ba makeyo! Posted by Jonstar! on 12:25:2001 02:34 AM: Just want to wish all of our chun li players a Merry Christmas. Keep the strats coming I have yet to see anybody win a tourny with chun!.. Come on guys Posted by Jonstar! on 12:25:2001 03:16 AM: Seany: Whats the 3 hit lk you said in the post that you replied to my problems..? Posted by VManOfMana on 12:25:2001 03:44 AM: Jonstar: Seany refers to Chun Li's short kick. Close short kick is the little kick she does at the opponent's ankle, while the one done with a distance is a kick to the stomach. That's the one that can be linked. If you do it at the correct distance, her short kick can be linked three times, each of them looking different. Posted by KingRaoh on 12:25:2001 04:23 AM: a three hit short kick link. what distance do you start the link at? thanks. Posted by Majestros on 12:25:2001 10:30 PM: I did that 3-short combo in my video on Sagat. That thing took me forever, so i started doing a setup that would put me at the perfect distance every time and left it in the video anyway. Pick Chun vs Sagat and corner Sagat. Do close s.fierce, low short and you'll be at the perfect distance for that combo. Then do short jump j.fierce, fierce (double fierce) and standing short x3. On a side note, i don't think that's a link. Think about it - the second short isn't distance-based ... it comes out different because you push short after the first short is out, but if you wait a while, the first short comes out again. It has to be a chain because that's the only way you could get a different short to come out by simply pushing the same button. Otherwise, anytime you pushed s.short, a random-looking one would come out and if you wanted to do the "link" most of the time at least two of the shorts would look the same. So yeah, anyways ... i think it's a chain Chains are extremely rare in CvS2 so Chun Li's special Hehe Other examples of chains are Yun's s.strong, s.fierce, back+fierce and Terry's s.fierce, d/f+fierce. Oh yeah, and as far as Parry goes, throwing is the key! Sounds cheap huh? Haha. So you have that much more of an advantage against P if you can throw in the air as well as on the ground. As an added advantage, air throws can't even be teched, and Chun has a good anti-air that she can do if people get afraid of air throws and jump in with early shorts and such (c.rh xx puffball, or if you get ballsy, low strong -> kick super). On top of that, she has really good rapid-fire jabs (which help a lot more against K than P but are good against P too). IMO Rolento's biggest problem is that his jabs, while awesome against non-parry/JD characters, can't be cancelled into one another and give the opponent too big a window of attack if parried or JD'd. But he has c.strong and j.strong which wind up making up for his non-rapidfire jabs/shorts but of course it's not as good because his jabs can be linked, lead to throw setups, do better guard crush, are better bait, etc. etc. So yeah, throw more vs P groove. Especially with fast walking characters like Chun Li and Cammy. Also if they can't duck under SBK use that a lot too, cuz if you get them to block one, since P-groove guard meter sucks, you do mad guard damage. And against K, you do block damage - which is a big deal against K because that's the only kind of damage that they don't get meter for. And since they can't use meter AT ALL till it's maxed, you don't run into the problem of having to deal with the kinds of (more or less) free reversals that even lvl1 supers provide (Athena's crystals, Guile's wipeout, Sagat's hotfoot, Ryu's hk, etc.) Also against what someone said about Ryu's DP sucking. Well, i think the other shotos have always had superior DP's to Ryu's, but there's also a flipside to it being one-hit ... if you trade with Ryu's DP you always do more damage than if you trade with Ken's or Akuma's DP, since you always get all the hits of Ryu's DP (one .. haha). Plus if you use Strong/Fierce DP's, you shouldn't be losing flat-out to pretty much anything. My favorite Shoto is Ryu, and least favorite is Ken (feels like i'm fighting Yamazaki with an uppercut and a crossup). Posted by Seany DX26 on 12:26:2001 01:08 AM: MERRY CHRISMAS!!!! Merry Christmas!!! Hope all ya'll had a good day! One of my relatives sent me some extra money so now I can put some clear-out brake lights and a new exhaust on my Integra! I'm gonna be rollin' to tournies in style. Hey Majestros, sorry for puttin' down ya man but your right about the flipside of his Shoryuken. Single hits do benefit more than multiple in that situation. I didn't really think about that aspect. I have a present for you all! I managed to save this entire thread into a WordPad/text document for reference. This thread has too great of a discussion to throw away so I saved it. Its also a good example of how threads should be; no flamming! Its saved as different pages similar to the pages found here. I can send it to anyone in ZIP format or straitght WordPad documents via E-mail or AIM. Peace! Posted by Seany DX26 on 01:01:2002 06:19 AM: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! Yamazaki info coming soon(I've been in serious hibernation for the past week.)! Posted by Jonstar! on 01:01:2002 07:56 AM: Re: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! quote: Originally posted by Seany DX26 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! Yamazaki info coming soon(I've been in serious hibernation for the past week.)! Happy New Years.. Hehe, I have been waiting a while for this :P Posted by J.Talbain Lord on 01:03:2002 07:31 AM: Thank you all for not flaming It's been a great pleasure to have started this thread and see it develop into a blooming garden of Chun-Li information. I stand for no flaming, and I know everyone else on this thread does too. Please check out my other thread entitled "Best Cheapest Boss Poll". I think it'll end up pretty close, that is if many votes come in. Have a safe and happy new year, from the Talbain Lord himself. Posted by Seany DX26 on 01:07:2002 02:07 AM: Yamazaki strats comin'... Good words, J. Talbain Lord. Its great to see the starter is still here. Yamazaki strats are still comin'. I couldn't do anything lately due to my mom bein' in the hospital. Hopefully I can get around to it after I get my first mods on my ride tomorrow. (I'm gettin' my tints and clear corners tomorrow! Hell yeah!!!) I'm hopin' to have my Integra fully hooked up by the summer. Once its all said and done I'll put on a bumper sticker or decor on the winshield. After that, I'm definetly gonna try to slap some hot Chun-Li art on the ENTIRE body of the car. This'll show that serious gamers can roll wit' style AND bag the females. Btw, VManOfMana, did you ever stop by the new arcade "Stargate"? Just thought I'd asked since you're in that direction. Posted by VManOfMana on 01:07:2002 03:54 AM: Seany: do you mind giving out more specifics? I have been out of town for a good while now and I have no idea if they have opened any new arcades close here. And the El Paso thread has no mention of Stargate. Where is it? Ohyeah, and I still got to reply that PM that you send me loong time ago. It is nice to see other people who like web standards ^_^ Adding into the Chun Li discussion, does anyone has any uses for her crouching forward? It seems to be to slow to me to have any use, and seems useless to me compared to its SF2 and Third Strike incarnations. Posted by Seany DX26 on 01:07:2002 05:46 AM: Stargate... I have no idea of its exact location. All I know is that its in Houston, TX. The article is on the homepage of Shoryuken. I've been too lazy to read it (I WAS planning on readin' some articles and threads tonight but I had to drive to Atlanta THREE times tonight!!.), so I don't know the exact address. My guess is that this new arcade was started by a person who loves Capcom fighting games so that will most likely bring alot of tourneys in your area! If the tourneys are that good, ya know damn well I'm rollin' over there to play!!! Posted by Seany DX26 on 01:09:2002 04:59 AM: Yamazaki dirt... Alrighty! Here's some dirt I found on Yamazaki so far... -All of his basics attacks can cancel into a special or super except the following: standing forward, both standing and close roundhouse, far standing short, far standing strong, low strong and low roundhouse. -He has a two serious basic attacks to watch out for. His overhead (F+strong) and his standing roundhouse. -His "Drill" super (the one when he jumps at you and messes up Chunny's hair.) can be stuffed with any anti-air at close to mid range. Standing forward will either counter completely or trade hits. That's what I've found so far while playing as him and studying his frames. I'm still looking into his specials and supers. Playing mid-range would be your best bet, I'd say. There's really no where else to play against him. When far he can reflect your Kikokens and when close he can zone like you-know-who! Attacks that cause him alot of trouble are: standing strong, standing short, and standing roundhouse. Low attacks are hard to use 'cause of his nasty overhead. His overhead takes just as much damage as his fierce so its gonna hurt if it keeps counterin'. Also, his standing forward can stuff Chun-Li's low strong AND low forward! Last night, I battled this mexican guy at this new arcade that had CvS2. He was the first true SNK player I ever played in this game. We had great battles and I asked him to use Yamazaki. Unfortunately, he's says he's still gettin' use to him in this game so I couldn't try any of the "secret" stuff on him. What I did was try to stay at near full screen distance and throw out several low strongs when I get the chance, to build meter while throwing Kikokens. I played alot of games with him such as throw Kikokens that would end right before they touch his counter(this works!). This builds meter pretty quick. Once at level 1 or near "Full" I move into mid-range and attempt to create openings for the strong cancel into the Hoyoukusen tactic. I'm still learning about him so feel free to add and correct anything I got wrong. I'm gonna try to play him again tommorrow and try some new stuff. Posted by VManOfMana on 01:11:2002 03:53 AM: Just wanted to add a little something that can be amusing, but I think it can also be helpful. If you try to hit Yamazaki on his counter position with a close fierce (open palms), Yamazaki is going to hit the air. In other words, Chun Li is going to be forward enough that Yamazaki's arm will go behind her back. I don't know how to use this to Chun's advantage, probably cancalling the fierce into a super. If it's in Houston, I cannot go, since I don't have time nor money to go out of town just to play ;) I will have to mark it for the future. The Anime club in here is planning to make a group trip overthere, so maybe I can take some time to face good competition. Posted by Chunnnerv on 01:11:2002 05:16 AM: wow, really nice thread you guys have here! unfortunately i have nothing to add to your discussion. I was a hardcore chunny fan in cvss1 (tied for 25th at ECC6 , using Chun on my team), posting a bunch of strats for SF's favorite fighting lady! I don't know why capcom tortures us by altering how she is played in every single SF to come out. I mean she seems to change from game to game more than any other SF character. Well after playing chun to a fairly high level in cvss1, my initial reaction to her cvss2 incarnation was one of horror! But I should have known that it was just a matter of adjusting how to play her. The strats you guys have posted in this thread have delighted me to no end!(i've read every post). So tks to Talbain, Seany, Chun Li's Pimp, VManofMana, Majestros, Elfzero, HajimiOwari and the rest of you who take the time to make Chun tournament competitive. Well i won't be able to hit cvss2 hard until the school year is over, but come summertime i'll be doing my best to dominate my local arcade's with Chunner. using the tactics kindly provided by you guys the chun crew, and hopefully i'll be able to add some butt kicking strats of my own in a few months. Arrgghh! that bloody Yama, he was a pain in the ass in cvss1 as well. As Jonstar says i hope to see Chun on top of the podium wherever you guys play. So keep up the great work as Chun deserves to have her own thread. I'll keep checking to see whatever goodies you guys come up with. Man SRK should have a chunny smiley, why just the shotos, discrimination i tell you Posted by Seany DX26 on 01:14:2002 04:51 AM: Some great news! Thanks for the complement, Chunnnerv. If this thread is still around, some more Chunny players like you can help come up with stuff. Good luck! And dominate those arcades wit' them thunder thighs! I have excellent news! My Chun-Li is really beginning to own! I gotta 17 win streak (altogether about 32 wins and only 4 losses!!) tonight at Jillian's!!! Many of them were SNK players but all were experienced and knew decent strats. I managed to come across another Yamazaki player! He played him somewhat different than the other guy. Here's some stuff I found... Yamazaki has a hell of a time keeping Chun-Li out because of her walking speed. He tried keeping me away and reflecting my Kikokens but the heavy abuse of high jump (which is hard to counter sometimes because of the shadows) and her famous foot work owns his standing roundhouse. Also, the low forward actually does have its uses. When performing foot work, stuff with low forward. It can also be used when he's recovering. Tonight, I used all grooves with Chun-Li. N-groove can literally own Yamazaki!!! SERIOUSLY!!! Combined with her foot speed, run and counter movement kicks his a**! Ya just gotta be quick which can take some practice. Do ya'll know how to rush-down in N-groove? If so, Yamazaki's in trouble. I picked up this tactic while watching a Valle vs Cambell tourney match-up a while ago. IT WORKS!!! Simply run and keep layin' down the pressure with low short and jab till you make contact or you get tired. Here was my scenario: Cross-up short, roll, run xx low short, run xx low jab, run xx kick throw, repeat... If any of the jabs connects, link into another jab/low strong xx lvl1 Hoyoukusen. (After the Hoyoukusen, you could attempt Majestros's cross-up strat and repeat!!!) Just remember ya gotta be fast the whole time! It can take alot out of you but after you performed it, they usually wanna kick your a** after. And since he doesn't have any crazy offensive moves, her pokes can really kick in. I had some great battles tonight. And many players had second thoughts about A-groove and Chun-Li after I layed a CC on almost every player! Thanks to all ya'll for postin' here! Ya'll definetly gotta accept my present! I owe it to ya. VManofMana, I'm gonna look into that fierce tactic. Oh yeah, I found some intrestin' stuff on Terry and Bison while playing tonight. I'll post it up later. Go in peace and make Chun-Li tournament matierial in your area! Posted by cocoumi on 01:14:2002 05:26 AM: This thread is awsome guys! I'm a chun regular in Castro Valley. All of the guys there hate me!!!! She the only thing I've got really. There's many thngs here that o'm going try to even greater improve my game. I ahte that she has no anti air (Tenshokyaku I miss you!). I've been abusing the standing forward kick and it does me little justice. But hey: Super jump cross up, rolling and throwing cross up and cornering for gaurd breaks in c groove makes me happy and all the boys frustrated ^o^. My goal... To play a ratio 4 chun li that is unstopable. She owned may asses in cvs1, and I know I can do it here! Thanks for the inspiration guys! Posted by Seany DX26 on 01:14:2002 03:29 PM: Thanks cocoumi... Thanks cocoumi! I'm glad to see that everyones research is helping others. ATTENTION!!! Remember that XYZ combo movie with the 100% combo in it?! It turns out that the creators must've read viewers responses and released an UN-CUT version of the movie(meaning no crappy transitions!! HELL YEAH!!!) I just got done watching it! Each combo is from start to finish. Its at Get it, now! Here's the combo... Position: Full to Mid-screen distance. Variables: None. Requirements: Level 3 in C-groove, persistance, willpower. Cross-up short, standing close roundhouse, lightining kick(2hits), low strong xx lvl2 Hoyoukusen xx lightning kick(2hits), standing jab, low jab, standing strong xx lvl1 Hoyoukusen xx super jumping double roundhouse. (End of first part; opponent is dizzy; be sure to whiff a standing close fierce as the opponent falls) Cross-up short, standing jabx3, low jab, standing strong xx lvl1 Hoyoukusen xx super jumping foot stomp xx double fierce (1st fierce whiffs). 50 HITS!; 100+ DAMAGE!!! I knew the starter had to be a lightning kick! Unfortunately, he didn't have the stats turned on so we still gotta do the combo in order to find out the damage. I'm gonna give it a try and get numbers. I might have some later on. Peace. Posted by Night on 01:14:2002 06:41 PM: Chun good in N-groove? w00t! That's good cuz I'm gonna try to finally switch from C to N, cuz I really gotta pick up N-Ryu... that N-Ryu (the one Ohnuki used to win that tourney) is HELLA good. Same thing with Chun huh? Rushdown low jabs... hell yeah! Okay... N-Chun, Ryu, Sagat time... Posted by cocoumi on 01:14:2002 07:15 PM: Man, I love N groove a lot. BUT, I love to get people in the air... I love to jump, do crossups and combo. C groove cause I need that air block.... N's great though. I play Guile, Morrigan and Yuri in N... Good stuff... Yuri is another one of those great characters... Try this guys: s. jab, s. short sho-uperx2! For block damage throw in the fireball with punch instead of the uppercut! I love Yuri! CHUN-LI OWNS ALL!!! Posted by Seany DX26 on 01:16:2002 12:43 AM: I got stats!!! XYZ's Crazy Chun-Li Combo...DISSECTED!!! I've got numbers people! And man will you be stunned! Please note that I did the combo as a whole(meaning from start to finish; this is the second time I managed to do it; the first being the wrong starter I did earlier.). No pausing or adding numbers. This is exactly what I seen on the stats before me. I also did this on Rolento(both as Ratio 2) and on Shanghai. The only difference was the colors. I had my Chun-Li in silverish-white. Here go's... Chun-Li crazy combo stats...(drum roll please.)...103 total points stun; 50 total hits; and a whopping 17877 points of damage!!! Damn thats alot! I never even thought that was possible with her! Here's the combo broken in their two parts... Part 1 (dizzying combo) - Cross-up short, standing close roundhouse xx lightining kick(2hits), low strong xx lvl2 Hoyoukusen xx lightning kick(2hits), standing jab, low jab, standing strong xx lvl1 Hoyoukusen xx super jumping double roundhouse. 67 pts of stun; 33 Hits; 10947 pts of damage! Damn! I was suprised I always managed to end up with same number of hits that he did at the end of the first part. This part is great by itself! Part 2 - Cross-up short, standing jabx3, low jab, standing strong xx lvl1 Hoyoukusen xx super jumping foot stomp xx double fierce (1st fierce whiffs). 36 pts of stun; 17 Hits; 6930 pts of damage. This can also stand by itself. You could also make a Part 1/2 hybrid. I also noticed something while doing the first part. After the first lightning kick you can link a standing strong instead of low strong. Its easier because of the reach but harder by not having to press Down. With that said, here's a combo with that combination... Position: Anywhere but the corner. Variables: None. Requirements: Level 3/Powered Up/Maxed Out in any groove but A-groove. Cross-up short, standing close roundhouse xx lightning kick(2 Hits), standing strong xx lvl3 Hoyoukusen xx super jumping double roundhouse. 43 pts of stun; 24 Hits; 9134 pts of damage! Thanks to XYZ and his crew for showing us that immense damage can be done with CvS2 Chun-Li. And thanks to for hosting it. And special thanks to the viewers for the feedback they gave'em. If it wasn't for them, their may have been no un-cut version of the vid. Also, if someone got a different number, post up so we can compare. Peace! Posted by Seany DX26 on 01:16:2002 03:23 AM: Movies!!! Visit the New Japanese CvS2 Videos Check Them Out! thread psx2000 started!!! It contains footage of some high level players go at it over in Japan!!! Definetly get the first movie. It has a Ratio 2 C-groove Chun-Li in there and it shows alot of the strats we posted in action!!! Including new strats!!! All the vids are hot!! Each vid is about 2-5 MB(with sound; crowds baby!). The quality is a little on the low end but who cares?! Its footage baby!!! Get while you can! Posted by Seany DX26 on 01:16:2002 04:00 AM: GET IT NOW!!!! GET THIS FOOTAGE WHILE ITS HOT!!!! I just witnessed pure fame! Ratio 2 Chun-Li vs a Ratio 2 Sagat match-up with full life and final battle!!! Excellent display of Chun-Li stradegy!!! CHUNNY OWNED SAGAT!!!!!!!!! She pulled the combo that was posted earlier in this thread (I believe Slim X mentioned several times and got numbers)! She did lvl2 Hoyoukusen xx SBK, lvl1 Kikosho in a tourney!!! The crowd went crazy!!! I believe its "final5". If ya need help gettin' it, I'll send it to ya! MUST SEE!!! I screamed as loud as I could over how happy I was when Chunny won!!! (I ran all over the room and replayed it 8 times!!!) This means so much to me!!! Chunny can beat Sagat! Its true!!! I'm 'bout to watch the remainin' vids. Also, remember the rush-down strat in N-groove?! Its written all over these clips!!! That N-Ryu is crazy!!! Posted by shinblanka on 01:16:2002 04:11 AM: Re: GET IT NOW!!!! quote: Originally posted by Seany DX26 GET THIS FOOTAGE WHILE ITS HOT!!!! I just witnessed pure fame! Ratio 2 Chun-Li vs a Ratio 2 Sagat match-up with full life and final battle!!! Excellent display of Chun-Li stradegy!!! CHUNNY OWNED SAGAT!!!!!!!!! She pulled the combo that was posted earlier in this thread (I believe Slim X mentioned several times and got numbers)! She did lvl2 Hoyoukusen xx SBK, lvl1 Kikosho in a tourney!!! The crowd went crazy!!! I believe its "final5". If ya need help gettin' it, I'll send it to ya! MUST SEE!!! I screamed as loud as I could over how happy I was when Chunny won!!! (I ran all over the room and replayed it 8 times!!!) This means so much to me!!! Chunny can beat Sagat! Its true!!! I'm 'bout to watch the remainin' vids. Also, remember the rush-down strat in N-groove?! Its written all over these clips!!! That N-Ryu is crazy!!! Yo man are you going to show me the Chun Li at (FINAL ROUND)4 Sat. 1/19/02 in CvS2? I'm making the brackets and I need all of the people to tell me what game their going to enter so I can seperate the different states from playing each other early in the tournament! Just hit me on a PM and tell me what games you plan to play in, ok? I'll see you Sat. yo! You'll show everyone that A-groove Chun Li is to be feared! Posted by cocoumi on 01:16:2002 07:58 AM: AWE SHIT!!!!! I'm gonna learn this shit guys!!!! I WILL BE THE QUEEN OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA! Posted by VManOfMana on 01:16:2002 06:32 PM: Not that I want to underestimate the Sagat player against Chun Li (and hopefully I won't look like a scrub ^^;;), but, is it me or Sagat really looked afraid during the match? He did only a single (and whiffed) Tiger Uppercut, when I saw at least two other chances to connect it: start of round and right after Chun Li threw him into the left corner. Also, I think Sagat's fierce priority would have allowed him to stuff or at least trade with Chun Li at the final sequence of fierces. Of course looking at things from a third person perspective makes things completely different, but the two best Sagat users I know overhere are way more offensive than what I saw in the video (one of them just moved to Houston and he says to have gotten about fifth in the latest Stargate tourney), both of them keep poking whenever you are in range. The other question is, is the Lv. 2 Houyoku Sen > Spinning Bird Kick > Lv. 1 Kikoshou the best way to spend the three super bars? Does it make more damage than a Lv. 3 Houyoku Sen > jumping roundhouse, or a Lv. 2 Houyoku Senn > Lv. 1 Houyoku Sen > jumping fierce x 2, or maybe a Lv. 2 Houyoku Sen > Lv. 1 Houyoku Sen > down forward crossup setup? Another thing: did you guys see the block damage that the jab > crouching strong > fierce > Spinning Bird Kick did? O.o;; Finally, does anyone thinks that the fierce Kikouken seemed to be a great poke? Excellent guard damage, no recovery afterwards, and if done at the proper distance it should have sick priority, since the opponent would have to go thru the Kikoken to hit Chun Li. The main drawback may be the initial lag, though. Too many questions, heh ^^;; --- Whoops! Another one. Is anyone planning to go the big Houston torney that will take place around Spring break (March)? I think it is called Texas Showdown. Posted by cocoumi on 01:17:2002 05:19 AM: After three hours of training. I find this chun xyz combo very difficult... Are all of these moves suppose to connect or soemthing? cause after the cross up short, round house xx lightning kick I can't connect the strong, staning or crouching. Can you guys give me some advice on what to try to accomplish here? Posted by Seany DX26 on 01:18:2002 04:37 AM: Responses... VManofMana, now that I look back at it, that Sagat was playing sort of awkward. Compared to some other CvS 2 matches, that Sagat didn't lay down any real stradegy. Its like he lost focus(I guess thats what a little too much pressure can do to ya in a tourney.) I didn't see any gameplan whatsoever. I guess I was too blinded with excitement to notice that in the first place. Also that combo (the lvl2 Hoyoukusen xx SBK, Kikosho) is a bit weak. I think he did it for show. If I remember Slim X's post correctly, it does 7257 pts of damage(or around there). Cancelling into another Hoyoukusen would have scored just as much or higher I believe. After you mentioned it, that small combo did do some crazy block damage! I'm gonna look into it! About that Texas Showdown. Will it definetely be in March? Cause my college quarter ends in March so I could try to roll over there. Any big names thinkin' about showin'? Did ya'll notice how good that guy had his Chunny strats down? Man he's good. Definetly during that Terry fight. He had people on lock down in the corner with standing fierces and strongs like it was notin'. And the low jab > standing close fierce linking made my jaws drop everytime he did it! cocoumi, its all about the timing. Try canceling a lvl2 Hoyoukusen xx lightning kick(2 Hits), low jab first. Once ya get the jabs timing down, it'll become easier. Its much harder to do it with the standing close roundhouse as starter(sometimes I just turn the game off and make me some ultra sweet tea to speed up reflexes when I started messin' up.). If ya need help, download the vid over at Fighters Cafe if ya haven't. Pick up volume 2. Persona made a combo that's a little shorter that the XYZ combo and it also has the lightning kick > low jab combo in it. We discussed this vid earlier in this thread. You can do it! Post up if ya got questions. Posted by VManOfMana on 01:18:2002 05:23 AM: Seany: Texas Showdown is March 9-10, I believe. I won't be able to make it because of money and my Spring break is the week after that. I do have a question on the combo video. Wha do you do to cancel the close roundhouse into the Hyakuretsu Kyaku? And more importantly, which version of the Hyakuretsu Kyaku? What I tried to do is to press both short and roundhouse at the same time after the roundhouse because else I am not fast enough to make the Hyakuretsu Kyaku come out. The problem is that sometimes the short verison comes out, or sometimes the roundhouse version, messing everything up for me. As of the rest of the combos, I have a loooooong way to go to get the timing for linking, although I think that is the first thing to try to get. To be honest I never learned how to do links ^^;; I still play too much like good old SF2 or SF3 Chun Li. Posted by Sie Kensou on 01:18:2002 07:03 AM: Hello Sorry if this question is answered already but here goes: What r some good tactics against Sagat, Yamazaki and Blanka?? This Trio is the team i have trouble beat with Chun-li I've been practicing her and she's hella Bomb. Also one more question, bout her lvl. kicks, after the pop up, i watched in a Chun tec vid where she does a cross up after the pop up, cuz of the stomp kick. So in other words, do super, when is the right time 2 do super jump and do stomp kick so u can cross up?? So again, Thank u for your time guys, and again, Sorry if this questions i have posted r already answered. Thanks oh i forgot, my team is Chun/Blanka/VegaR2 K-groove Also, hey ShinBlanka!!!! Long time i haven't heard from u, Fello Blanka player!!! Kensou Posted by VManOfMana on 01:18:2002 07:19 AM: You can see strategies of fighting them all on other messages of this thread. I think the information posted here is worth the time of reading them all. The timing of the stomp at the end of the Lv. 1 Houyoku Sen is a little tricky. Don't do the stomp immedeately after super jumping, but a little after. What I can recommend you is to get into training mode to get the timing. Good luck playing Chun Li-sama ^_^ Posted by noswad on 01:18:2002 02:00 PM: Crossup short, d.jab, close s.fierce, SBK -is- a pretty dope combo.. Be carefull however, as smaller characters will be able to duck the SBK. Against larger opponents you can use it for block damage. The cool part is that after the SBK kick is over, you recover in time to keep attacking.. (not combo though i don't think). So you could s.fierce -> SBK again. Or CC their attack if they try it. You are stuck in SBK a long time though so if they can counter roll out of the way you could be meat. VMan Yeah, that combo is pretty tricky.. kinda like the fierce>fierce>rh lightning leg combo from back in the day. You can try hitting short, then start to mash the kicks a bit (but not enough to start the lightning leg, just to rev it up).. when you land stop mashing for that split sec and hit rh, and mash for the lightning leg. See if that works for ya. As for the links? Well.. that's just timing. ^_^ Posted by Jonstar! on 01:18:2002 09:13 PM: -One of the stratageys that were discussed in this thread against sagat, was to.. crossup with lk, then roll as you land.. my question is what is the point of the roll as you land?.. -how does chun beat blanka? sorry if it was alrdy posted somewhere in this thread, but too lazy to check, kinda sick Posted by Sie Kensou on 01:18:2002 09:52 PM: Hello Bout fighting against Blanka, it's in the 5th page of this Thread. It's in the middle of the page. And i believe VMana talks bout how u deal against him. Hope this helps, later Kensou Posted by Jonstar! on 01:18:2002 11:03 PM: Sie, I think I'm going to start using Vega. I was wondering if you could tell me the stuff I should do and not do. Thanks. Check your PM. I think it'd be easier like that since this is a Chun thread. thx. Posted by shadowcharlie on 01:19:2002 12:34 AM: hey you guy im trying to come up with the best (dmagage) wise a groove blocked 'combo', the one that chips the most when blocked, any ideas? Posted by Gandido on 01:19:2002 06:04 AM: SeanyDX: Sup man? I've seen this thread for a while, I know a couple of other things, so I'll post later because I'm on a power generator. PS I made an electronic music thread in general discussion. Visit if you want. Posted by Paxtez on 01:19:2002 12:07 PM: The lv2 kickXXsbk, lv1 fireball. Does more damage then anyother non-crazy combo (stuff with cancling into lightning kick, etc... wtf?). It does more then the lv2 kick xx lv1 kick + 2 kicks in air. Plus (IMHO) its easier to do, to get the most damage out of the lv2+lv1 kicks, you gotta cancle on the 2nd to the last kick, which is probally the quickest one she throws. With the SBK combo, just hold down, as soon as you see her kick high, UP+lk, then as soon as you see her start to land do the lv1 fireball motion. Posted by VManOfMana on 01:19:2002 08:53 PM: Sie: saw that you won a tourney in the Northwester division. Congrats! What characters have you been using on the tourneys? Posted by Sie Kensou on 01:19:2002 11:33 PM: Hello Vman: the characters i used was Bison/Blanka/VegaR2, i was swaping Bison with chun-li or Mai, but Bison was the character i used in the finals. Man here in the Northwest, Bison/Yamazaki/SagatR2 is the most popular team. But Vega is now being Recognized, here right now, he is the best character here, cuz no one know how 2 fight him yet. Anyways, thanks Kensou Posted by Jonstar! on 01:20:2002 01:58 AM: I was at the arcade today, and man, Sagat just kept killing my chun. -Whenever he started to pressure me, I couldn't really do anything. -All of his pokes were just killing mine -He seems to keep me out so I can't do -Sometimes when he jumps at me, I can't use cr.RH to AA him.. Posted by VManOfMana on 01:25:2002 10:26 PM: Well, looks like this thread needs to be bumped. Since I don't want to just write 'bump' I had a look at the different usages of the 3 levels on C grooove. I don't remember the exact numbers, but what I do know is that (Lv2 Houyoku Sen > Lv1 Houyoku Sen) > (Lv3 Houyoku Sen) > (Lv2 Houyoku Sen + short SBK + Lv1 Kikosho) > (Lv2 Houyoku Sen + Lv1 Kikoshou). Where is everyone? Posted by Jonstar! on 01:26:2002 12:39 AM: nobody tends to be answering any of my questions Posted by cocoumi on 01:26:2002 05:01 AM: Well, I'm frustrated as hell!!! XYZ'z combo is tough!!! I just can't sem to get it to work for me! Ya know chun-li is bad as incvs 1 right? I think she's better in that game... Nithing can beat the cross up down forward roundhous, tenshokyaku!!! That is so confusing! If you can do that and hit jumping short every time... you have those shoto's beat!!! Well, I just dropped in to say I'm alive and frustrated! MUST BEAT KEN!!!! Posted by Seany DX26 on 01:26:2002 06:31 PM: I'M FINALLY BACK!!! MID-TERMS!!! GOD I HATE MID-TERMS!! Lots of sh*ts been goin' on lately. Well, I'm happy to see there's still some more Chunny lovers out there. I'll try to help out a little on the questions about the combo and stuff. XYZ Chun-Li combo walkthrough... Okay. First things first. What type of input are ya'll using? If ya using a stick, prepare to be extremely frustrated. I only managed to perform the first and second part seperately on stick. I could never get it as a whole. After the first part, I'm just to to perform the second part. By all means, use a controller. Its that much easier. Its still tough but not as tough as to do it on a stick (at least to me). I used the original PS2 Dual Shock 2 controller to perform it. If ya gotta DC (and if ya haven't already), get the ASCII six button pad or an equivalent. First Part - Cross-up short, standing close roundhouse xx lightining kick(2hits), low strong xx lvl2 Hoyoukusen xx lightning kick(2hits), standing jab, low jab, standing strong xx lvl1 Hoyoukusen xx super jumping double roundhouse. Performing the cross-up, standing close roundhouse xx lightning kick(2hits) can be tough. Remember, ya only gotta push any kick at least 5 times to perform the lightning kick. So in response to VManofMana's question, I used the roundhouse version. As long as you manage to register 5 button presses by the time the standing close roundhouse connects, the lightning kick'll come out. Once you know you push it at least 5 times, stop mashing. As noswad said, ya only need it to "rev up". Once the lightning kick is started, it does exactly 2 hits. If ya stopped mashing at the right time, the lightning kick should've "magically" came out on its own; allowing you to time the low strong into lvl2 Hoyoukusen much easier. Get a feel for the lightning kick > low strong linking. It's not suppose to chain. Once you see Chunny's sexy thigh start to decend, prepare to perform the low strong xx Hoyoukusen. The same goes for the lightning kick > standing jab linking. Push the roundhouse button only 5 times and expect it to come out. Again, this gives you more time to use those gaming eyes of yours and time the standing jab. As for the low jab > standing strong link, thats all timing. Standing jab, low jab, standing strong is tricky. This part can either make or break you. Hmmm... Think of it as: Standing jab xx low jab > standing strong. The standing jab can cancel into the low jab. The low jab into standing strong can be frustrating. Ya gotta pause for a bit to link the standing strong. "Feel" Chun-Li's low jab retract then push strong. Honestly, low strong is easier to link than the standing version. From there, just cancel the standing strong with a lvl1 Hoyoukusen and cancel that with a super jumping double roundhouse and Rolento is dazed. If you're having trouble performing the strong cancel into the Hoyoukusen, buffer it. Don't do it on reaction. To tell the truth, anticipate throughout the entire combo. Assume that everything will fall into place. If the strong didn't combo but still connected, continue the combo. And try to use the roundhouse version of the lightning kick throughout the entire combo. It's faster. You'll get it with practice. Also, rembember to throw out a standing close fierce as Rolento falls in his dizzy state. Second Part - Cross-up short, standing jabx3, low jab, standing strong xx lvl1 Hoyoukusen xx super jumping foot stomp xx double fierce (1st fierce whiffs). This is hard!!! I can't tell you how many times I spilled my precious fried rice by not getting this!!! I would do the entire first part and then mess up! Practice this combo by itself first. Get a real good feeling for this part before trying to perform the combo as a whole. The jab > strong linking is tough! The reason why is because the standing three jabs has to back-to-back or Rolento will be pushed too far back for the standing strong to connect. It's like the jabs gotta be connected frame by frame; no recovery in between. So its like: standing jab xx jab xx jab xx low jab > standing strong. Remember! Even if the strong seems to be out of range, buffer it into the Hoyoukusen anyway! Rolento might be in range and the Hoyoukusen'll come out of nowhere. The Hoyukusen xx super jumping foot stomp xx double fierce is also hard. You cancel the Hoyoukusen with the foot stomp, then go into the double fierce. It is here that I noticed the foot stomp has some canceling properties. If the fierce registers too late, the foot stomp will continue on with its recovery frames and the fierces'll come out late. If the fierce registered at the right time, the fierce cancels the foot stomp; allowing for an extra hit. You have to push the fierce fast enough so that the first fierce DOES NOT fully extend. It'll look as if the first fierce didn't even exist. The second fierce is suppose to make contact. I guess the second fierce has the right contact points to hit Rolento's hit box in that position. Well, there ya have it. If ya did it, congradulations! If ya didn't and ya just so pissed you feel like leaving tred marks all over the display, don't give up! This took me alot of time to understand (damn near days). If ya relexes just aren't quick enough, make some super sweet tea (or something you prefer) to get hyper. This works for me. Hand speed is increased dramatically (you should see me when I play Megaman!.) Just practice it. It's every once in a blue moon that I manage to get this combo to work. Soon, I'm gonna attempt to record myself doing the combo and show it off. Hours of frustration I tell ya! Good luck! Posted by Seany DX26 on 01:26:2002 09:47 PM: Sorry, Jonstar!... quote: Originally posted by Jonstar! -One of the stratageys that were discussed in this thread against sagat, was to.. crossup with lk, then roll as you land.. my question is what is the point of the roll as you land?.. __________________________________________________ I was at the arcade today, and man, Sagat just kept killing my chun. -Whenever he started to pressure me, I couldn't really do anything. -All of his pokes were just killing mine -He seems to keep me out so I can't do -Sometimes when he jumps at me, I can't use cr.RH to AA him.. Sorry for not gettin' to ya earlier... The intention of the roll is to keep the opponent on their toes. Pressure and confusion. Remember, its a pressure strat. Use it only in these situations... -You have more life than the opponent. -You have a full bar of super. -Your opponent is near guard crush. -Your opponent is a turtler. -You and your opponent are down to 5% of life. Its useful if you just happen to find your opponent becoming defensive all of a sudden. I find this strat even more deadly now!!! Since you have the option to roll after the cross-up, you also have the option of performing the new "ZENTEN-cancel" technique if the opponent was foolish enough to stick out a limb. Check out this thread for more on roll canceling if ya need it. Against Sagat, try to trick'em. If he's keepin' ya out, back away; somewhat outside of his limbs. This will force him to move closer by use of the Tiger Crush (which is fast!), roll/run or do some other forward momentum move. I usually try to get him to do High Tiger Shots and perform a standing far fierce which goes under it. Free hits! Play smart. I try to play a 50/50 Chunny when up against him now. Your right. His pokes do kill. So what I do is use dash alot to bait'em. N-groove is very good against him. Running in and out of his zoning range can give him brain sores. I use Chun-Li's Pimp's low sweep tactic (I forget which post). Use the back dash alot and throw low roundhouses. It has trading/countering potential. As for anti-air, low strong is all ya need. Props to VManofMana for that discovery. It beats his jump-ins 99.9% of the time. And you already know what that can cancel into... Peace. Posted by Chunnnerv on 01:27:2002 12:52 AM: Seany, very nice breakdown of the combo, you have true dedication! Jonstar, don't give up on Chunny! Just wait until I get back for the summer and we'll be team Chun! LOL (since Azn Bomber seems to have retired). I'm sure she can give that bastard Sagat major problems. I mean he doesn't have a good anti-air normal right? But I guess I'll have to see for myself. Just remember that Prez didn't want to put his Sagat up against my Chun in Cvss1! But it's a whole new game, so maybe I don't know what the hell I'm talking about Keep up the good work guys! Posted by VManOfMana on 01:27:2002 03:13 AM: Well, whenever I play Sagat I go all the way for footsies. The fact is that if you want to play his poke game you are going to lose. So you have to outsmart him. Seany put some very good strats at that, BTW. I play him with a lot of footsie work, going for a lot of counters but always staying close to keep pressure. Whiffed fierces can be countered by standing forwards followed by strong kikoukens. It produces chip damage, and if they roll, you can grab. If Sagat jumps-in, go for crouching strong. You can go for the roundhouse into Kikoshou, but strong into Houyoku Sen makes more damage. Fierce Kikokens can be great pokes if used at the same distance (use the kikoken as an extension of your arm). Those Japanese videos have some good Chun tricks :) If you corner them, go for walk-in strong into strong kikoken, then do a fierce kikoken. Tick throws are also good. The main thing against playing sagat is to not let him poke you to death. Stay close to counter, but far enough to not have him outprioritize you. Do not make your jumps predictable. Jump for the crossup. Make sure it is deep enough so Sagat won't recover before you land. If the jump arc is appropriate, Tiger Uppercuts go below Chun. You can see the Japanese videos for reference. Whiffed uppercuts can be countered with Houyoku Sen combos or in the absence of bar, close roundhouse into jumping fierce x 2 as they go down (that is my universal uppercut counter). You can also use this counter if you walk below their jump arc. This works a lot if the opponent is not that used to crossups or Chun Li's somersault kick (down forward + fierce). It looks silly, but works. If you knock them down, go for the attack, if it hits, walk in to them and repeat the attack in such a way that the knee is on them when they stand up. To confuse even more, you can change the pattern by making it not cross up. Wash, rinse, repeat :) If they block it, you are still on your face, so keep strong pressure. Chun Li can actually counter Tiger Crushes/Knees pretty good. If they use it as a mind game (it doesn't hit you but they get on Uppercute range), all you have to do is crouch and hit as Sagat goes down. Roundhouse and strong are good, so its up to you. I don't know what else. I can't sort my ideas well right now. Hopefully what I said is not a bunch of gibberish ^^;; Keep in mind that I pretty much play against C Sagat, so I still don't have much experience against rush down (N) Sagat. Posted by Jonstar! on 01:27:2002 04:35 AM: quote: Originally posted by Chunnnerv Seany, very nice breakdown of the combo, you have true dedication! Jonstar, don't give up on Chunny! Just wait until I get back for the summer and we'll be team Chun! LOL (since Azn Bomber seems to have retired). I'm sure she can give that bastard Sagat major problems. I mean he doesn't have a good anti-air normal right? But I guess I'll have to see for myself. Just remember that Prez didn't want to put his Sagat up against my Chun in Cvss1! But it's a whole new game, so maybe I don't know what the hell I'm talking about Keep up the good work guys! Haha, yes, team chuN! :P the summer is coming, dont worry by then, my chun will be godly and i'll teach u .. keke sagat has good everything. Posted by cocoumi on 01:27:2002 07:19 PM: Okay, now that I know that thee aren't any chain combos in site... I feel much better... It's easier than I expected.. Heeheheehee... Back to training! Posted by VManOfMana on 01:27:2002 10:18 PM: Seany, that new avatar of yours is pretty nice. Just wondering, where did you find the image that you are using this time? Looks pretty nice. Posted by Chun-Li's Pimp on 01:27:2002 11:32 PM: Hey everyone, sorry I wasn't being very active, but to be hoenst I hate this game now. lol. I just use Ratio 4 P Chun in purple...for fun. Chunny still ownz, I just am sick of all the sagat/blanka shit I have to put up with, as if anyone used anything else. Kara Rolling doesn't help me much in P groove, lol so whateva. It's all good. I'm making it a point to use Chunny in MvC2 though, and anyone who plays that even a little knows that chun li is ranked as lowest tier possible. Ah well, Chun-li 4eva! Peace Posted by Paxtez on 01:28:2002 04:02 AM: quote: Originally posted by VManOfMana I don't remember the exact numbers, but what I do know is that (Lv2 Houyoku Sen > Lv1 Houyoku Sen) > (Lv3 Houyoku Sen) > (Lv2 Houyoku Sen + short SBK + Lv1 Kikosho) > (Lv2 Houyoku Sen + Lv1 Kikoshou). Sorry but thats a little off. Its like... 1) lv2 kick super, SBK, lv1 FB super (7500-ish) 2) lv2 kick super, lv1 kick super + 2 kick (7200-ish) 3) lv2 kick super, lv1 FB super (7100-ish) 4) lv3 kick super+2 kicks (6400-ish iirc) I know for a fact that the lv2,sbk,lv1 is more damage then the lv2,lv1+2 kicks. (Yes I was cancling it on the correct kick). I was just praticing them both today, and the fb one does more. Posted by Seany DX26 on 01:28:2002 04:49 AM: Thanks... quote: Originally posted by Chunnnerv Seany, very nice breakdown of the combo, you have true dedication! Why thank you, Chunnnerv! Good sh*t, VManofMana! It seems that fighting Sagat depends heavily on the players mind game. About the avatar, its still not complete. I've been searchin' the net trying to find a hi-res screenshot so I can crop a A-groove meter. If I can't find one, that means I have to do a detailed screen capture myself (I really don't feel like doin' that right now). As for the picture, which one? The background is from a piece I made in Bryce. The sprite rip I got from (Chunny heaven!) The Chun-Li official art (blended with the background)...I forgot! Its not that I forgot, the site must've made a server move and my bookmark/favorites to that site are now invalid. I still have the pic though. I'll send to you if ya want. I'll try to find out where I got it from; just give me some time. I just came from the arcade not too long ago. Today was kinda slow; there really wasn't any comp today. But I did meet up with another Bison/Terry/Blanka player. Bison is startin' to become a problem. He can be nasty at high levels. The last time I went, there was one guy who had his Bison strats down pat! And they were working! He raped my N-groove Chunny. But couldn't touch my A-Chunny. He had an interesting stradegy. Check it out... -He would abuse the fierce version of Bison's Psycho Crusher which is hard to hit. If blocked, he flies through you all the way to the other side. -His pokes has outstanding priority, so he was good at layin' down the pressure (too bad he kept forgetin' the invincibilty feature in CCs.) -His head stomp was on par on every execution. This may give Chunny problems due to her not having a superb anti-air. -He'd execute a slide at the very site of a fierce/roundhouse. A thing that sucked about this guy was that it wasn't just him playing. They tried "double teaming" me (one player get a Ratio 2 and the other gets two Ratio 1's.). I still owned there a**, but I had to let ya'll know about that little strat. Here's what I tried to do... I played a 50/50 Chun-Li against him. At the very beginning of battle, I'd stand there (that gave him the signal that I wasn't going to attack). This'll force him to abuse jump-ins since its the only way for him to charge besides roll. So when he jumped I stuffed him with standing far forward or vertical jumping roundhouse. Now, the only temporary momentum he had was staying grounded ( no charge). Whenever I saw he was ready to attempt a Psycho Crusher, I'd super jump at him and cross-up with short. It stuffs his Psycho Crusher! I'll try to go more in-depth once I play with him a bit. Post up if ya got strats against him cause he was giving me some trouble in the beginning. I'm also tryin' to work on Terry. I play with him, but I also want to learn how to beat'em. His standing short has some incredible stuffing potential. Peace. Btw, 'sup Chun-Li's Pimp? Your strats help alot. You will be missed here if ya quit CvS2. Its good ya still usin' Chunny though. Bringin' back the SF3 Chun-Li, eh? Go in peace. Latez. Posted by Chun-Li's Pimp on 01:28:2002 08:57 AM: Um I have this insane 100% linkage chunny combo vid. check out the one named chunli.mpg in the corner when you scroll over it, towards the bottom. omg too fucking crazy. hella insane uber props to anyone who can do that. lol it shows it all but have with getting specs on that one Seany... Yes actually I am busting out 3S Chunny. Just Parry/b+FP/kara throw that shit...t00 g00d one last thing everyone...a S. fp WILL hit a blocked psycho crusher don't let him scare you. Chun Lis Pimp = AIM Msg me if you wanna chat seany or whoeva else peace Posted by Seany DX26 on 01:30:2002 01:34 AM: Ack!! O_O Whoa! That's some crazy sh*t. My linking may be good but not good enough to come up with somethin' like that. That combo blows XYZ's off the chart in the linkage department. It's odd that it does less damage (XYZ's scored about 2000 more). But man, the creativity on that one is off the scale! Who made it? Here's what he did... Position: Full-screen Requirements: Needs to be done on a large character (this combo was done on Zangief), level 3 in C-groove, more persistance, and even more willpower. First Part - Vertical jumping ankle stomp (foot stomp at Zangief's ankle), double fierce (while-in-air.), low jab, standing close roundhouse xx lightning kick(2hits; ?!?), standing strong xx lvl2 Hoyoukusen xx lightning kick(2hits), low jab, lightning kick(2hits), standing strong xx lvl1 Hoyoukusen xx super jumping foot stomp xx double fierce (1st fierce whiffs). (End of 1st part; the character is dizzy in the corner) Second Part - Full-screen jab Kikoken, super jump-in fierce, lightning kick(2hits), low jab, standing strong xx lvl1 Hoyoukusen xx super jumping foot stomp xx double fierce (1st fierce whiffs). 89+ total pts stun; 54 Hits; 15596 pts of damage!!! That's some insane linking! Definetly the low jab, standing close roundhouse xx lightning kick! Since he had the stats turned on, I really don't have the urge to do this one. But I'ma still try it to see if I get different numbers. Thanks for that vid, Chun-Li's Pimp (LOL!). I wonder if the people at seen it. Posted by znzf on 01:30:2002 02:03 AM: chun li's speed it seems slow, she seems so much weaker than her alpha 3 version cuz of it, i can't even walk up randomly and throw becase of superior speed anymore or walk up - super her jumps are even more floatier. too bad she's so much like third strike chun li which i haven't played much how do u play third strike type - c vs snk2 - chun li? "connect with lvl2 super in c groove or die" seems to be my main thought after losing with her a lot. not that i suck tho, its just that she seems outclassed by many, like hibiki, rock, blanka, sagat, etc etc Posted by Chunnnerv on 01:30:2002 03:04 AM: Just a short comment about fighting Bison with Chun. She doesn't have to worry at all about the headstomp. I think the best way to counter the headstomp is to airthrow him before he has reached the peak of his "jumping" portion of the headstomp. Sure you can simply vertical Rh. him as a counter but then you both hit the ground around the same time. When you airthrow him he ends up on his back and chun lands ready to start up pressure tactics. It really isn't difficult to react to the animation of the headstomp. You have plenty of time to get off the airthrow. The only thing to watch out for is Bison's other "d/u charge move" (whatever the hell it's called ) A good Bison player will mix these in as well and can of course avoid the air throw and be able to counter you as you are left vulnerable in the air. But at least by airthrowing Bison's headstomp you make the opponent adjust his game to fight against Chun, you have gained an advantage. If you have a lead against Bison there really isn't much he can do in the air to hit you if you play runaway. When you see Bison leave the ground for either of his charge moves or just a normal jump, wait a split second then jump backwards with her forward kick. If he is doing his normal/superjump or headstomp you will counter with Chunny's forward kick. If he is doing Bison's other charge move to try and fake you out into making a mistake, Chun is flying backwards to safety. This is a great way to be an "active turtle" when you have more energy than the Bison player. while Chunner's j.Short will often stuff Bison's psychocrusher, beware of his s.fierce as it will stuff her jumping short at most distances. But as someone mentioned, Bison has no ground to air move that will stop her cross-up short. At the j.short's cross-up distance the only non-super way Bison can counter is by jumping backwards with his j.Rh. Also as Chun-Li's pimp mentioned, Random psycho-crushers are useless against most characters as they can simply block the move then counter with a far reaching normal, such as Chun's S.fierce. Simply block the psycho-crusher then start tapping on the fierce button! Since you are stuck in block stun once the move's first hit touches you, simply start mashing the button, and as soon as you come out of block stun, chun will turn around and punch Bison as he goes by. These tactics were some of the things I used in the first CvsS, so I am not sure of the priorities in Cvss2, but I don't believe they have changed them, so this should help against fighting against Bison. Posted by Seany DX26 on 01:30:2002 04:10 AM: Good Shit... Good sh*t, Chunnnerv! I'll be sure to put those strats to work when I meet up with them again. Thanks alot! Posted by Jonstar! on 01:30:2002 07:13 AM: Greg, when u sed forward kick? do u mean. F+MK.. or just mk? Posted by Chunnnerv on 01:31:2002 01:04 AM: Seany: hehe, i've spent MANY hours fighting a good Bison where I play. Don't get me wrong it is a hard battle for chun, but IMO she matches up better than a lot of characters do since she has so much air priority. Hope it helps you a little bit. Jonstar: I don't really understand what you mean. Does Chun have 2 different f/b jumping forward kicks(mk) depending on whether you hold the joystick forward or just in neutral? I am talking about her "normal" sidekicking j.forward kick that looks similar to her j.short. Haha Kin and his Bison. Although Kin probably won't admit it, I used to sometimes take out his ratio 3 Bison with just Chun, until he learned to play a good game of runaway Posted by Jonstar! on 01:31:2002 07:48 AM: quote: Originally posted by Chunnnerv Jonstar: I don't really understand what you mean. Does Chun have 2 different f/b jumping forward kicks(mk) depending on whether you hold the joystick forward or just in neutral? I am talking about her "normal" sidekicking j.forward kick that looks similar to her j.short. Haha Kin and his Bison. Although Kin probably won't admit it, I used to sometimes take out his ratio 3 Bison with just Chun, until he learned to play a good game of runaway Haha, kin, he sux :P all he does is use charge characters and goes hardcore with the roll cancels. hahaa I thought u meant st.forward, not j.foward, my bad I'm starting to use P groove chun and stuff now Posted by Seany DX26 on 02:01:2002 09:17 PM: Check it out... This isn't concerning any strat or tactics but have any of ya'll seen the un-cut japanese version of SF2: The Animated Movie? I just found out that Chunny threw a Kikoken at Vega! Click here. If anyone got it, where did ya get it from? I wanna see! Jonstar!, great avatar! Posted by Chunnnerv on 02:02:2002 03:59 AM: yeah, i've seen that before, I think i'll convert it into an animated gif! then I'll give it to you guys if you want it (just for the Chun crew ) hmmmm.... maybe i'll use it as a new avatar! Posted by Jonstar! on 02:02:2002 04:07 AM: Seany, thx. If my P-Chun does me good in the tournament on sunday, then i'll probably change my avatar with chun in it! Posted by Seany DX26 on 02:02:2002 05:23 AM: Chunny art... quote: Originally posted by Chunnnerv yeah, i've seen that before, I think i'll convert it into an animated gif! then I'll give it to you guys if you want it (just for the Chun crew ) hmmmm.... maybe i'll use it as a new avatar! Heh, cool! Yeah Jonstar!, you go win that tourney! Show them what a "true" Chunny player can do! I'm all for ya! VManofMana! I found a site with the image you requested. It's Ryu and Chun-Li Forever.... They actually have the entire pic. The one I had only got Chun-Li and part of Ryu's shoulder. Ya'll check this out! I never seen this pic of Chunny before! I came across this while looking for the other Chun-Li pic. Click here. She looked damn near real at first glance! Posted by Chunnnerv on 02:02:2002 06:51 AM: well, if any of you guys are interested, I turned that pic into an animated gif. Seany nice chun site, I haven't seen that one before. Posted by Onslaught2000 on 02:02:2002 08:00 PM: Re: Sorry, Jonstar!... quote: Originally posted by Seany DX26 As for anti-air, low strong is all ya need. Props to VManofMana for that discovery. It beats his jump-ins 99.9% of the time. And you already know what that can cancel into... Peace. yeah, it's i real good anti-air but if sagat happens to jump at you, keep in mind that a j. short is possible instead of the roundhouse because the reason (altough i have not been given the chance the try it out, i think it will work for sagat) is because the the arm hit's the long leg, but if it's replace w/ a short the leg is not there to it, the hit from the knee will hit about a half second later and could hit chun-li and link into a super or something deadly so just something to remeber while playing sagat w/ jump-in games. Oh if you keep doing the heel kick to sagat, it's possible that he can just do a stand fierce and at least trade off hit's in his favor(if the ratio's are the same or if he's higher). Posted by Seany DX26 on 02:04:2002 06:16 AM: Thanks man... Thanks for the look out, Onslaught2000. Did ya manage to verify the jumping short vs. low strong? I'll try to look it into it. Posted by VManOfMana on 02:05:2002 04:21 AM: Seany: I can comfirm Onslaught's information. If you haven't noticed out of the location, we both play together. Jumping short is likely to beat the crouching strong, however, the crouching roundhouse is able to beat the short. In a few words, if you know your opponent mixes shorts with roundhouse, crouching roundhouse is the safest bet. If the opponent just goes for jumping roundhouse, strong is a safe bet. Something to notice, c. strong does not own low jump roundhouse. Posted by Onslaught2000 on 02:05:2002 06:53 AM: quote: Originally posted by VManOfMana Seany: I can comfirm Onslaught's information. If you haven't noticed out of the location, we both play together. Jumping short is likely to beat the crouching strong, however, the crouching roundhouse is able to beat the short. In a few words, if you know your opponent mixes shorts with roundhouse, crouching roundhouse is the safest bet. If the opponent just goes for jumping roundhouse, strong is a safe bet. Something to notice, c. strong does not own low jump roundhouse. so in short, this can become a mind game. sagat can come w/ a jumping short or a roundhouse, an depending on wht you think he's going to do, you can either a) just kikou-shou sagat, b) try and predict his attack and counter it w/ the approreite attack into a combo, or c) c roundhouse sagat. the j. short though if you want to counter it ust have to wait for the correct time. VMAN: i would think that you can just do a standing strong agianst sagat's low jumps. Posted by Seany DX26 on 02:06:2002 01:14 AM: Thanks Chunnnerv... Yeah, standing strong can stuff his low jump. But like ya said, it's all on the mind game. It seems everytime Chunny's against him, its always a very serious mind game. Thanks again, Chunnnerv. I just came from the arcade a few minutes ago. Comp was extremely heavy and I finally put those Bison strats to work. They helped me a good deal. Tonight was fun! I'm the first to demonstrate the Kara-Roll cancelling technique in one of the arcades around here. Everyone was like when I did a Kara-SBK through Eagle's level 3 super. And Kara-Lightning Kick, that's on a whole level on it's own! Ya'll definetly gotta master this sh*t! Just don't abuse it, or they'll think you rigged the game. Posted by Devil Lee on 02:08:2002 05:29 PM: -bump- Posted by Chunnnerv on 02:09:2002 06:48 AM: Seany: glad to see that those strats still are somewhat effective against Bison! If you find out other strats on beating Bison or any other character, please keep us informed Posted by Jonstar! on 02:09:2002 03:28 PM: To ALL: I'll be going to a CvS2/MvC2 tourny today in T.O! Wish my P-Chun luck keke and my blanka/honda! Posted by Seany DX26 on 02:09:2002 04:06 PM: Good luck... Good luck man!! You win that tourney and rob that trophy! Curious, is there anything banned? Posted by Jonstar! on 02:10:2002 02:51 AM: Re: Good luck... quote: Originally posted by Seany DX26 Good luck man!! You win that tourney and rob that trophy! Curious, is there anything banned? I came 2nd in CvS2 and 1st in MvC2!.. My P-Chun sure was helping. Just that I missed friggin st.strong --> fireball, a couple of times which coulda really helped. D+F Roundhouse, that flip kick move, really helped.. I jus did it so much to fuck up their mind. It works look a charm. P-Chun is too good Nah, nothing was banned. Roll cancels were hardly used today though. Posted by Seany DX26 on 02:10:2002 05:08 AM: Hell yeah, Jonstar! Hell f*ckin' yeah, Jonstar! 2nd place with Chunny in team, that kicks a**!! Chun-Li = Tournament matierial! I just came in from stompin' at Jillian's! 17 win streak; no losses. All the strats ya'll shared worked great. I met up with Blanka, Bison, Vega, and Sagat players! And owned them all! They could get through my R1 Kyo, but couldn't touch my R2 Chunny (didn't have to use Ken much). Thanks again, Chunnnerv. Bison is no more (well around here that is.). And VManofMana, those Blanka strats came in handy as well. I laid CCs on several players, and corner pressure strats are really becoming somethin' to fear. I did encounter a little task in a few fights. The major one was against Hoahmaru (I believe Chun-Li's Pimp pointed him out earlier). That damn slash of his is dangerous! He would dispose of my Kyo within' like, two slashes! I managed to work my way around it by using Chun-Li's roll and dashes; kick throwing when I got the chance. I also tried tossing fireballs. These little strats worked on that guy but another guy also used him. And he had completely different methods of using the slash. So against this guy, I abused lightning kicks in his face since he wasn't all that great with sticks. What do ya'll do to work around it? Posted by Jonstar! on 02:10:2002 09:10 PM: For me, playing Hamarou is all about parrying. I jump in, parry, fierce punch. But I just try to jump at an angle where he can't hit me. Get close, poke, throw fireballs..wait for him to jump at you, cr.roundhouse. One thing that I noticed where a LOT of people fall for. Not one person in T.O has not fell for it yet. Jump in with a light kick, when u land, do lightning kicks, if they block it, do a lv3 RIGHT after. Everybody thinks that after the lightning kicks, they can hit you, but they cant. Everybody has fell for that trick so far. Posted by VManOfMana on 02:10:2002 09:53 PM: Hehe, I was about to mention Jonstar! since his name is being displayed on SRK's front page right now :) Anyway, some good news, folks. Yesterday I won the second El Paso tournameng. My team was Chun Lix2, Morrigan, Nakoruru. It got some very tough moments, but Morrigan and Chun Li seem to be a good pair. I was very rusty since I hadn't played in the last 10 days, but I came out with the victory. Unfortunately the local tourneys are not APEX sponsored yet. Something to add to Jonstar's strat. It is also possible to trick people into supers if it is done right after a Spinning Bird Kick. Of course, it works better if the character blocks it. Posted by Seany DX26 on 02:10:2002 10:07 PM: Hell Yeah, VMan! %*^(!#% yeah, VMan!! Won second and didn't play for the previous 10 days? That owns! What groove did ya use? Also, did you and Jonstar! encounter any tough battles during the tourneys? How they turned out? I'm 'bout to head back over to the arcade and play some people later on. I'll be sure to put those tactics in gear when I encounter a Hoahmaru. Thanks for the info. Posted by VManOfMana on 02:11:2002 12:16 AM: Seany: I won the tournament, which is the second done overhere. I did not attend the first tournament. I used C-Groove, which is pretty much the only groove I use now that my parry timing is completely screwed up. I got to start practicing my P-Groove again. It would be nice to know Haohmaru strategies, since he seems to beat every single poke that Chun Li got. To be honest, whenever I face Haohmaru I make sure that he is faced by either Morrigan or Nakoruru. I think I will start using Chun Lix2/Morriganx2. Nakoruru seemed to be very uneffective sometimes during the tournament. Oh yeah, another teoretical tactic, which I have yet to try out. I mentioned that smoething I really like to do is to use the neck breaker (crouching forward + roundhouse) repeatedly. It looks like people started to find out that it is possible to roll out of it if I do the move a little too late, so I think that it is possible to catch them out of the roll with a Houyoku Sen. If someone can comfirm it (I won't play until Thursday or Friday), it would be great. Posted by Seany DX26 on 02:11:2002 12:25 AM: My bad, you won?! My bad. You won?! Kick a**! Did they give ya'll trophies? I'm about to head over to the arcade now. I just got a little last minute practice in. That theory of yours, VManofMana. I'll try it against someone who submits to my Chunny mind game. Sounds interesting. Wish me luck. Posted by ej_333 on 02:11:2002 06:50 AM: Re: My bad, you won?! hey, i'm a cvs2 novice, and i'm fooling with chun li right now, and i was wondering, what do you guys think is her best jump in, especially hop in attack? Her jump short seems great for crossups, but I'd like something more damaging. i used her jump forward mostly so far, i guess. also, i'm using n groove right now, cuz i used to be a kof player, and small hops are instinct to me. Seems like everyone's using c chun, though, hmm. anyway, nice thread, there's a lot of helpful stuff. Posted by VManOfMana on 02:12:2002 12:38 AM: Best crossup is jumping short. More damage is provided by fierce or roundhouse, but fierce is a lot safer to connect. Forward and fierce are the safest to jump-in with. As of using small jumps, the best to use is fierce. Take a look at Majestro's video (link is somewhere in the thread) and you will see why (I think the example is done on Geese). Check also Majestro's explanation post for more details. Posted by Jonstar! on 02:12:2002 01:09 AM: Re: Hell Yeah, VMan! quote: Originally posted by Seany DX26 %*^(!#% yeah, VMan!! Won second and didn't play for the previous 10 days? That owns! What groove did ya use? Also, did you and Jonstar! encounter any tough battles during the tourneys? How they turned out? Let me try to remember if I actually had any problems. My First Match, was a breeze. 2nd Match was a bit more challenging. He had C- Mai/Nak/2Chang. It was usually my Chun who had to fight his Mai/Nak. If I remember correctly, Mai's flame coloumn, that thing that she burns herself, beats out my j.short, so I had trouble jumping in with a kick, from that point on, I had to parry as I jumped in. Another AA Mai usually uses is her b.fierce. You will notice Mai is always walking back and forth cuz in order for that b.fierce to hit, you must be at some angle. That pretty much got rid of her. Mixed up my attacks, got my hits in, and I baited him to do the flame coloumn by just jumping OVER him, and doing my lv3 kick super as I landed. Vs Nak, I turtled like a bitch just cuz he was turtling so bad. All our matches, the time ran out. Anyways, I would sit in the corner, and throw out FP fireballs to gain some quick meter. What I noticed is that, only SOMETIMES, or maybe my timing was off, will my cr.roundhouse beat her j.roundhouse or short? Same goes for Mai, I think she beat my cr.roundhouse with a j.fierce a couple of times?.. Fighting Nak/Mai wasn't a problem cuz I had the option to jump in and parry their AAA, that's what got me most of my damage, and it had helped me start up my poking. P groove helps out chun a lot if you run out of ground options. Posted by Jonstar! on 02:12:2002 01:33 AM: 3rd Match, I got raped by the winner, who I met in the finals. Sagat is still a problem for a me. I seem to always get hit by running fierces. I need to work on that because intimidation might be a factor?.. Anyways, 4th match. I played the game same I faced in the 2nd round, and beat him again. I think my Chun struggled a bit more that time cuz the turtling was worse. Started to get a bit harder for me to attack cuz she kept on running and running. But eventually, my blanka came in and cleaned up. Still need tips for beating Sagat. 5th Match. I played another Nak, with a 3Sagat. Ugh, Sagat. I basically played the same way I played vs the other nak. But this time, if nak would try and cross me up, since thats her main goal, I would jump back and fierce. I don't think she tried crossing me up again after that. Nak died. His 3Sagat came in. Killed off my chun, and my Honda/Blanka cleaned up. He then switched in ryu for nak. Vs Ryu with Chun, I turtled, built meter. I kept on walking in a bit so i could get some strong--> fireballs in, and some fierces cuz the guy loved running in for cr.fowards, but I stuffed that shit out. Or I would parry low. Then my honda/blanka finished off his Sagat. Ok, Now Finals. Played the person I played in the 3rd Round. Surprisingly enough, my parry skills went on FIRE. Parrying 2 tiger uppercuts in a row to get rid of his sagat w/ my honda .. One problem that I had was rolento maybe.. my cr.roundhouse WILL NOT beat that roll back, then fly over with a MP move. It like kills my angle so my cr.roundhouse will not hit, I had to rely on parrying. I couldnt jump in too much cuz of his, or sometimes he would jump up and smack me with a fierce. Rolento was a bit of a challenge. He beat me the first match, by simply tearing me apart with sagat at the end. He had a Rolo/Sagat/2Yama btw. Next match, the same thing happened with my chun vs his rolo. But my Chun almost killed off his rolo, but she died. I remember I tried to go for cr.roundhouse --> fireball super at the end, but my cr.roundhouse got beat Anyways, I lost by a pixel at the end to his yama. We agreed to 2/3 matches so the tourny could end faster cuz we were all hungry Tourny was fun. People should come to T.O. for tournys. Their fun! If you see anything that I coulda done better, please post Posted by VManOfMana on 02:12:2002 05:00 AM: Mai's jumping fierce can hit Chun Li's roundhouse. You need to be more carefule of the jumping roundhouse, though. What I do is counter with air fierce or walk below and go for the roundhouse > air fierce. I haven't played against Rolento much, but I think her fierce can stuff most of his air attack. If fierce doesn't work, there is always the safer forward. Sagat, sagat, sagat. Damn that sagat :) Well, if your opponent goes a lot for running fierces with Sagat, what I think you can do is to anticipate them. I think the standing strong does a god job at that, if you throw it in such a way that they pretty much run into it. The strong has good enough priority and speed for that. Other possibilities are fierce Kikoken (fast enough), or just parry the fierce and counter. Something happened to me today with Morrigan, which you can use yourself. N-Groove Ken vs P-Groove Morrigan (I really have to get the Parry timing again). He throws jab Hadoken and runs after it mid-screen. Morrigan parries the Hadoken and does a Darnkess Illusion. Ken is in Morringan's face by then. Result: Ken runs into Darkness Illusion. I think you can do a similar thing with Chun Li. Since Houyoku Sen moves forward pretty fast, you can make them run into it in a similar situation, or if they go for the running fierces. Against Sagat, another good thing to do is to chip them with Spinning Bird kick. After a crossup that's a good thing to do. If they block, they may want to counter at the end of it. Super time. Oh yeah, crossups work good on Sagat to me. Just make sure they don't anticipate it or they will hit the Tiger Uppercut. Neck breakers in sequence are excellent if they are not very used to her crossups. Another thing I do is to always keep my distance in case they throw a Tiger Shot so I can Houyoku Sen it. If it's midscreen, go for level two, since sometimes only the first hit only hits the arm. If that is the case, level 2 will move forward before the opponent recovers. Level 3 takes too much time. --- I summarized my matches in the APEX: Southwest > Matchmaking > El Paso, TX thread. I am too lazy to write them again ^^;; Posted by Psykik Jin on 02:12:2002 06:45 PM: there is so much to read i dont kno if this was already asked but how do you cancel a to the kick super i dont kno if its a matter a speed or timeing but i reallie wanna learn since it would be alot easyer to connect it then useing a to combo in the kick super. Posted by VManOfMana on 02:12:2002 11:53 PM: C. Forward into super is a cancel, so is a matter of speed. The easiest way to do it is by buffering. Houyoku Sen is double fireball motion + kick, so press the forward when starting the first fireball motion. Yes, there is a lot to read, but it doesn't hurt reading it. Posted by Jonstar! on 02:13:2002 12:49 AM: Something to use vs Cammy: If you try or sometimes see a cammy player doing cannon drills.. if you use DF + Roundhouse, they will get messed up. I was doing this today, and I don't think the guy did another cannon drill, cuz the move crosses Cammy up and its hard for her to cannon spike you. Posted by Psykik Jin on 02:13:2002 01:36 AM: hehe i have read most and thx for the help Posted by Apoc on 02:13:2002 01:50 AM: quote: Originally posted by Jonstar! Something to use vs Cammy: If you try or sometimes see a cammy player doing cannon drills.. if you use DF + Roundhouse, they will get messed up. I was doing this today, and I don't think the guy did another cannon drill, cuz the move crosses Cammy up and its hard for her to cannon spike you. Or just keep walking at her(intelligently now) and if she ever does a cannon drill, just block, low strong xx lvl1 rush super xx super jump fierce x's 2 and now you're next to her set up again, heheh=) I think a charged Chun should whoop on Cammy with level 1's alone, almost. Although the flipping knee is dope=) Apoc. Posted by Sabin on 02:13:2002 01:55 AM: IMO, Cammy kills Chun-Li because she gets zoned the fuck out by stand RH. Unless Chun has a normal that can compete with stand RH (and I haven't found it yet) there's not much she can do.. I hate that matchup. Posted by Jonstar! on 02:13:2002 02:25 AM: Heh, Yes, Top Players finally contributing to the thread Posted by Apoc on 02:13:2002 11:52 AM: quote: Originally posted by Sabin IMO, Cammy kills Chun-Li because she gets zoned the fuck out by stand RH. Unless Chun has a normal that can compete with stand RH (and I haven't found it yet) there's not much she can do.. I hate that matchup. How does she get zoned by st.Rh? There's a really far range that Cammy eats a low short xx lvl3 rush super for sticking that out. If the short misses, so does the RH, BUT, you can still super after the RH misses catching her. To use that RH she'll have to go through that range first or Chun can walk into it. Either way, used at the right range, the odds of landing damage by either countering with and 2in1ing the short into lvl3 or simply the level 3 are much more higher than her getting close enough to touch you with the RH. Before you have level 3 you can play footsies with the low strong and forward. Basically, learn the range where you can't be hit by the RH but your strong would hit it if they connect. Then, when you whiff a strong while poking they generally want to nail your whiff with the RH. That's when they eat the low forward as the RH starts up. Basically you just tap low strong then low forward at that range. It will also nail the start up of a cannon drill. Also, you can play low strong to super all day long with it. If you have level 3 you can get hit by quite a few low RHs and still win by a decent margin when you land the strong. When you learn the range at which she can't hit you if you use low strong, playing this way will be easy as you can use this style to push to the corner and any low strong connect is huge damage. Kinda like booty Japanese 3s Chun. Now, of course if you're shitty at footsies you won't be able to play this way consistantly or if you have slow hands it will be hard to land those cancels on reaction. So, I have 2 pieces of advice. Learn to start inputing the motion every time you hit short or strong. I walk up and go down, down-towards+strong. Anytime it connects I simply go to forward while it's hitting and bust a quick fireball motion. Or you can literally do one qcf+strong and if the far strong hits just do a fireball with kick. Anyway, I land this shit pretty consistantly even on really messed up sticks so I know it can't be too hard for anyone. And finally, there is a dummy move to counter Cammy's st. RH. ANYone can at least trade with crouching RH and then get up in her face for a wake up game in chun's favor. So if she starts sticking it out, wait for her to get into your RH range and press it when you see it. It trades for like damage but cammy is grounded and you're ontop of her. IMO, Chun is a great counter. The damage and bs you can do with cancels and all of cammy's ground game leads her to eating Chun's supers. She can't st. Rh safely, she can't cannon drill safely, because remember, Chun can control the range just as well as Cammy. They both walk fast. So the person with better ranging should win anyway, but Chun definately has more opportunities to land huge damage imo. That edges her out completely for me. Cammy just can't match the damage with her cancels and doesn't have momentum as often simply because of the trade. She gets floored. Chun gets to play wake up games. Cammy never grounds her or sets her up for huge damage while Chun does a grip at lvl1. Cammy gets to lands forwards and Rhs that she can't even cancel(without getting supered off the block) aside from a level 2 while Chun gets to cancel every poke she lands just about or gets to trip you for cross-ups. Basically, I think she wins the ground game. What is cammy gonna do in the air? Apoc. Posted by Sabin on 02:13:2002 07:14 PM: Apoc, I think I forgot to mention that I use A-Chun in tournaments. So, your theories don't apply to me as much. But, you definetely opened my eyss, I'm trying to play this fight a bit too linear. I'm not using the low strong against Cammy, or the low RH, I'm trying to outzone her with stand strong into FB, and what not. I need to play this matchup more, I haven't played it enough. I know you can trade with Chun's sweep against Cammy's low RH. But I didn't feel that it was worth it - since I don't have big setups after her low rh, and I don't want to risk missing the low RH since it is slow, and I'll end up eating a boot to the face, heheh. But yeah, I'll try out some of the stuff that you said and see if it works. I definetely need to work on my footsies more, I don't have WC-like footsies so I don't think of these things right away. I get outpoked on the ground by Cammy's RH and then I end up jumping into a cannon spike (yeah, I still have that Marvel mindset sometimes.. You know how Marvel players are, they like to jump a lot in SF games.) And plus, I'm playing Eddie's Cammy and you know how he is - he tries to get you frustrated, and he knows how to annoy me in any game better than anyone. Thanks for the heads up. I need to play Chun in other grooves, haven't tried her in anything other than A. - Arturo Posted by Apoc on 02:14:2002 12:52 AM: quote: Originally posted by Sabin Apoc, I think I forgot to mention that I use A-Chun in tournaments. So, your theories don't apply to me as much. But, you definetely opened my eyss, I'm trying to play this fight a bit too linear. I'm not using the low strong against Cammy, or the low RH, I'm trying to outzone her with stand strong into FB, and what not. I need to play this matchup more, I haven't played it enough. I know you can trade with Chun's sweep against Cammy's low RH. But I didn't feel that it was worth it - since I don't have big setups after her low rh, and I don't want to risk missing the low RH since it is slow, and I'll end up eating a boot to the face, heheh. But yeah, I'll try out some of the stuff that you said and see if it works. I definetely need to work on my footsies more, I don't have WC-like footsies so I don't think of these things right away. I get outpoked on the ground by Cammy's RH and then I end up jumping into a cannon spike (yeah, I still have that Marvel mindset sometimes.. You know how Marvel players are, they like to jump a lot in SF games.) And plus, I'm playing Eddie's Cammy and you know how he is - he tries to get you frustrated, and he knows how to annoy me in any game better than anyone. Thanks for the heads up. I need to play Chun in other grooves, haven't tried her in anything other than A. - Arturo Wow, A? I haven't seen a dope A-Chun on CvS2 yet. Although I'm developing an A-Groove team. What problems do you face when using A? Aside from Eddie's Cammy, that is. Is there anything that she has in A that makes you feel that she's particularly strong in A? As far as using strong-fireball(with a run, of course this is pretty darned good), it's hard to use that against the st. RH in the 1st place I think. I use it, but only after a knockdown or cross-up link. Cammy's st. RH is just too fast and Chun loses on the trade, generally. Once their afraid to use the st. RH it becomes very effective, but I can't get more than 2 safe repetitions(and neither is safe if she has lvl3:/ ) before I push myself out. Once I get in I'll stay extremely close with low jabs so that I can throw or stuff outcoming moves which leads to a strong xx super+juggle into new set-up I think Chun just has a rhythm. Once you do damage, she's ready to do some more if you're not careful. Sometimes I'll go on a 5-10 second assault and then their whole bar is gone because they got hit once and then after the combo they didn't block the right way,lol. She's a meaner bitch than peeps give her credit for Also, Eddie using Cammy sounds really scary. Eddie with a fast, high priority bitch? Sounds something like 2i Ibuki! lol. I'll bet he's a monster. I'm anxious to see what happens at MM2k2! Apoc. Posted by VManOfMana on 02:14:2002 01:15 AM: Apoc: the other A-Chun Li user on this thread is Seany DX6. I am not sure if you have read the rest of this thread, but Seany has explained several A-groove combos with Chun Li that do some good damage. However, as far as tactics goes, I have no idea on how to use A-groove on Chun Li's favor. Also, I got a question. You mention the use of Chun Li's low forward in the strategy against Cammy. Do you have any other use for the move? I play C-groove mostly and personally I don't use the move at all. Posted by Apoc on 02:14:2002 01:55 AM: quote: Originally posted by VManOfMana Apoc: the other A-Chun Li user on this thread is Seany DX6. I am not sure if you have read the rest of this thread, but Seany has explained several A-groove combos with Chun Li that do some good damage. However, as far as tactics goes, I have no idea on how to use A-groove on Chun Li's favor. Also, I got a question. You mention the use of Chun Li's low forward in the strategy against Cammy. Do you have any other use for the move? I play C-groove mostly and personally I don't use the move at all. I'll have to check his posts specifically. Haven't gone through the whole thread but I've gone through enough to see that you guys really do your homework. There is a lot of valuable info just in random posts, heheh. In fact, though I'm taking a slight break from games(week or two more), this thread did what many others have tried. This thread is a darned decent guide. Most of her universal things are in here and all that's left are specifics. All in all, I look forward to reading this whole thread. Not so much quality in threads lately but this one certainly stands out. You guys have done a kickass job. A lot can be learned from this thread(and not just about Chun). I use low forward when the opponent is at a range where RH won't connect. Basically, it goes out farther, lower, faster. I use it to stuff things on start up like fireballs, etc. Basically, when they get sick of the low RH, they'll try to hit their attack earlier to stuff your RH coming out. At that point I hit the low forward from just outside where I would the RH and it generally ducks and nails their counters to my low RH. I guess this is a filler move. It kills fireballs completely. But whenever someone adjusts to one of my pokes, low forward usually counters their counter from a farther range. So I use it to counter their counter pokes or to keep them blocking at a certain distance so I can move in closer. Meaning, I want to get in range to poke with low strong, but they keep poking me out or stuffing my RH. At that point I will start to use the low forward from farther a lot. This keeps them blocking longer since I can use the forward from farther, which opens the door for me to walk in and use the low strong now since they feel they must block at the distance that they would've been poking me out. I hope it makes some sense. I gotta jet, phonecall. I'll definately be joining you guys in this thread. Chun's underrated=) Apoc. Posted by IMMagDoom on 02:14:2002 02:43 AM: working on my Chun-Li sup there, could I get a list of the basic special attacks of chun-li and her supers, also some simple combos to link her kick super in, that is pain the ass Posted by VManOfMana on 02:14:2002 04:49 AM: Apoc: yes, what you explained made sense, at least gramatically speaking. My impresion was that low forward had the same range as the roundhouse, so that is why I considered it pretty useless having the roundhouse and forward available. Thanks for the complements. I think something we have tried to do here is to keep the flamings null and stay as objective as possible. Personally, my favorite posts are Seany's combo video analysis. I don't have the execution to do those yet, but they sure are fun to read ^_^ IMMagDoom: The following are Chun Li's moves: Kikoken (fireball): QCF + punch. Distance and speed of the move depends on the punch you use. Jab is slow and half-screen, Fierce has almost no range but it's very fast. Think Street Fighter II Kikoken. Spinning Bird Kick: (Charge down, up + kick). Kick strength defines the length of the move and lag after the move is done. Short is two hits, forward is four hits and roundhouse is six hits. Kikoshou: (QCF, QCF + punch). Also called pufball super. Pretty much a large fireball around Chun Li. Good anti-air and wake-up move. Houyoku Sen (QCT, QCF + kick). Also called rush super. Moves forward about 1/3 of screen and hits two series of kicks. Invisibility when moving forward. Great for countering fireballs and pokes. The easiest way to connect Houyoku Sen is by buffering standing strong or low strong. Apoc's reply to Sabin explain how to do it, and you can see combos and their uses all around the thread. Question to all (or whoever answers first). I always use Kikoshou instead of Houyoku Sen as a wake-up because I still have the impression that the Houyoku Sen's first hit has low priority like in Third Strike. Can anyone comfirm this or can use Houyoku Sen as a wake-up as effectively as Kikoshou? Posted by Chunnnerv on 02:15:2002 01:14 AM: Jonstar: how does Chun do against Rolento? In A3, chun was good against him, but she is completely different in cvss2 from A3. If you put chun against Yama's rolento give me some strats as I have to start practicing harcore when I get back to TO on Friday! Well I'll talk to you on Friday if you are at Orbit. Good to see other players adding footsie strats. Now that is real life tournament shit! Posted by znzf on 02:15:2002 02:05 PM: chun li does well vs rolento,because rolento has problems being rushed down by chun li still. hey does anyone know if chun li can cancel her crouching weak kick into her kick super? if thats the case then problably it would be better than the medium punch because it comes out faster? Posted by Sabin on 02:15:2002 02:45 PM: I'll post more in a bit cuz I gotta work, but, Chun does well against Rolento.. her jumping forward beats Rolento's anti-air. Posted by QUITESSENCE on 02:15:2002 05:57 PM: Alright! There are Chun-li players and good ones at that. It's nice to see a thread on her for a change. Where I'm at there's nothing but people who use Ryu,Ken & Akuma. The stats I've seen here are awesome. I will definitely will be able to improve my overall game with these. Here's what I usually do with Chun. It may not help much but here goes. Against Sagat's pokes alot of the time I position myself out of his poke range (which is pretty damn long.) and wait for him to stick his limbs out first and then counterattack w/ either c.forward or c.roundhouse or even c. fierce.The startup may be long but it has pretty good range and takes a good chunk of his life.Another thing you could do is the first tactic but instead just roll and throw him and afterwards RUSHDOWN LIKE HELL. Do confusing tactics like tick jab to throw and then change up to tick jab, c.forward and flipkick. the thing is to gauge what sagat'll do and capitalize on it w/ everything you've got.Hope this helps. Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 02:16:2002 03:45 AM: i use chun li ratio 2 in n groove and trust me i use her really unstoppabble and if u dont get it pfft PEACE!!!! Posted by Seany DX26 on 02:16:2002 05:21 AM: Boot up... Sorry for not postin' lately. I ran into some boot up problems and I gotta use the Institutes CPU for the time being. I'll be back with some Mai strats since I use her. Posted by Gandido on 02:17:2002 02:39 PM: I think we should take this thread, compile in all the juicy details, and make it into a .txt file, which we can use as a "beginner's guide", and keep the thread on to advanced questions. Anyone agree? If so, I'll start it if anyone wishes. Posted by znzf on 02:17:2002 02:41 PM: plz make the guide also.. can u tell me if combos into hoyoukusen?? Posted by Gandido on 02:17:2002 03:20 PM: DOES combo into Hoyoukusen, but I'd much rather reccomend c. strong because of its range, priority and damage. Also, someone said that using fk sj fp x2 as an air punisher is great, but why not use fk sj fk? It sets up more of Chun's mind game capacity, because you have time to walk to the other side and do c.wp, s.fp xx fk SBK. Which is excellent damage I must say. From what I've seen up to now, C/A/P/N/S/K seems the way to go for Chun-Li, because haveing a lot of level 1 supers increases her mixup game. K groove is good too, but it doesn't just quite cut it for her as much as P groove, unless of course, you can JD almost everything. I wouldn't really reccommend rolling on Sagat. If you play a cali Sagat, the moment you roll you will eat a c.fp to level 3 super if in N groove, and that really does not seem much like my style. If anyone agrees on the way I ordered the grooves for her, say the word. And I'll begin doing the compilation in some minutes. -Gandido- Posted by Seany DX26 on 02:17:2002 03:44 PM: Got it... quote: Originally posted by Gandido I think we should take this thread, compile in all the juicy details, and make it into a .txt file, which we can use as a "beginner's guide", and keep the thread on to advanced questions. Anyone agree? If so, I'll start it if anyone wishes. Already been done. Check my 12/25 post. *running diagnostics on CPU...* Posted by znzf on 02:17:2002 03:45 PM: i only used C and K a lot in my opinion from others opinions and my judgement its C/P/N/K/A/S c - level 2 cancel p - parry for jumpin more n - tied with K i think maybe K is a lil better A - well i don't use her in A so i dunno.. seems wrong.. no rising kick from alpha 3 makes it harder to combo? S- useless Posted by Gandido on 02:17:2002 03:46 PM: Re: Chun-Li Pressure Stradegy Part 1... quote: Originally posted by Seany DX26 Sorry, for not posting lately. I finally tested my Chun-Li pressure strat on some more characters and CvS2 players! It works pretty well and I don't find any problem with the strat as long as you don't repeat it. Before I start, remember this strat stuff is hard to convert from mind tactics to paper, so bare with me. I believe everyone in this thread has good reactions and a steady mind game. Also, this post is gonna be long, so ya might wanna grab somethin' to eat before ya read.... Primary attacks to be used... Cross-up short - This is your primary weapon for using this tactic. It's weak but has alot of range for a cross-up. Low jab - Another crucial attack despite its weak damage. Standing strong - An essential in every strat. Standing roundhouse - Used in anticipation. Knee flip kick(DF+roundhouse) - Crucial mind game dominator! The strat... This tactic I find only useful during battle in the following situations... -You have more life than the opponent. -You have a full bar of super. -Your opponent is near guard crush. -Your opponent is a turtler. -You and your opponent are down to 5% of life(you gotta have some balls to pull this off in this condition!). To begin this strat, cross-up you opponent with a super jumping short kick(definetly if he is big[Sagat!]. You will land faster.). Next, perform a roll to get back on the side you were just on. Be sure to go into the defentsive crouch position. Depending on the size of the character, the roll will have more or less recovery toward the end(BalrogJPN, alot; Raiden, almost none). Proceed to poke using low jab(and maybe low short depending on the distance between you and your opponent). The purpose of this is to get them to do something stupid. If you manage to make contact, link another jab/strong cancelled into Hoyoukusen. If they block, you are being pushed back so look for them to do something... -If they jump, you have plenty of time to walk under them and perform standing close roundhouse xx super jump double fierce for punishment. -If they try to stick out a low roundhouse(or another low attack), use the forward moving standing roundhouse to whack it. -If they try to throw, stuff it with standing strong into Hoyoukusen or some other counter. -If they super, roll or take the block damage then punish. -If they proceed to block, either dash or roll and use the kick throw. After the kick throw, you can go ahead and fight out the rest of the round or mix-up some more... If the opponent hasn't begun to fight yet, you have several options. First, you can cross-up but DO NOT perform the same strat you just did. Players can catch on to it quickly. Do something like... -Cross-up short, roll, lightning kick or cross-up, do nothing and react to what they do. Second, you can cross them up, get on top of them and use the Knee flip kick to confuse them. You could also stick in a short spinning bird kick if you believe they're big enough. Thirdly, if you just ever-so-happen to have them in the corner, pressure them with low/standing strong into strong Kikoken to drain guard, tick life and force them to open up. It's all a matter of mix-ups. Attacks to avoid while you're performing the strat... -Try to avoid using low/standing fierce, low forward, low strong(unless for pressure), and low roundhouse(only use this if you see the opportunity, which is rare sense they're so tense). These push you away from the opponent which is not what Chun-Li wants. She needs to be close or in mid-range(somewhere along Sagat's shin/ankle during his standing forward). This little strat can also be groove and character dependent... Whoa! This sounds like my ancient CvS1 strategy. However, you can do sj. wk crossup, c.fp super, or then roll (it leaves you in the frame that is JUST after the other char, so its like a cross-up roll) and then you can do df + fk to confuse, especially if you move back a little bit. =) Posted by Gandido on 02:17:2002 04:16 PM: Seany DX26: for A-Chun, if you're used to doing fierce kikkokens, you can do: activate CC> fierce kikkoken x N xx Hoyoukussen. So far, I've gotten 43 hits for about 9000 something damage. If you go ahead and try it out, you might get something new. Remember, it has no recovery Posted by Gandido on 02:17:2002 04:30 PM: Heh, you might have the thread in ZIP file, but I'm going to go point-by-point, describe exactly everything, and maybe even add my own dosage of combos =) I'm gonna probably post it in gamefaqs and I'm going to post the link here too. All credits to everything will go to anyone and everyone in this thread. And obviously, your name next to anything you did =P. Ahh, its gonna be Team Chun's Guide to CvS2 Chun-Li It's gonna be as detailed as the song list I gave you before Posted by Devil Lee on 02:17:2002 11:08 PM: Throw Anomaly I did somethin really weird the other day with Chun. I was pretty sure I was standing, and I had just knocked Rolento down. I went to throw Rolento as he got up, and she did her normal punch throw except she jumped up into the air with Rolento and then landed with him and THEN threw him. I think I OTG Air-Grabbed Rolento. WTF??!?!? Posted by znzf on 02:18:2002 12:47 AM: OTG ? what does that mean? Posted by VManOfMana on 02:18:2002 01:42 AM: OTG: Off (or on?) The Ground. The term comes from the Marvel games, where you can hit the opponent in the ground. The term has moved into other games like Alpha 3, where you can grab the opponent even if it is on the ground using V-ism. In CvS2, it is possible to do that using A-ism. Gandido: so making some sort of FAQ/Guide using the thread, eh? Looks like you beat me at it ^_^ I never thought of using roundhouse instead fierce after a close roundhouse as air punishment, but I really start using it. That roundhouse is a great mind tool after a Houyoku Sen, so it should be also great in antiair situations. Posted by Seany DX26 on 02:18:2002 02:04 AM: OTG... Yeah! That's a defect found in Rolento and Dan. They're the only two characters in CvS2 with that little glitch. Whenever they're on the ground, their hit box must still be the chracters standing size and only vunerable to Off-The-Ground (OTG) throws. So far I've only seen grab heavy characters, such as Vice, perform it. Head to Fighters Cafe and pick up Persona's CvS2 Vol 2 combo vid. The very first combo has an A-Vice going nuts on Rolento with the OTG's! I never thought Chun-Li could do it! I gotta try. FAQ? Great idea. I believe Kikosho questioned it also. I'll just save the thread as back up, k? Posted by Seany DX26 on 02:18:2002 04:45 AM: Blanka counter... Gandido just discoverd (and tested) a counter for Blanka's crouching fierce. Chunny's standing roundhouse stuffs it more often at the start, meaning anticipation or fast reflexes. During his attacking frames, its more of a 50/50 trade. Gotta try! Posted by Gandido on 02:18:2002 05:57 AM: Thanks for posting that up Seany while my posts where out. Also pointed now are MORE counters. For Sagat's tiger crush, j.MK works wonders, mostly countering, but it WILL trade sometimes, and you can do this starting on the ground too. J. D + MK snuffs out Tiger uppercur if you hit Sagat in the head. And for the ANNOYANCE (c.fp) you need FAST reflexes, towards + fierce kick will counter startup, and WILL trade, but if he whiffs, towards + mk gets him on his recovery state. A general Chun vs. Sagat strategy is to bait them into either whiffing a c.fp or a Tiger uppercut., as well as making him run towards you. A whiff c.fp while you run gives you time to do a flip kick and have it counter any of his hits. As for whiffed uppercuts, punish him with thread AA (aka close fk, sj fk) and you already have your mixup game going. And then there is run baiting. An offensive Sagat will run at you if you jump back to continue his pressure game, but Chun has something VERY overlooked... her WALL JUMP. This is to be abused and abused. If you sj. close to the top, fp tiger uppercuts won't even reach her, and you are still up for a crossover, its great for getting out of the corner, because while you play that defense, it sets you up for Chun-Li's crossup, usually leading into a free super. Also, here is a variation of Seany's and mine's mixup. We kinda crossed them together and made up something new. =) j. wk crossup, c.wp, s.fp (kikkoken or SBK), lighting kicks if SBK to add distance (crucial) and extra chipping. Now, run VERY little, c. wp , run, Flip kick, make it cross up. (if you hit this, dash back and do wp kikkoken, and crossup wk, because you get covered) if they block it, s. mp , mp kikkoken, repeat the pattern all over again. Guard damage: small jump, use fp x 2 second hit,, s.fp, fk spinning bird kick. Perform the combo twice and your open for free combo. Possible follow up: wk wk wk xx super. If you think the will put you yoo far away, use c.wp, as it DOES combo into s. fp, making the guard damage inevitable. ABUSE HER DAMN WALL JUMP! It sets you up in so many ways it's not even funny. I'm still looking for more counters. Gimme more people to snuff out! -Gandido- Posted by Jonstar! on 02:18:2002 01:29 PM: Update: Yay, I won my first cvs2 tourny with P-chun there again! Chunnnerv was there to watch too Posted by znzf on 02:18:2002 03:28 PM: details of your tourney's with chunny is thx ^_^ Posted by Gandido on 02:19:2002 03:46 PM: *bump!* Don't let this thread die! I got some more stuff to post as soon as I get home! Posted by znzf on 02:19:2002 10:39 PM: ok i won't let this thread die ok.. i was watching a lot of replay of pro's, and i found a small thing that might be of us On bad grooves N-groove chun li REALLY sux. ineffective because of no air blocking, as chun li jumps a lot, and having to press to punch and kick to flash then do a surpise super is hard, and theres small time of weakness as well. i don't know, but chun li doesn't seem to really need run that k and n groove offers, because chun already walks quite fast and her super jump aint that bad either. short jump doesn't help chun that much either, because her aerial attacks are weak, better made for crossups (weak kick) The only groove that chun should be played in is C groove, because the lvl 2 cancel thing gives chun the edge she needs to scare an opponent and also deal a lot of damage that she otherwise doesn't deal that much of, especially those who kill her crossup's easily (hibiki comes to mind) Posted by Gandido on 02:20:2002 02:03 AM: Are you NUTS?! N-Groove Chun-Li can practically OWN someone if you know what you are doing. Since meter fills up so fast, you can have a level 3 at your disposal a lot, and BOOM! Big damage. Also, RUN + ROLL adds a LOT of an edge to her mixups. Besides, run + or is the PERFECT poke, and short jump double fierce is a hella great weapon. Besides, you bust a bar and get damage/defense bonus... thats like a ratio 2- 1/2 chun-li for those who play her as a ratio 2 character. And since comboing supers is so easy with her, you shouldn't have much of a problem. Remember also, as for an anti air, why don't you try THIS with either S,N, or K grooves (run =) ). Guy jumps, you run to the other side, c.rh xx Kikoushou. Thats like, mad and instant damage, and it also makes your opponnents afraid of jumping in, and we all know what happens when people turtle Chun-Li. They get the shit poked out of them. So N-Groove DOES indeed fit Chun-Li nicely. And as for the grooves she should be played with... she either gains something VERY useful from a groove and loses something useful, or gains and doesn't lose. Chun can be played EFFECTIVELY AT ANY GROOVE, so it can fit your playing style very nice. Posted by znzf on 02:20:2002 02:45 AM: how fast do u think that chun li gets bar. as fast as rolento? well she gets bar about as fast as a shoto i gather, which is average i don't think the extra flash makes chun li "that much more powerful". it's not as powerful as the K-rage for sure i still think it doesn't suit chun li's style. why? chun li is best played as an unpredictable character, best used when her supers are unpredictable, because in this game, she is very "super" orientated don't forget when you are in the flash, u cannot keep gaining meter. run then c.rh then superfireball? man how often are YOU going to be able to do that practically ( fast characters with good crossups like nakoruru, or small jump will confuse u, etc etc bad things like instead of jumping doing rolls..), u practically have to anticpate when your opponent jumps. it's a useful trick i guess.. when your opponent is being repetitive... i think chun li NEEDS the extra damage that C-groove enables her (the supers - and cancel - gives her the potential to dish out a lot more than any other groove) chun li good in all grooves? we'll obviously she's not BAD in any groove of course u can find good points for chun li.. which u tried, nicely. chun li with stock broken in N-groove is a dead giveaway that she will go uber offensive and thus - easy to read. Posted by Devil Lee on 02:20:2002 10:32 AM: N Groove has Run and Low Jumps which help out rushdown Chun. Breaking stock is not a big deal because one mistake and Chun has already comboed into a level 3. If they turtle, she can guard break easily. C Groove is also a good groove. It builds meter a LITTLE faster, just a little. Air Guard is all right, but her Dash sucks. The only reason to play C Groove is for her Lvl2-1 Cancels which are very damaging. At any rate they are both good grooves so don't argue which is better. Posted by znzf on 02:20:2002 02:04 PM: its all about personal style i guess arguing is good tho, sparks chun li conversation.. or wutever that means Posted by Gandido on 02:20:2002 03:54 PM: Remember, Chun-Li can also be played as a mistake punisher... =) I see Hadouken when my stock is broken, thats INSTANT level 3 kick super. I see a ground fireball, towards + fk, THEN super =). I have to agree on the air block though... But I still haven't lost with my N-Chun-Li hahaha. Grooves I've done best with her up to now (in order from best to worst) N/C/A/S/K/P damn I suck at CVS2 parry. In the old 3S days my parry crazy rushdown Ibuki would own anyone. I'm gonna have to find another super fast bitch for me. Also, the main reason I use N-Groove is because I have a MONSTER battery, and her name is Cammy. She can zone, poke, AND rushdown like a whore. Plus she has good guard crush fp and fk, as well as comboing supers after s.fp, =)You could say she's a more movable version of Fagat. N-Team is Cammy/Chun-2/Morrigan. Alternate between Cammy and Chun ratios, depending on how the other guy plays. Cammy owns turtles. C-Team is Cammy/Chun-2/Kyo A-Team is Kyo/Chun-2/Chang S-Team is Cammy/Chun-2/M.Bison (shadoloo guy) K-Team is Cammy-2/Chun-2 P-Team is _____/Cammy/Chun-2 Kyo has a mad damaging C-Groove combo. Interested Seany? ^.^ -Gandido- Posted by Devil Lee on 02:20:2002 04:40 PM: Chun Li Anti Air? quote: Originally posted by Gandido Also, the main reason I use N-Groove is because I have a MONSTER battery, and her name is Cammy. She can zone, poke, AND rushdown like a whore. Plus she has good guard crush fp and fk, as well as comboing supers after s.fp, =)You could say she's a more movable version of Fagat. -Gandido- Ugh, I can't stand how Cannon Spike goes through EVERYTHING!! Man, there are two types of people that play CvS2: those who favor ChunLi, and those who favor Cammy. ChunLi's stronger and she's asian, so I think that settles it I am having trouble with Chun, I can't figure out what to use for her general purpose Anti-Air. If they land in front of me I can usually walk back > sweep(into Kikoushou), or roll under > sweep. What do you use if the opponent is coming down right on you or crossing you up? PS: C.strong is anti-air?? Posted by VManOfMana on 02:20:2002 08:08 PM: I am no N-Groove master, but I can see how Chun Li can make a lot of damage under N-Groove. Besides, who says that she needs to break her stock in order to make damage? Check out Majestro's Chun Li video to see what you can do with just Lv. 1 supers to Blanka. In the video Majestros uses S-Groove, but it can be applied on N. There are also great examples on how to use small jump fierce. Strong is a great tool even if you don't have lv. 3 supers at hand. Just poke three times and connect three level one supers, and running helps a lot to do that. I do think that a pressuring Chun Li can make stock very fast. Poking with strongs and Kikokens sure build meter, if you want more, add some fierces and roundhouses. As of Chun Li anti-airs, the simple fact is that she does not has a general purpose AA, that is the reason why you need to know the properties of her meny especific purpose AAs. Crouching roundhous is her more general purpose, but on some characters c. strong is better, and jumping fierce can be a good addition. For crossups, you can run/walk/roll to the other side and try standing roundhouse > j. roundhouse/fierce which can setup a crossup of your own. Posted by Gandido on 02:21:2002 06:19 PM: *bump* Posted by znzf on 02:21:2002 07:08 PM: not that i'm lazy but i'm just not sure could u say all the characters u know which of these works best against? "Crouching roundhouse is her more general purpose, but on some characters c. strong is better, and jumping fierce can be a good addition." being the alpha3 player, her c.rh worked vs EVERYTHING had better priority and everything... it just looks the same but works worse for some reason if u don't want to say a lot i'll just ask the ones i'm really not sure of blanka's jumping roundhouse - sagat's jumping rh - chun li's jumping weak kick - shoto's jumping fp, shoto's jumping medium kick, shoto's rh (i'm guessing vs shoto the c.ruh works best), how can jumping fierce work at all..? predict a jump and do it ? i'd rather throw. more damage (i guess). c.strong - wtf? are u saying that chun li's crouching strong would hit with the kind of priority vs air like Sim and Blanka's slide vs anti air? Posted by VManOfMana on 02:21:2002 10:00 PM: Crouhing Strong works as an antiair for those attacks that are unable to hit her during the c. strong animation. The best example of this is Sagat's jumping roundhouse. For some reason, Sagat will completely whiff Chun Li, while her punch will hit Sagat as he lands. In situations like this strong is better than roundhouse since you can link it to a Houyoku Sen, which makes more damage than a roundhouse + Kikoshou. C. roundhouse works with (almost) everything, but there is always a possibility of trading. On the other hand, c. strong is safer for those attacks that hit forward instead of downwards (like Sagat's kick). You really need to know what kind of Chun's AA works best for different kind of your opponent's attacks, though. This is the way I see it: go for c. strong > Houyoku Sen, if not, go for c. roundhouse > Kikoshou, if not, go for jumping fierce. This is not considering the close roundhouse > j. roundhouse/fierce. Posted by Gandido on 02:22:2002 03:40 PM: *bump AGAIN* Come on people, post something else! If not, give me some matchups and I'll see what I can gather: Such as: Chun (ratio) (groove) vs. ______ (ratio) (groove) I'll try and see who has the edge on this one. Posted by znzf on 02:22:2002 06:25 PM: well gee, how nice of u gandido =D time for my countless upon countless questions! btw can chun's crouching strong hit BLANKA"S ROUNDHOUSE like sagat's? give details on both grooves of that character that would be thx. well u DO have a lot of time on your hands right? ^_^ chun li C-groove Ratio 2 VS Hibiki K-groove and C-groove Ratio2 i have problems with this one. fighting an almost expert hibiki, i'm proly am average chun li cept i havent got the ratio 2 cancels down yet (need a dreamcast) can't even do superkick to jumping double kick yet. (hey is it right at the last hit u would cancel into superjump or right before or after? or doens't matter..? Hibiki i use as well - her standing fierce basically beats down 95% of all chun li's jumpin's including her crossups. chun li i just use the s.strong multiple times and basically that gets predictable and i crossup and die or try to throw and get b&b'ed (hibiki's 3 lowkick 1 lowpunch and slash) i seem to do better with k groove vs hibiki i can get her down to 10 percent cuz her s.fierce can be countered slightly, but with c groove (i am not YET a master of rolling) i have a lot of trouble. any advice would be appreciated Chun li (cgroove) - vs rock(c or k groove) with a lvl3. i know i shouldn't have any problems but i'm an alpha3 playing chun li i like to jump 1000 x per round and basically not patient enuff to keep s.strong > fireball i guess. i think chun li vs a lot of players has to play a ground game (gasp!) like blanka and hibiki, which makes for boring play, and i don't like p groove Chun li (cgroove) - BLANKA (c groove or k groove) well playing vs blanka a lot hasn't really made me improve that much against him. dunno why. i won't say hes overpowered, i'll just admit that i suck ^_^ at rolling .. Chun li (cgroove) vs balrog boxer guy(c groove or k groove) in alpha 3 i would get perfects vs GOOD balrog's! but now he has a new anti air and a lvl 3 attack that goes 1000 miles per hour that u can't even BLOCK normally on reaction. wtf is that. roll cancel into that would equal = gayness but don't talk about plz ^_^. what can i say he's a pretty basic character but i have hard time vs him. just random advice on this one too plz Chun li (cgroove) vs (c-groove terry and k groove terry) i don't realy have that much trouble vs terry but since a lot of players use him any advice to fight terry late game when both at low life? chun li before that can basically do anything she wants and win vs terry Chun li (cgroove) vs (c-groove RYU and S-grooveRyu) my chun li is 50/50 with shoto's. i can't consistently win.. usually because of the newness of rolling, i'm not used to it.. shoto's have moremixups than chun li now becuz of rolling. roll > dp , roll > super > roll throw. roll > poke. Chun li is only roll > poke and throw super - and her moves are less priority than a DP Chun li (cgroove) vs (c-groove KEN and S-grooveKen) same as ryu but.. different. so i'll add him here too. i have no problems vs an akumatho Chun li (cgroove) vs (S-groove - kyosuke) lame.. i know.. i have no problem vs kyosuke but how do YOU fight him ^_^? ok if u want more questions from the me then say again ^_^ Posted by Shiki Aka on 02:22:2002 08:02 PM: what Ive seen that seems to work Poke away and you shall over come. Posted by Gandido on 02:24:2002 06:31 AM: -*bump*- I = official Chun thread bumper I'll get to those strats later. I had too many things happenning today. Posted by znzf on 02:24:2002 11:01 PM: Chun li C-groove vs Iori his weird attack you have to block low, low , high is gay! Chun li C-groove vs Ryo (the dan like but much more powerful snk guy) what can i say hes pretty strong are you guys SURE chun li can c.rh --> superfireball!? how do you time it i couldn't get it to work then again i can't do to superkick yet either consistently. i do it like 5% of the time o_O pathetic i know and i consider myself a chun li master ^_^ - good with the normals and relying on level3's.. pathetic =( Posted by EvilRyu10585 on 02:25:2002 03:39 AM: can someone tell me the possible a groove set ups for chun li and the best way to counter them Posted by VManOfMana on 02:25:2002 06:40 AM: Evil Ryu: Seany DX26 has described many A-Groove strategies and combos for Chun Li on the thread. You can check the other pages of the tread or make a search. Posted by QUITESSENCE on 02:25:2002 06:35 PM: What can Chun-li do against people like Mai and Vega? Their jumping attacks always seem to counter Chun-li's anti-airs and with their poking range(especially Vega's)I REALLY NEED SOME HELP! Posted by znzf on 02:25:2002 09:48 PM: hasn't chun li traditionally owned Vega for free? Abuse your jumping short - use her lightkick --> fiercelightkick lightnight "combo" and that will break Vega's claws fast. Just keep rushin down Vega, he doesn't deal with that well at all - like rolento use superjumps too Posted by Sie Kensou on 02:27:2002 08:33 AM: Nihao!!! Bout Chun-li tradionally ownin Vega, i don't think that's the case in CvS2, cuz one Vega's Priority has increased a hole lot in CvS2 cuz now Vega can do crouchin Fierce or standing Roundhouse against her if she jumps. He isn't like Alpha were he's priority isn't a lot. But Anyways, 2 me Chun-li ownz Vega all the way!!! Cheers!! Kensou Posted by znzf on 02:27:2002 01:36 PM: hehe.. they improved vega, yea.. but versus a good chun li - shouldn't even be close i think. chun li won't ever jump into a c.fierce, she'll superjump crossover if she's that far vega can't deal with a chun li rushing down , he'll be put into a corner easily and guardcrushed Posted by Gandido on 03:06:2002 04:16 AM: *bumping up this great thread on CVS2's DARK HORSE, CHUN-LI* Posted by znzf on 03:06:2002 05:04 AM: yo gandido. forget about ALL the matchups that i asked u to help me on, i got better at everything. except two, on cammy - i think i can help myself on that one but CHUN LI VS CHANG? omg beatdown that chun li just can't handle?? how would u fight vs chang ( the big fat guy) Posted by Jonstar! on 03:06:2002 05:19 AM: Znzf: Are you from T.O? Posted by znzf on 03:06:2002 01:51 PM: yea i am. going to pacific this thursday at i think 5:45, or at night i'll be the guy using nako/mai2/chunli1 if u want to play me Posted by Chunnnerv on 03:10:2002 09:46 AM: hmmmm......looks like none of the original guys don't post in here anymore, too bad. Well since Jonstar hasn't mentioned it, i'll do it for him. Congrats to Jonstar for winning his second tournament with his P-Chunny team. While I'm in here I might as well ask a question to keep the thread alive.(don't have my DC with me to try it out). My question is, if the opponent is blocking a SBK (i.e. someone big who can't duck under it)how safe is it to go straight into a lightning kick? is it easy for someone like sagat to get an tiger uppercut off before they have to block the lightning kick? What kind of priority does the lightning kick have? I'm trying to work out guard breaking strategies with chun as the competition i'll be facing in the summer will be good turtlers. In an alternative after the blocked SBK, how safe is a cr.jab? is it easily countered? If it is fairly safe then couldn't you SBK, cr.jab, st.fiercexxSBK? for a guard breaking trap against big characters? Regarding the SBK, how effective is it as a wake up move? I guess this is answered by how much priority it has. I know that blanka's electricity cannot be used as a wake up, is it the same for Chunner's SBK? Well I hope that someone dedicated to Chun can clear these questions up or me. it's all about R4 Chun power! Posted by Apoc on 03:10:2002 12:01 PM: quote: Originally posted by Chunnnerv hmmmm......looks like none of the original guys don't post in here anymore, too bad. Well since Jonstar hasn't mentioned it, i'll do it for him. Congrats to Jonstar for winning his second tournament with his P-Chunny team. While I'm in here I might as well ask a question to keep the thread alive.(don't have my DC with me to try it out). My question is, if the opponent is blocking a SBK (i.e. someone big who can't duck under it)how safe is it to go straight into a lightning kick? is it easy for someone like sagat to get an tiger uppercut off before they have to block the lightning kick? What kind of priority does the lightning kick have? I'm trying to work out guard breaking strategies with chun as the competition i'll be facing in the summer will be good turtlers. In an alternative after the blocked SBK, how safe is a cr.jab? is it easily countered? If it is fairly safe then couldn't you SBK, cr.jab, st.fiercexxSBK? for a guard breaking trap against big characters? Regarding the SBK, how effective is it as a wake up move? I guess this is answered by how much priority it has. I know that blanka's electricity cannot be used as a wake up, is it the same for Chunner's SBK? Well I hope that someone dedicated to Chun can clear these questions up or me. it's all about R4 Chun power! Chun's SBK gets nailed on the way up so, no, it can't be used as a reversal type wake up counter. As far as trapping big characters; yes, it's a trap. But, since I'm not too into framerates, I can't say that the jab is totally safe. I think it has about the same start up as a throw. If you mistime it even slightly, you'll get thrown by them mashing. But I also use the trap to set up jabs into strong xx super. Jab outprioritizes a lot so it's not good for them to stick it out. Of course, it would get beaten by a reversal dp or super anyway. To offset this, simply randomize your SBKs. That way, since they have to pause until they know exactly when to mash to throw without getting hit, you have the advantage to land and start it up again almost for free. It's really messed up against big characters. And if they roll? Her jab recovers before most rolls and she can often turn around into low strong, super. At worst, she can tag a free hit on AND again, they have to wait and watch to roll so Chun can always be ready for it since she knows when she's stopping and the opponent doesn't. The lightning leg for gc. You should be using in with your cross-up when you have the lightning leg link combo down. Even without a super, it's her most dizzying combo. Of course, with the lvl2 and a RH SBK and they're dizzy and eating a large combo, lol. But aside from that, I haven't found the perfect times to use it. It's unsafe after a SBK because even if they block a hit, they can often super you before you stop. Also, it's very easy to hit the lightning legs low. The move seems best as a reversal to lagged moves like Terry's knuckle since it has no start up. In that sense, it's the most dizzying combo start up that she has on the ground. Personally, I get nailed when I throw it out after a SBK. Well, hope that helped. Apoc. Posted by Gandido on 03:10:2002 08:13 PM: =) Chun-Li's (not j. DOWN + mk) has INSANE priority. So much that it will beat Sagat's tiger crush, tiger uppercut (sometimes trade, sometimes beat), Zangief's LEVEL 3 AERIAL RUSSIAL SLAM (I have this on camera), M.Bison's uppercut move and his rh. =) Chun is going to rise again! Posted by VManOfMana on 03:10:2002 11:10 PM: Been busy lately. Sorry ^^;; Well, I think Apoc answered the question pretty good. Personally, I use the SBK "trap" to make guard crush and to keep pressure on the opponent, but in terms of damage, I often use it as a setup for a Lv. 3 Kikoshou. After a jab or forward SBK, keep using c. jab since it is pretty fast, another c. jab, c. strong, SBK again and at the end I make a small pause and then do Kikoshou. J. forward, as Gandido said, has very good priority, but you need to learn how to use the move. It is still a very good move, but I think it is not as useful as the Super Turbo or Alpha versions. The problem seems to me that some character have some very good AA normals (Shotos s. RH, etc), so if I want to use it for the offensive, I need to make sure that it hits with the tip of the foot. If I want to go for crossup, I use short instad. However, I think Chun's strongest game in here is the footsie, using the s. strong into Kikoshou link, which can be used to setup a lot of different moves (crossup, walk below, etc). Add stuff like crossups, the SBK trap, roundhouse to stuff low attacks, c. roundhouse/strong as AA, etc. and you can have a sold game. --- Anybody has some ideas for N Chun Li? I usually cancel the run crouching or standing strong, but I am wondering what other groove specific strategies you guys have with her. My main problem is that I don't like risking too much, so I am often hesitant to keep running. --- Honda is giving me a lot of problems lately. His roll is insane and is a great super setup. He apparently has an counterable head butt. S. RH is a great AA, and I don't know what else he got. Any ideas when facing him? Posted by znzf on 03:11:2002 12:48 AM: versus honda. what i do is find out his strat, usually honda's are turtles, and their main tactic is to poke and use jab headbutt vs jumpins. so what i do is just walk back and forth out of his standing fierce/crouching strong range and then roll and super or something similar. only jump when crossing up. thats basically it i guess. watch out when he has a lvl3 be more careful with your jabs. if your ahead in life just turtle and run away.. honda is most effective when turtling, then suddenly attack when hes chasing you. Posted by Chunnnerv on 03:11:2002 07:38 AM: thanks for the info Apoc, very nice explaination. yes I see how by mixing up which strength SBK you use, you keep the advantage. Since the lightning is too risky to use on its own, I thought of something else. When you do a SBK, do all versions leave you close enough to your opponent to do a cr.jab then link into either her CLOSE st.fierce or st.RH? or does the cr.jab push Chun too far so that her far st.fierce/RH comes out instead depending on the SBK version used? I know that after a crossup you can link in the close version of her st.fierce/R.H. after a cr.jab (i.e. crossup short, cr.jab, st.fiercexxKikoken) Damn I wish I had my DC here The reason why I ask, if you can link cr.jab, st.R.H. then it would provide a safe way to use the lightning kick after a SBK for major guard damage. Since by cancelling the st.R.H. into the ligntning kick you are able to recover after two lightning kick hits before the opponent can tag you with anything. In fact you can link in a st.strongxxkikoken after the two hits of the ligntning kick right? Therefor my idea looks like this: first you somehow get them blocking a SBK then, cr.jab, st.R.H.xxlightning kick(2 hits), st.strongxxkikoken Of course this all depends on whether you remain close enough after the SBK. If it does work it would be add another great option to keeping an opponent on their toes. Also, obviously this combo/guard damage can always be used after a crossup. If someone has already discussed this, I apologize. I have read the whole thread a while ago but I don't recall if any of this was explained before. Something else I found out during my one week of practice during reading week Maybe someone has mentioned this already as well....but are you guys aware that when you are right beside the opponent, this is a true combo: f+forward, st.fiercexxkikoken it is a very nice 3 hit combo that is great for causing more damage than a throw for punishing mistakes, and it's not hard to do. The key is that the forward kick has to be the one where Chun moves towards the opponent. There is quite a pause between doing the f+forward and the st.fierce so it is easier to link. Do any of you guys use the f+forward in your footsie games? Another thing I found out (again maybe this is all old info) is that big characters including sagat and blanka cannot duck under this move. From what I could see it has more range than Chun's st.strong so maybe it could be used to counter whiffed moves or just to add to pressuring tactics. Of course the move is useless against short characters but my main concern is tactics for the top tier zoning monsters (i.e. sagat, blanka, might as well add Yama too!) Keep this great thread going! later Posted by Chunnnerv on 03:11:2002 11:40 AM: I forgot to mention one other thing. For anyone that uses C-groove Chunny. If I recall people were saying that her most damaging super cancel combo is cancelling her lvl2 Houyoku Sen xx SBK, Kikosho. While this is true for most situations, if I'm not mistaken Chun has a more damaging one when the opponent ends up in the corner at the end of the lvl2 Houyoku Sen. When the Houyoku Sen pushes the opponent into the corner, do not super jump, simply wait for about 1/2 second then do a fierce kikoken, then once the kikoken pops them higher into the air quickly do the lvl1 Kikosho. I don't remember the exact numbers but the kikoken definitely does more damage then the single SBK hit. Again this only works when the opponent ends up in the corner as the otherwise the lvl2 Houyoku Sen will knock the opponent's character too far away. But it is still practical because if the opponent is anywhere near a corner the lvl2 will push them quite far. Posted by Chunnnerv on 03:11:2002 12:10 PM: I promise this will be my last post for the day! There is a wicked additional pressure tactic that works against blanka (and probably against some other "fat" characters but not Sagat ) This is for whoever wanted some N-groove strats. After you cross-up blanka with a j.short immediately do a short jump "headstomp". First of all, once you have actually managed to cross-up blanka up he has no option to but to block, believing that you will follow the cross-up with one of Chun's normal options such as cr.jab, st.fiercexxkikoken. Therfore after the blanka player has successfully blocked your crossup they expect you to keep them in block stun. They will normally be blocking low after the crossup and by mixing in the short jump headstomp you will perhaps catch them blocking low. Now the best part. Whether they successfully block the headstomp or not (which will hit faster than the flipkick), Chun bounces over blanka but at such a low trajectory that she is in the perfect position to crossup again with a j.short! So now the opponent is forced to change there blocking direction a third time! You can then go into whatever pattern of pressure you prefer. Just remember that after the short jump crossup Chun will have a slight lag. But after being forced to sweat out this nasty little sequence you should be relatively safe as the lag is short. After the short jump crossup, you could screw around some more by doing a df.R.H. (flipkick) to cross them up a third time without fear of getting hit since blanka would have lost his charge a long time ago and his only option is to run away or block. Although I didn't have time to try it out, this should work after a blocked flipkick which crosses up. cross-up flipkick, short jump, cross-up short even though this only works for grooves with a short jump and only against fat characters, I thought i'd share it with you none the less. Posted by znzf on 03:11:2002 03:26 PM: really nice and interseting stuff chunnerv!! but i think is slower than the which is significant, because wouldn't it be better to just walk up a step and do i'm not sure of which would be more damaging just an observation, because i am unsure which is better as of yet (speedwise and effectivewise) Posted by Gandido on 03:12:2002 10:40 PM: I'm going to try and get some more A-groove CC's for Chun, besides the well-known bootleg combo. Also gonna try and set a patter for getting your meter as soon as possible. Arturo: Besides the obvious easy-mode combo, any specific ones that you use? Posted by cocoumi on 03:19:2002 08:01 PM: Hey guys! Long time no post from me , I know... N groove Chun... I know quites a feew guys here in the Bay Area of San Francisco that play her in N. They do a lot of low jumps with short, running crouching jabs, and j.fierce, s. fierce kikoken combo... Nothing too spectatcular. I'm the best Chunster here by far I beleive and I stick with C... I have to have my air black becuase I love to jump, cross up, combo, super... ya know? She's okay in N, but I persoanly don't find that a reasonable grrove for me. Try it out, you might like it! Posted by Jonstar! on 03:20:2002 05:26 AM: * Bump * Posted by VManOfMana on 03:20:2002 07:17 AM: Not much to say from this side. Just that I have been trying out N Chun Li and I thikn I am liking her. Running can sure help her c. strong, and I am still trying to do some stuf with her low jump. Also, I won the third local tournament here in El Paso. That makes it two wins in two tournaments. Not bad ^_^ Posted by S_G_Ami on 03:21:2002 02:41 AM: ive been using chun in K groove.maily cause the run helps her cross up game..and i dont like n or s groove. anyway...blanka (mainly N groove) is tearing me apart...what should i do against him? i m sure everyones chun has come across a blanka or do you beat him? All times are GMT. 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